The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1571: Sky high and sea wide (one more)

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The newcomers and disciples in Liuhedian finally completed the initial training, and then, everyone ushered in the expected task test and began the real life and death training.

It may be an exaggeration to say that life and death experience, but in fact, what this group of new disciples will do next is indeed life-threatening, no matter who it is.

Each newcomer and disciple grouped on the spot, and everyone found the teammate that suits them best. Then he bid farewell to Huo Qi and set off on his own path. Soon, there was no new disciple in the entire Shenglong Hall, and Huo Qi was left alone in his hall, his face was full of joy.

"When people are lucky, they can even pick up money even when they bow their heads. This time, I got the opportunity to train newcomers and disciples, and got close to the elder Xieyu. I also got the benefits given by the elder Xieyu.

Without the presence of others, Huo Qi immediately recovered his true colors, but laughed abnormally treacherous.

This time, he did make money, and aside from others, this opportunity given to him by Elder Xieyu alone has improved his strength and improved his potential. Nothing can be cultivated.

"I don't think there are so many treasures in Elder Xieyu's secret environment. No wonder this person has a high status in the Liuhe Hall. Even the Lord Lord of the House will not easily give him any order, and even borrow his secret place. To train new students and disciples, it is necessary for the Lord Lord to discuss with him. "

This contact with Elder Xieyu also made him see the power of this super elder, and he has to say that the elder Xieyu is really hidden.

Although he didn't see Elder Xieyu's shot, the other party's secret environment can enhance him so much power. Only by this point can we see that the opponent's strength is definitely much stronger than him.

"Well, Elder Xieyu has always had an insignificant reputation, but his strength has been hidden so deep. It seems that not only him, but even other elders, I am afraid that it also hides a lot of means, ordinary people. It's impossible to know. "

The power of Elder Xieyu reminded him, but he realized that the elders in Liuhe Palace and the strong men in the other ten palaces of Ziyun Palace should be hidden. And even these people have hidden their respective strengths, so the legendary disciples of the Lord of the Ten Halls may be even more needless to say.

"It seems that in the case of last resort, these guys must not be easily provoked. If they are accounted for, it will not be dead if they don't know how to die?"

With a positive expression, his heart became more and more cautious. He knew that he had to go a long way if he wanted to be a member of the disciples.

"I hope that this group of newcomers and disciples will be able to excel. At present, they can be counted as my long-term investment. As long as these people can grow up a few, then I can use them endlessly!"

His eyes glanced in the direction that everyone was leaving. At this moment, Huo Qi was full of longing for the future ...

At the same time, while Huo Qi was weaving hopes for himself, a group of newcomers and disciples had already left Liuhe Temple and ran straight outside the Ziyun Palace.

With the tokens of Ziyun Palace disciples, these people have been able to go in and out of Ziyun Palace at will, and this little treatment is enough to make the outsiders envy death. You must know that the heaven and earth aura in Ziyun Palace is so rich that Jane is terrifying. Cultivate within the scope of Ziyun Palace, and the speed of cultivation knows how much faster.

Ziyun Palace disciples' tokens are unique. After each person receives the token, they can enter and leave the Ziyun Palace with their original tokens in their lifetime. Only the tokens of their own can make Ziyun Palace disciples not Being rejected, if someone else's token is taken, it will not take effect at all.

This is also a manifestation of Ziyun Palace ’s mighty strength. May I ask, which powers can do like Ziyun Palace, everyone's identity token can only be used by oneself, outsiders must not use it.

When it came out of the Ziyun Palace, a group of new disciples dispersed to each other, and soon they were scattered into the markets around the Ziyun Palace, and the number of about 1,000 people around the huge Ziyun Palace was even a trace. The ripples can't be stirred.

Near the east side of the Ziyun Palace, a small team of four people was inconspicuous in the crowd. Speaking of them, there are no more disciples in the Ziyun Palace than others. When scattered among the crowd, no one can see Come out.

The small team of four in this line does not seem to be unusual, but if you are interested, you will find that these four are habitat young people, obviously headed by a man. Although the other three are trying to hide it, they are still Can't hide their awe of the other man.

"It's finally out of Ziyun Palace. In this giant of Ziyun Palace, you really can't do anything!"

The small team of four headed eastward, and one of the young men took a long sigh of relief while walking. Obviously, he was very willing to leave the area of ​​the Ziyun Palace and come to the outside world to work hard.

For Yuan Feng, although the environment in Ziyun Palace is good, many of his things must be done outside. It ’s like something that impacts the yin and yang realm. In any case, he ca n’t impact the yin and yang realm in the Purple Cloud Palace, because in his case, the movements when he is promoted to the yin and yang realm should be able to catch up with the demigod If the breakthrough is completed in the Ziyun Palace, God knows how many strong people will notice.

With the Ziyun Palace disciple's identity token, he is indeed going wherever he wants to go, and when he wants to go back to Ziyun Palace, it can be said that it is extremely convenient.

In addition, there are news from his subordinates. Ziyun Palace has indeed sent the strong to check his details. However, he has already made a foolproof arrangement, and Ziyun Palace will not think So many, in the end, no problems could be found.

There is nothing wrong with this. The Ziyun Palace investigated the identities of these newcomers and disciples, and it was just a matter of routine to say plainly. In the hearts of the strong men in the Ziyun Palace, how much threat can young people in the habitat pose to the Ziyun Palace?

"Brother Yuan Feng, what are we going to do next? Do we just go through the training tasks?"

Among the four, a young man asked softly as he followed Yuan Feng's side.

Leaving the scope of the Ziyun Palace, the three men couldn't help being more cautious, because they knew in their hearts that Yuanfeng would not interfere with them while they were in the Ziyun Palace, and they would do whatever they wanted to do. When they were outside and acting alone with Yuan Feng, they had to be careful.

The title of the young master is too sensitive, Yuan Feng simply asked these people to call him brothers and sisters, so that it would not make any life doubtful.

"It is natural to complete the task first, whether it is difficult or easy, there is always a task, and you will always feel panic, or complete the task first, and then do other things!"

Yuan Feng's complexion was full of joy and indifference. He was given the opportunity to enter and leave Ziyun Palace freely, so no matter what he would do in the future, it would be much easier.

This time he went out with four people, and each person's task was very simple for him. Only by completing the tasks of the four of them, he could do his own thing.

This time when he left Ziyun Palace, he first wanted to hit the realm of yin and yang. If he can successfully promote the yin and yang outside, then returning to Ziyun Palace in the future will be more relaxed.

However, the yin and yang realm is not so easy to break through. Although I have gained a lot of yin and yang roots this time, this thing can only serve as an auxiliary effect. As for whether he can really make him successfully promote the yin and yang realm, he I have no confidence at all.

Of course, even if he can't be promoted to the yin and yang realm, at least he can understand the realm of the yin and yang realm, and his strength is greatly improved. This is undoubted.

"It's all up to my brother to tell us what he wants us to do."

Of course, the three young people did not dare to violate the slightest. This time, they were selected by Yuan Feng and followed Yuan Feng's side. It is also a lucky thing for them, because there is no doubt that following Yuan Feng came out to perform the task, there was absolutely no It's impossible. Yuan Feng is strong, but they all know it.

"Let's go, it's very close to your task location. Complete your tasks first, and then come one by one. It's hard to come out and do something as much as possible."

Yuan Feng doesn't hesitate anymore. Now let's get everyone's task done first. As for the impact on the yin and yang realm, let's wait until he returns to Qingwu Palace!

Qingwu Palace must return, this time with the treasure of the power of the yin and yang, he certainly cannot enjoy it alone. At this moment, many of his relatives and friends have been promoted to create a better realm. Just by virtue of the power of this yin and yang source, they have gone further and achieved the realm of yin and yang.

Anyway, it is his people who go out to perform tasks. As long as he controls the time, he will go back whenever he wants to, but he will not be doubted.

Of course, there may be people in Ziyun Palace watching secretly when performing the task, but he really hopes that someone will find him, because then, he can have more Ziyun Palace disciples as subordinates.

It's not easy to start inside Ziyun Palace, but when outside, he won't be polite with these people.

ps: Borrowing wine is difficult to resolve. Recently, I bought a house and planned to get married. There are a lot of things that I need to coordinate between the two sides, but there are some things that are hard to say. I really do n’t like the two sides, and I ’m exhausted. Man is a word, tired! !! !! The update is not very powerful, sorry everyone.

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