The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1588: Five Legends

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Li Xian and Bai Ling finally waited for the return of several new students and disciples, and saw that the spar that Yuan Feng and the others would bring back. However, when the two were about to sit and share the spoils, they laughed aloud. However, it came from all directions, and the time spent talking, a total of five or six figures, came out from the depths of the dense forest and appeared in front of Li Xian and Bai Ling.

When he heard the sounds coming from him, whether it was Li Xian or Bai Ling, his complexion suddenly became abnormally cold, and he didn't want to think about it. The two were running their forces and defending themselves all around. Rigorous.

The dangerous atmosphere has enveloped the entire perimeter of the canyon. At this moment, they don't even have time to put away the spar, because they know very well that if they are not careful, they are thinking about the spar in front of them. Well, two of them are in danger of life.

"Did you finally show up? It seems that there are more people than I imagined, but there is a lot of fun to watch."

Yuan Feng's complexion also changed suddenly at this moment, but his complexion did not become dignified, but became extremely excited.

As early as Li Xian and Bai Ling went deep into the wild forest, he already felt that someone was trailing behind them, but the other person was hiding deeply. If he had not swallowed the martial spirit, I am afraid I can't feel the follow-up of these people either.

Those who dare to follow Li Xian and Bai Ling secretly are obviously not too ordinary, and their strength is even more needless to say. For the tracking of these people, Yuan Feng is happy to see them.

He went with Li Xian to go out, in fact, in order to get more opportunities, and opportunities, of course, it is impossible to stay where you can get, only to make things more and more complicated, more and more chaotic, This will create more and more opportunities.

"There are so many five people, and they seem to be very strong!"

The six newcomers and disciples had already stood behind Li Xian and Bai Ling for the first time, and Yuan Feng looked at the others through the two, but he clearly saw all the five guys who suddenly appeared.

In his eyes, the strength of each of the five guys who appeared from the dark is not under the control of Li Xian and Bai Ling. One of them is even more unfathomable, even if he I dare not say that we will win each other steadily.

At this moment, the eyes of the five guys were staring closely at the spar in front of Li Xian and Bai Ling. One by one, they were like beggars who had been hungry for many days and suddenly saw fat chicken legs.

"It seems that these colorful stones are really good babes!"

Before seeing the reaction of Li Xian and Bai Ling, he felt the preciousness of these spar, and after seeing the eyes of these five guys again, he realized that it seemed that he really looked down on these. Spar!

But you can't blame him. If you think about it, although diamonds are precious, if you get diamonds piled up all at once, then of course you will subconsciously think that this thing is not valuable.

"Let's see how things develop, no matter what, these five guys are obviously bad comers!"

Putting aside other thoughts for a moment, Yuan Feng couldn't help observing the situation at the moment. He knew that Li Xian and Bai Ling encountered these five people, and then there must be some good show .........

"Xing Dongqing, Han Hai, Yuan Long, Liu Hong, Yang Xi, hum, who am I? After a long time in trouble, it turns out to be you guys."

Li Xian's complexion was not good-looking. He apparently knew the five people who appeared suddenly, but at this moment, he really didn't want to see these five guys. It is a pity that, whether he likes it or not, he encounters these five people at the moment, but he can only bite the bullet and deal with these five people.

The top ten palaces of the Ziyun Palace, each palace has its own passers-by disciples in the palace, a lot of passers-by disciples in the Liuhe Palace, of course, other palaces will not be too bad. The five people in front of him are the disciples of other legendary palaces in Ziyun Palace. As for the strength, they are not under him or Bai Ling at all.

"Ha ha ha, it seems Brother Li Xian is not very willing to see us !!!"

By the time Li Xian opened his mouth, the five men had come to Li Xian and Bai Ling in front of each other, almost the same distance from the pile of spar, and then stopped. They can't go too far. In the final analysis, the five of them are later ones. If they are too close, then Li Xian and Bai Ling are really afraid of turning their faces.

Everything must be adequate. If you talk in a negotiated way, then everything is easy to handle, but if it is hard at the first shot, I am afraid that it will be the result of both losses.

"Well, who in Ziyun City would like to see you five?"

Bai Ling had already seen the coming person at the moment, and his pretty face was also full of vigilance and thin anger. Seeing that the fat was about to reach the mouth, but at this moment, such a situation appeared, and her mood was definitely impossible.

"Well, Sister Bai Ling, I haven't seen you for a few days, but you have a good temper. Why is this wild forest area contracted by Sister Bai Ling? Is it that we five cannot come here?"

"That is, Sister Bai Ling. Everyone knows that you are one of the favorite disciples of the Liuhedian. However, your overbearing can only be played in the Liuhedian. In this wild forest area, you seem to have no choice but to say Whatever happens, right? "

Bai Ling's role in Liuhe Hall is indeed more than 10,000 people. In the entire Liuhe Hall, few people dare to provoke her, the master of the hall. However, in the eyes of disciples in other palaces, everyone is a disciple, so naturally there is no advantage at all.

Xing Dongqing, Han Hai, Yuan Long, Liu Hong, and Yang Xi, these five are all disciple disciples in the top ten palaces. They randomly pulled one out, all of which are well-known in the entire city of Ziyun. Who will be calmed by other disciples?

"you guys………………"

Hearing the five of them politely hitting themselves, Bai Ling couldn't help expressing his anger, just to get angry at the five, but before she could say anything, Li Xian raised her hand and signaled that she didn't want to. Get angry.

"Well, the five of them should have come after us. The disciples of the Ziyun Palace have been so imposing. I never thought of doing such an unseen thing. I really let them see it."

Li Xian believes that this place is very secretive. He came here from the complicated environment outside by chance, and the five people in front of him should not be able to find this place. It is estimated that eight achievements came after him and Bai Ling.

"Well, Li Xian, you don't need to talk too much if you don't need to talk too much. Everyone knows not to say secret words. How do you think we should divide the spar?"

Just when Li Xian's voice had just fallen, one of the five men on the opposite side, a man in black but with an unusually pale complexion, suddenly took a step forward, facing Li Xianshen.

This pale-skinned man had not spoken before, and even faintly stood behind the other four, but even so, no one at the scene dared to ignore his presence. At this moment, the man came forward One step was to just let everyone else shut up, and no one kept talking.

"Xing Dongqing, these spar were discovered by me and my sister Bai Ling, and they were also dug up by our people. You don't seem to have the right to share a slice, right?"

Li Xian's complexion suddenly became abnormally cold, but he was also abnormally dignified.

In front of Xing Dongqing, he couldn't be more familiar. Everyone knows that Xing Dongqing, a Yuan Temple, is the big man in the whole city of Ziyun, ordinary baby, and the other party won't look down on it. This time, the other side even wanted to share his spar, apparently he was tempted by these brilliant stones!

Letting this motivate him is not a good thing for him, and what makes him even more bitter is that if he really starts, he can't really beat the other party.

"Huh, so, are you going to swallow these stones alone? If so ..."

After Li Xian's words fell, the man's eyes could not help but slightly hesitated. During the conversation, he was rippling with horror, obviously, he didn't mind talking with Li Xian and Bai Linger. People got into a fight.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

After the momentum of Xing Dongqing began to flow, the remaining four men followed closely, one after the other released their momentum, apparently they were ready to shoot.

"Slow !!!!"

Seeing the five people on the opposite side said that they were going to do it, Li Xian could not help but change his face, and hurriedly shouted at the five people.

Fighting at this time is obviously too bad for him and Bai Ling, so in any case, he will never fight against each other at this time.

"Why, is there anything else to say? It's better if we can hear it, if not, hum!"

Seeing that Li Xian prevented himself from waiting for the five of them to take a shot, one of the men could not help humming, and warned on behalf of the five.

The five of them took the initiative, and although they did not fully trust each other, at this time they had the same goals and for the time being they were themselves.

"The spar here and I can share half of them with the five of you, but I hope you can also show some sincerity, otherwise, everyone will die, and some temple masters will be moved out at that time. Sister Bai Ling and I also make sense. "

Looking cold, Li Xian at this moment did not show weakness. He knew in the heart that with these people, first of all, he couldn't be subdued, and he couldn't be scared by the momentum of the other side. Speaking of them, everyone's strength was similar, and he didn't believe that these people would really break with him.


After Li Xian's words fell, the five people across the corner raised their eyebrows, and the energy fluctuations around each person's body slowly closed back.

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