The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1594: Going alone (one more)

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Yuan Feng and other six new disciples have now all entered the WoW's lair, and as the six new disciples enter the WoW's cave, the seven major disciple disciples outside all become extremely nervous and excited.

Regardless of how the six newcomers and disciples will behave after entering the cave, everyone believes that these six people have entered the cave, so the Warcraft inside will inevitably be drawn out by the six people.

Each of the seven masters of disciples is staring closely at the entrance of the cave. However, in order not to frighten the snake, everyone is afraid to release their minds to investigate the situation inside, but instead wait in situ.

Frankly speaking, the seven people present really have very few experiences like this. When they are in their current state, things that can make them nervous and excited seem to be really few.

It is conceivable that after the six members of Yuan Feng seduce the Warcraft inside, the seven of them will launch a fatal blow at the same time. At that time, no matter how powerful the Warcraft is, they will probably be killed by them directly!

As time passed, the mood of the Seven Masters' disciples became more and more tense, because half a quarter of an hour had passed since the entrance of the six new disciples, but there was no movement in the cave, as if nothing had happened. Did not happen the same.

"What's going on? What's the situation? Why isn't there even a trace of movement?"

"It seems something is wrong. It's been a long time. Shouldn't there be no movement at all?"

"Isn't the two World of Warcrafts in the cave right now? Why isn't there even a trace of movement?"

"Will it be directly swallowed by the Warcraft inside? But even if it is swallowed by Warcraft, there should be some movement? Strange, really strange!"

Obviously, the seven major disciple disciples have already discovered the problem. According to the truth, after six years of this time, even if the six new disciples are really eaten by Warcraft, there should be some movement, absolutely should not be like this. There is no trace of movement.

The face of Xing Dongqing in the Yiyuan Hall, which had become cold, was almost involuntary, and his eyes were on Li Xian and Bai Ling.

"Li Xian, the six guys you brought, shouldn't there be any problems?"

He was already impatient now, so many people have gathered here to hunt the purple dragon dragon scale beast. If it is really a bad thing because of a few little guys in the habitat, then it will be true. Too worthless.

"Where is Brother Xing, I have brought ten new disciples here, and I have already killed four before. You should have seen this. Does Brother Xing think that there will be any problems with the six remaining new disciples? ? "

Li Xian's eyebrows were already tightly frowned at this time. He didn't really feel that there was any problem with these newcomers and disciples he brought, but the situation is now there, and he is not sure about this Already.

At the moment, all things are possible, but this situation should not happen at the very least. Six living people entered the cave, and then there was no movement at all, which could not be justified in any case.

"Well, no problem is best, if everyone's good is broken because of you, you have to take full responsibility."

At this time, the problems between them are obviously exposed. If anyone has a problem, it will inevitably become the target of other people's attacks, but this is beyond doubt.

"Wait a second, they should know how to do it."

Leaving aside, Li Xian didn't say much anymore. He has made it clear to the six newcomers and disciples. He believes that the six will definitely make the right choice. As for why the situation now appears He really wasn't very clear.

Everyone glanced at each other, and then continued to wait. No matter what, at the moment, apart from continuing to wait, there seems to be no better way. In general, we still believe that we can wait for people. of.

In this way, the disciples of the Seven Great Sages calmed down and began to wait.

It is a pity that although they are very firm, when such a wait is the leader, they really can't say well.

As the seven disciples outside waited to see what was going on inside the cave, at this moment, there was another situation in the deep cave.

This cave inlaid on the cliffs of the mountains seems to extend to a very deep depth, and the whole cave has a faint aura, and it looks like a treasure cave at first glance.

At this moment, in this aura of faint aura, a shadow completely fused with the surrounding environment is silently lurking in a corner of the cave, as if it had truly become The same part of the air.

"Well, wait for me outside, but I'll see, when can you guys wait."

Wuying's magic works to the extreme, Yuan Feng has completely integrated himself into the space in the cave. At this moment, even if he is a strong man in the semi-god realm, he may not be able to find his existence.

After entering this cave from the outside, Yuan Feng directly put several other newcomers and disciples into the physical space, and the next action was obviously done by him alone.

Speaking of, those guys outside thought that sending them into the cave, then the six of them would die without doubt, but it is unknown that this situation is what he is most willing to see now.

Without so many disciples' attention, now he can do whatever he wants. He would like to see, in the next game, whether the seven guys outside are superior or his Yuan Feng is superior.

"These seven guys are all afraid of death. They don't want to act without any thought in the cave. In this case, let them wait a little longer."

Hidden in the depths of the cave, Yuan Feng's mind keeps turning. Obviously, he can never hide this way all the time. As for what to do, he has to rationalize it. Only OK.

"These seven guys are more savvy than one. It's not easy to calculate them. It's even more unwise to smash them. It seems that we have to start from the depths of this cave!"

With his eyes rolling, Yuan Feng finally looked at the depths of the cave. He knew that if he wanted to deal with the seven guys outside, then he had to rely on external forces. By virtue of his own strength, I am afraid it may not be The opponent of those seven guys outside.

"It's a faint cave. It seems that the seven guys guessed it well. This cave, 80% is really the cave of the so-called purple dragon scale beast, but I don't know, what will happen to it? Baby. "

Gaze looked deep into the cave, but unfortunately, the cave turned around, and could not see the head at all, but the light faint from the depth of the cave really looked extraordinary.

"For my magic of shadowlessness, as long as it didn't break in boldly, it shouldn't be discovered by the Warcraft inside. In that case, it's better to go inside and explore the truth and reality inside."

He is a daring artist. Even if he really reveals his goal, he will not believe that someone or Warcraft can stop him.

Thinking of this, he ignored the existence of those outside for the time being, and dived into the cave with all his heart.

In any case, there should be an extremely powerful World of Warcraft in the depths of the cave, so even if sneaking into the depths of the cave, Yuan Feng still took 120 minutes of caution, for fear of being discovered by the Warcraft inside .

Fortunately, his shadowless magic is really strange. When he acted, it was almost like a breeze blowing, leaving no trace of traces, and no trace of breath spreading.

The cave is deep, but there is really no defense means. It seems that either the Warcraft inside does not know how to arrange fortifications, or the guy inside is too confident.

Regardless of the cause, Yuan Feng had no problem in the cave, and his actions could be made a lot easier.

The deeper he goes into the cave, the more Yuan Feng can feel the spirit of the cave. It seems that there should be a lot of treasures in this cave.

"Purple gas dragon scale beast, it seems that this kind of Warcraft is really worth it. Such a smart breath is definitely not the breath that ordinary Warcraft can have. This time, maybe it can open your eyes!"

The pearly treasure in the depths of the cave should be emitted by some heaven and earth spirit treasures, but the pervasive spirit in the entire cave is definitely not what the heaven and earth spirit treasures can have, because this kind of spirit is full of vitality. Only living beings can emit such agile breath.

"Heaven has good virtues, if possible, this time I will find a way to keep the Warcraft in it."

Can have such a smart breath, it is clear that 80% of the World of Warcraft already has the same intelligence as human beings, and such Warcraft must not be easy to practice, can leave their lives, it is better to leave their lives. .

With this in mind, soon, Yuan Feng's figure passed through the narrow cave. It took almost a few minutes. When he turned a corner again, the cave in front of him had already turned into a straight road, and at this moment, he could see his head at a glance.

"His, that's ..."

When Yuan Feng turned around the corner and looked deep into the cave, the sight in front of him could not help but stagnate his face, and his nerves became tense instantly.

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