The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1608: Friends come

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The boundless endless wild forest area will never lack a variety of challenges. In this huge virgin jungle, even the strongest demigod, you can find a way to practice and experience that suits you. However, it seems that Manghuanglin has reached a certain consensus with the outside world. Here, it seems that there are no demigods coming.

For Yuan Feng, the time in the wild forest is simply an indescribable enjoyment. If he can, he really wants to stay here for a while.


Deep in the jungle, a loud roar suddenly sounded, and with this roar, a huge Warcraft leaped out of the dense forest, and in front of this huge Warcraft, a body of scales covered his body, The small World of Warcraft surrounded by purple gas has long been waiting for the opposite of the big guy. Aside from that, the little guy rushed straight to the huge World of Warcraft.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

This little World of Warcraft rippling purple is almost like a fighting machine, not even saying hello, it is a stormy blow to the huge World of Warcraft in front of you. Seeing this, Warcraft was beaten to death by his blood, and finally his head was torn off.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Killing this huge World of Warcraft, Little World of Warcraft was weird for a while, and then this huge World of Warcraft was swallowed directly, and with this World of Warcraft, the purple gas around the little man seemed to become more intense Up.


Almost as soon as the little Warcraft shattered and devoured his opponent, a light suddenly lit up beside him. Then, a young man, and two weird Warcraft, appeared in front of the little guy.

"Ha, it's not bad. It seems that you little guy is getting more and more fierce. The World of Warcraft, the pinnacle of its habitat, was killed by three times and five divided by two."

Yuan Feng's figure appeared beside the purple dragon scale beast. During the conversation, he gently patted the dragon scale beast's head, and his eyes were filled with satisfaction.

It has been more than a month since the beginning, and in this more than a month, he and Xiaoba Xiaojin have cultivated the purple gas dragon scale beast small scale. By now, Xiao scale has successfully grown to life. The height of Habitat, the same level of Warcraft, is not its opponent at all.

I have to say that the speed of the purple dragon scale beast is really incredible, it seems that this kind of warcraft seems to be favored by the heavens, but the two dragon scale beasts before it seem to have put Good luck runs out.

"Squeak !!!!"

At this time, Xiaoba also came forward and came to Xiaolin. Eight tentacles extended halfway and patted gently against Xiaolin. Obviously, he was also very satisfied with Xiaolin's performance.

Having said that, Xiaolin's growth rate is too fast. At this moment, even if you let it fight with Xiaolin, it is estimated that Xiaolin has a better chance of winning. Of course, Xiaolin treats Xiaoba as her own parent, and it is impossible for him to do anything with Xiaoba.

This is the difference between Warcraft and human warriors. Human warriors are too complicated. Even if they shoot at their parents, they can be found everywhere. But for Warcraft, although they drink blood, they will never shoot at their parents. .

"It's done, you don't have to follow the trouble, you look at Xiaolin, how long it has been, the strength has not been weaker than you, you still think of a way, how to improve the strength a little bit!"

Seeing the intimacy of Warcraft on both ends, Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel a little funny, while laughing, he couldn't help urging Xiaoba.

But having said that, although Xiao Ba's fighting power is not very strong, no one can copy its ability. Its ability to produce Warcraft alone is enough to shame any other Warcraft.

"Squeak !!!"

As Yuan Feng said, Xiao Ba couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He also knew that his strength was flawed. He was okay when he was in the Nether, but when he reached the boundless world, his poor habitat strength was simply not. Worth mentioning. Right now, even the small scale that was just born was able to surpass it in combat effectiveness.

"Let's go, the experience in the outer area is almost the same. Let's go deeper and play inside."

Xiaoba has already sent several sets of Warcraft Scouts. At this moment, those Warcraft Scouts have been scattered all over the wild forest area, although a large part of the Scouts have become lunch for other Warcraft, but The rest is enough.

"Xiao Jin, still you come to explore the road, any baby will inform me as soon as possible, we will not refuse to come."

There is no danger in front of it. There is only a yin and yang world of Warcraft lurking in a dense forest, but such a World of Warcraft has no threat to him and can be regarded as non-existent.

There is nothing to say about Xiaojin's treasure hunting ability. With it leading the way, no matter what kind of treasure, it can be turned out of the ground by all, while ordinary treasure, Yuan Feng is too lazy to turn it.

Speaking of it, Xiaolin actually has the ability to search for treasure, but now it hasn't grown up, and it doesn't have its own parents to teach treasure hunting skills, so this ability seems to be compressed without limit.

One person, three beasts started to march toward the inner area of ​​the Mang Forest, and from time to time, Yuan Feng will let Xiao Ba produce more Warcraft eyeliners, and release these Warcraft eyeliners everywhere. Seeing his posture, he seems to want Turned the entire Manghuang forest into the back garden he controlled.

It ’s also good to produce a lot of Warcraft eyeliners. God knows if any of these Warcraft eyeliners will find something different and bring him unexpected opportunities. In addition, even if there are no unexpected opportunities, after these Warcraft eyeliners grow up, they can still be regarded as the foreshadowing of his stay in the wilderness, and will not be able to use it!

One person and three beasts did not go fast. Yuan Feng intentionally arranged an opponent for Xiaolin in order to ensure its fierceness and combat effectiveness. As for Xiaoba and Xiaojin, it is not easy for them to improve, so he will not Deliberately think of ways for them.

As time goes by, Yuan Feng and his three Warcraft companions have basically adapted to the environment in the wild forest area, and as they spend more and more time in the wild forest area, their gains are getting more and more Rich, if they continue to do so, they will certainly make a lot of money.

On this day, Yuan Feng is as usual, while trying to improve their strength for Xiaolin, while searching for possible breakthrough opportunities, when he went to a trickle and stopped for a little rest However, a World of Warcraft eyeliner suddenly returned some conditions, letting him calm and calm, there was a trace of ripples.

"Someone? Well, wandering in this wild forest for so long, finally found the trace of human warrior!"

At this moment, Yuan Feng was sitting cross-legged on the bluestone beside a stream. When he learned that the warrior's eyeliner had found the trace of the human warrior, he suddenly became interested.

"It doesn't seem to be very far from here. Let me see who it is, even dare to run into the Manghuang forest to find excitement, shouldn't it be another disciple of Ziyun Palace?"

It stands to reason that no one can come to a place like Ziyun Palace. Except for the characters of Ziyun Palace's disciples, most people come here to ask for help.

Judging from the news returned from the Eyeliner of Warcraft, there should be more than one or two warriors discovered by them. As for how many, they must be allowed to observe carefully.

"Up, all surrounded me, I'll see who they are!"

Between thoughts, Yuan Feng secretly sent all the Warcrafts that were closer to the target, anyway, these Warcraft eyeliners are all popular goods, even if there is no loss, he will not have any distress.

"Don't make trouble for the three of you, all come over to me and play later."

While sending the World of Warcraft eyeliner, Yuan Feng also called Xiaoba and Xiaolin who were playing in the stream beside them. At this moment, he didn't know what role the comer was, and whether he would Your three-headed Warcraft partner is hostile, so you should pay attention to it, of course.

In the time of speaking, the head-to-head Warcraft eyeliner is approaching the target position, and Yuan Feng is now focusing on the moment, looking forward to the moment when the target appears.

These eight World of Warcraft eyeliners produced by Xiaoba are all of great strength in the cave world. After these World of Warcraft operations, the speed is also quite fast. The time is not long, Yuan Feng's complexion suddenly lights up.

"Let me see, where exactly is the sacred ran to the Mang Forest?"

The breath of human warriors is becoming more and more clear. Yuan Feng can even feel that if there is any sense of danger, it is being passed back through his World of Warcraft eyeliner. Obviously, the upcoming target will definitely not be a good stubble. Already.

"Well? This is ..."

Finally, almost a few minutes later, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but narrowed slightly, because at this moment, the target of Warcraft Eyeliner had been completely found.

"Well, there are such beautiful scenery in the wild mountains and mountains, which is really unexpected!"

Picking the corner of his mouth, a faint smile appeared on his face.

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