The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1628: Before and after (four more)

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Beyond the Wanling Garden, the Baihua Fairy is so rare and kind, but she personally sent Yuan Feng out. Such treatment, I am afraid that the entire Ziyun Palace can not find a few people!

"Master Yuanfeng, your talent is unmatched. When you meet me this time, I will not let your talent be buried. If I have a chance, I will bring it up with the master."

Standing outside the Wanling Garden, the fairy of the hundred flowers still cherished Yuan Feng's ability. In her opinion, she has such terrible insight into the Xuan Zhen. If such a person does not practice the Xuan Zhen, it would be a violent heaven. Therefore, no matter what, she will remember the situation of Yuan Feng in the future and try to help Yuan Feng.

"This ... Thank you for your kindness, but I don't want to cause trouble for my sister. It's better to leave it alone. I really don't have much interest in Xuanzhen anyway."

For the kindness of Baihua, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a little bit upset. He accidentally exposed one of his abilities this time, and originally made him regret it. If it was really said by the other party to the fairy, it would be really a big trouble.

The all-natural fairy is a demigod horror. If you let that person see you, God knows if he will see him through, and it will be really fun to be afraid.

"That's it, it's up to you, but as long as you have the idea to cultivate Xuanzhen, tell me, I will find a way to help you find a reliable person."

She didn't know Yuan Feng's thoughts, but since Yuan Feng herself didn't want to cultivate Xuanzhen, she didn't need to practice the other side.

"Master Yuan Feng, if you have time in the future, you may come to sit here often, maybe I will have trouble with my brother in the future!"

"Haha, it must be. In this case, my brother will leave first."

He didn't want to continue to be entangled with the other party. Fortunately, the young master of the Wanling Garden is not the kind of person who cares about the world and is not deeply involved. Otherwise, he doesn't know if he can get rid of himself today.

He arched his hands in front of Baihua, Yuan Feng said nothing but just walked away.

This time, it was a wake-up call for him. From now on, he really can't walk around in the Ziyun Palace to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Rookie disciple Yuan Feng, huh, he is a very interesting guy. It seems that this person has hidden a lot!"

After Yuan Feng left, the young master Baihua Fairy in Wanling Garden flashed an undisguised bright color under his eyes, but the original expression that was not ignorant of the world was missing at this moment.

The Baihua Fairy in Wanling Garden has not been touched by many people in the entire Ziyun Palace, and the image presented by Baihua Fairy to everyone is also the kind of image that looks real and magical, but is very pure.

However, no one knows exactly who this flower girl is.

At first, the fairy of all spirits took her into the door and became the young master of the garden of souls. The reason for this was not known, but it is conceivable that how might a strong person of the level of fairy of all spirits casually receive it? Man-only?

Hundreds of flowers are presented to the people of the Ziyun Palace, I'm afraid it can only be her side. In fact, the young master of the Wanling Garden is definitely not that simple.

"The cultivation of Habitat seems to be real, but is this mysterious means ...?!"

She did listen to her master saying that some people are inherently sensitive to Xuan Zhen, but they must have a degree? This mysterious array that Yuan Feng had just cracked didn't even figure it out after studying it for so long, but Yuan Feng was completed in such a short time. If there was nothing wrong with it, she wouldn't believe it.

Moreover, when Yuan Feng went deep into the Wanling Garden, those words whispered in her mouth clearly belonged to the mystery of each mysterious array. She did not believe that the other party could really see through the mysterious array, but did not understand how to cast and crack. Mysterious array.

"Liuhe Dian Yuanfeng, I remember you !!!"

Gently glanced at the direction in which Yuan Feng disappeared, her eyes could not help flashing a strange color. She really didn't think about breaking through Yuan Feng, because no matter what purpose Yuan Feng had, it was not a bad thing for her. On the contrary, if Yuan Feng was unraveled, or if Yuan Feng's talents were exposed, this would be harmful to her.

Maybe, maybe one day, she will still use Yuan Feng, and at that time, it is when she collects benefits.

Picking the corner of her mouth and talking, she flickered and flew straight to her own cottage. No matter what, Yuan Feng did solve some troubles for her this time. The mysterious array beside Caolu was not a joke.

Having said that, there are too many geniuses with crouching tigers, hidden dragons and different talents in Ziyun Palace. Ziyun Palace may not have too many talents like Yuanfeng, but other talents also have Not necessarily less ...

Baihua Fairy returned to her own grass house to study Xuan Zhen. At this moment, Yuan Feng, who had just left Wan Ling Garden, had already returned to her residence, but she never dared to wander around casually.

"All Souls Garden ......... Fairy Flowers ........."

Returning to his own small space, Yuan Feng sat cross-legged for the first time, smashing everything from beginning to end.

Something that happened today is too urgent. In many cases, it happened almost without precaution. He had to sort out the whole thing from beginning to end in order to find out what was wrong.

"Well, being able to be selected as a disciple by the fairy of all spirits, then it should not be a general talent, at least not a person with an insane mind. Even if it is innocent, it should definitely not have a little judgment. Somehow underestimated this girl of flowers! "

After rationalizing what happened today 151, Yuan Feng naturally discovered a lot of problems. First of all, the excuse he is looking for today is actually a bit too clumsy.

To say that someone is born to see through the mysterious array, this is not impossible, but that depends on your own cultivation and realm. For a person who lives in a habitat, if he can see through the mysterious array of a person who is in a demi-god realm, even he feels a little incredible.

"It seems likely that the hundred-flower girl had doubted me, but didn't deliberately disassemble it!"

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng at this moment had already returned to Weier. He believed that the young master of the Wanling Garden would definitely not be as simple as it is today.

But this is also good. Anyway, he didn't want to let himself be exposed anymore, and since the other party gave him this opportunity, of course, it was also his intention. As for what purpose the other party is for, it is not what he needs to consider.

"Hum, I don't believe what tricks you can play !!"

Now that he has a rough profile in his heart, he just needs to be more prepared. As for the Garden of Spirits, he has no plans to go there for excitement.

"No matter how many, just wait for your peace of mind. Will Ziyun Palace give this newcomer and disciple a chance? Now I can only wait and see."

Slowly closed his eyes, Yuan Feng no longer thought about it. The soldiers came to cover the water and cover the earth. He had never been afraid of anyone, let alone a multitude of fairies. Even if the other party ’s master came, he was still not afraid.

The fairy of the hundred flowers will never think of it. Yuan Feng can straighten out so many things based on some simple reasoning. If she is made aware of this, she will not be surprised by Yuan Feng's alertness.

Some people are born to count others, and others want to count him, it depends on whether the other party has that ability ...

After experiencing the previous events, Yuan Feng's restless heart slowly recovered his calmness. He knew that if he wanted to survive in a place like Ziyun Palace, then he must first be calm.

What is frizzy can only be that he has broken his own affairs, just like this time, because he always can't calm down, it is almost an error in the Garden of Spirits.

On the contrary, the more calm and good luck often comes with it.

The next time, Yuan Feng set his own mentality, and almost adjusted his mentality. As for whether Ziyun Palace will provide opportunities for these new disciples, he did not think too much.

He can already do what he can do, and there are some things that he can't control at all. In this case, it is better to listen to the fate of the obedience, lest you worry yourself ...

On this day, Yuan Feng practiced quietly in his own space as usual, but at this moment, a message was sent from the minds of the subordinates.


Eyes suddenly opened. At this moment, Yuan Feng's eyes were full of bright colors. Then, on his face, he couldn't help showing a smile that couldn't be concealed.

"Hahaha, okay, I'm doing my best, and I finally waited for it!"

Standing up suddenly from the ground, Yuan Feng finally couldn't help but laugh loudly.

Just now, there was news from the subordinates. At the Yuanyuan Temple, the new disciples have begun to gather. In other palaces, the more powerful old disciples in several palaces have also received the new disciples. The news of gathering, as for the purpose of gathering, is naturally self-evident.

"All newcomers and disciples obeyed the order and immediately gathered in the hall. Your opportunity is here."

When Yuan Feng stood up and laughed loudly, a rough voice suddenly sounded in his ear, but it was Huo Qi, the famous disciple of Liuhedian, who gave orders.

"Well? Well, is this about to begin? It seems that the opportunity belongs to me!"

Hearing Huo Qi giving orders outside, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When he thought, he went straight out of space. No matter what, this time, he must seize it.

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