The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1637: Fate (one more)

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The disciples of the ten major palaces and the ten selected by their respective palaces finally gathered in front of a low palace in the depths of Ziyun Palace.

The disciples of the ten palaces dispatched this time are extremely unusual in weight. Aside from others, Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Liuhedian, and Xuanming, the great disciple of Baguadian, are enough to make Ziyun Palace any Everyone has to take it seriously.

Either Wang Zhong or Xuan Ming, it is a very heavy presence in the Ziyun Palace. These two people are placed outside, even if they are first-class forces, they must definitely give a little noodles, and dare not have the slightest build. Times.

After everyone gathered, everyone naturally began to talk about business, regardless of whether Wang Zhong or Xuanming, no matter how high their status, at this moment, they all represent their own palace, so it is No big difference.

"Brother Xuanming, everyone is already here. Next, Brother Xuanming will give you orders. Anyway, everyone should get the same instructions. After all, one person must stand up and command."

Began to carry out the business, immediately someone stood up and proposed that Xuan Ming, a great disciple of the Eight Diagrams Temple, give orders, and the first one who stood out was of course Qiao Ke, a disciple of the Five Elements Temple.

"Yes, yes, Brother Xuanming is the best among my disciples in Ziyun Palace. This issuer should be done by Brother Xuanming."

"Yes, Brother Xuanming is looking forward to it. This time, it will be commanded by Brother Xuanming!"

Qiao Ke's proposal was immediately approved by several people. At this time, it was naturally a good time to slip the horse. Anyway, it was a command and it was not a big deal. Whoever ordered the order was the same. Taking advantage of this time to make a good impression on Xuan Ming, it is also a good thing.

If Xuanming didn't appear, then Wang Zhong should be the spokesperson for these people, but compared with Xuanming, Wang Zhong's reputation is undoubtedly a little worse, so it was naturally ignored.

Wang Zhong didn't say anything, but he didn't show any dissatisfaction. He didn't have any interest in this kind of contention, let alone this useless right to speak. No matter how great the power, he really had no psychological understanding. .

"Oh, let's say, now that the teachers and brothers have spoken, if I quit, I would look stingy."

Xuan Ming's face flashed a little pride, no matter what, everyone chose him as a spokesperson without saying a word, this is everyone's respect and affirmation.

"Everyone, I want everyone to get the same instructions. Since that's the case, then I'll make the order." With a positive look, Xuanming's figure took a step forward, and then he looked at the present. The new disciples looked at the palace in front again, but they gradually became a little serious.

"go with!!!"

Between his complexion, Xuanming suddenly raised his hand. Above the low palace in front of him, two circular light curtains appeared on the palace wall.


Seeing that there were two more light curtains above the palace, the major disciple disciples did not have any surprises, but there were a lot of new disciples, all of them were a little surprised.

"It's about to begin. It seems that this time, it should be a fierce battle."

On the side of Liuhe Dian, Yuan Feng always stayed among the new disciples casually. Only at this moment did his expression change.

Speaking of which, before seeing Xuan Ming, a big disciple in Bagua Temple, he was really shocked. In his opinion, Xuanming, the great disciple of the Eight Diagrams Hall, is undoubtedly an amazing powerhouse.

Although Xuanming should be on par with Wang Zhong in terms of strength, judging from the first-hand Xuan Zhen method shown by the opponent, if he is prepared for the battle and then fights with Wang Zhong, then Wang Zhong may lose. Sex is undoubtedly bigger.

If possible, he hopes to have the opportunity to learn from each other, to see who is stronger, and who is more prosperous. Of course, it is absolutely impossible now.

"The breath in this light curtain is full of violence, I'm afraid it's not easy to cope!"

He didn't pay too much attention to the major disciple disciples present. Yuan Feng paid more attention to the challenges that he and his subordinates will face next. He himself is fine, but his subordinates don't know if they can succeed.

"All newcomers, my brothers and sisters, the two light curtains in front of me are leading to two trial spaces in my Ziyun Palace. In the light curtain on the left, fifty people from the habitat are waiting, and the light curtain on the right Inside, there are fifty people in the yin and yang realm waiting. In the next time, your task is to choose the light curtain according to your own strength, and then find a way to stay in their own space. Whoever can stay to the end can On behalf of my Ziyun Palace, participate in this exchange event. "

During the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, Xuanming's voice came again, and as his explanation fell, the new disciples present at the scene became more dignified.

Obviously, the fifty habitats and fifty yin and yang in these two light curtains must be the original genius disciples in Ziyun Palace, and this time they are going to compete with this hundred people for participation. Quota.

"Simply talk about the rules, and it is also very simple to say. This time Ziyun Palace needs fifty people in the yin and yang environment, and fifty people in the habitat to participate in the exchange meeting. Only fifty habitats and fifty yin and yang people can be left. Next, your only goal is to kill anyone you can see. Only if you kill others, then you, yourself It could be one of the final fifty. "

Xuanming's tone was very indifferent, and he was just telling a trivial matter, but when his words fell, all the new disciples present at the scene were all turned blue.

"Kill everyone? This, this ........."

All the newcomers and disciples were a little unbelievable in their ears. At this moment, everyone smelled a breath of death.

Originally, everyone thought that this was a battle for places. Those who won would get places, and those who lost would be eliminated. But now it seems that things are far from simple as imagined!

If they did not hear it wrong, this time the fight turned out to bet their lives!

"Did you all hear it clearly? Entering this light curtain will either be left behind and become the mainstay of my future Ziyun Palace, or be beheaded by others. Now, I give you the last chance to choose, if you want to give up , Then you can pack your salute and leave Ziyun Palace immediately. "

It seemed to be worried that everyone didn't understand, but Xuan Ming explained it carefully, and with his explanation like this, this time, obviously no one would not understand.

"This this……………"

Sure enough, this time everyone really understood the meaning of the other party. Originally, everyone felt that being selected this time was a great happy event, but now it seems that what is this happy event, it is just trying to die for themselves. .

How strong are the young disciples in the Ziyun Palace itself, they can fully imagine that, speaking of their hearts, this time they came to compete with others for the final quota. Most of them were lucky. But now, where do they have any luck?

Either leave Ziyun Palace or go desperately. Neither of these two decisions is what they are willing to choose, but now they have to choose one.

Leaving the Ziyun Palace is absolutely unacceptable to them. After all, it is already a big luck to be able to join the Ziyun Palace. If they leave, they will no longer have any advantages at all. .

However, entering the palace in front of you and competing for the place of the strong men of the Ziyun Palace, this is to risk your life, and obviously is not a fun thing, so at this moment, everyone can't help but fight Drum up.

"The fierce Ziyun Palace, really does not take human life seriously, this is simply letting everyone die!"

Among the crowd, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but hesitated slightly at this moment. He said to his heart that Ziyun Palace was so fierce that the selection of the last hundred places was actually a bet on everyone's lives.

Before he wanted to, no matter what the selection method was, as long as he couldn't get it, he would be sent back to his palace and continue to practice. It seems that his thoughts are too naive!

"It looks like I'm going to lose some good people this time."

With a sigh, he was quite helpless at this moment. The ninety-nine people at present are all elites he has selected from ten thousand new disciples. If he dies in vain, it will be a loss to him. Unfortunately, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible Keep everyone's lives.

The dead must be dead. All he can do is to save his life as much as possible, but not to make the situation too obvious, causing the suspicions of these superpowers in Ziyun Palace.

"Everyone wants to understand the rules? If there is no problem, start to choose now, whether to accept the challenge or leave the Ziyun Palace, you choose yourself."

Xuanming's voice was a little bit cold, especially when he was separated from the Ziyun Palace, and he bitten abnormally. From his tone, it seems that the so-called separation from the Ziyun Palace may not be easy. Of course, there is no doubt that people who want to leave Ziyun Palace will be secretly removed by Ziyun Palace.

"Wealth in wealth, go up !!!"

Xuanming's words fell down, but this time, everyone was no longer hesitant, and the body of the crowd moved one after another, and rushed into the two light curtains on the palace.

ps: The last day of 2014, a memorable day! !! !! Brothers and sisters, there is a flower to support Xiaoyanha. It seems that it is now outside the top ten, and see if you can kill the top ten on the last day!

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