The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1641: Fame is beginning to appear (a more seeking flowers)

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The entire space world suddenly became extremely quiet, everyone's eyes were looking into the mid-air, where a cloud of blood mist was slowly dissipating, and soon it was scattered to the surrounding mist. In the middle, it disappeared completely.

"This, this ... how is that possible? Brother Luo Zhan, he is dead?"

"I, am I dazzled? Why is this happening? Brother Luo Zhan is dead?"

"Fake, it must be fake. How could Brother Luo Zhan be killed so easily, it must be fake!" ............

For these local disciples selected by Ziyun Palace, the scene in front of them is really too incredible. Shicai, Luo Zhan's screams, they all heard very clearly, and then a few new disciples discarded Luo Zhan eight scenes, they also saw exceptionally clear.

When the crowd watched Luo Zhan sullen into the mist of the sky, seriously, everyone couldn't believe what they saw. The strength of Luo Zhan is well known to them. We must know that the strength shown by Luo Zhan before the selection was simply overwhelming. No one can compare with Luo Zhan.

Of course, there may be some top geniuses in Ziyun Palace. This time, they have not participated in the selection this time, but there are definitely only a few or even few of them.

Right now, such a proud man of heaven is so easily killed, everyone can't accept it anyway.

Speaking of it, everyone is actually not incapable of accepting Luo Zhan ’s death. What really concerns everyone is that even the super genius such as Luo Zhan has died, so must all of them be given in vain?


In the drowsiness of the crowd, a ray of light suddenly flashed out from the depths of the mist. Then, a slightly embarrassed young figure appeared in the air, just after Luo Zhan died. The blood mist dissipated.

"Don't be afraid, their leader is dead, let's just kill it !!!"

The loud drinking sound rang through this cold world, and with the sound of the drinking sound, the remaining new disciples, as if taking instant gun medicine, all became morale.

"Kill, the worst of them is dead. What else is terrible?"

"Hahaha, brothers, everyone is a foreigner. Today, everyone is fighting with enemies, and buried all these guys in the eyes, so that they will remember for a lifetime."

"Up, fifty places, it's not too far away !!!"

Yuan Feng beheaded Luo Zhan. The atmosphere of the entire battlefield instantly changed. Luo Zhan was the strongest person in the other group, but even the strongest person in the other group was already their strongest person. Obliteration, then, do not these newcomers and disciples occupy all their advantages?

"Boom boom boom !!!"

There was a powerful momentum rising to the sky. At this moment, the remaining new disciples, like crazy, killed the local disciples in the Ziyun Palace. The time between the talks was several purple clouds. The disciples of the palace itself were chopped to the ground, and for a while, they were unable to stand.

"Ah, Brother Luo Zhan is dead, so why bother giving me all to die !!!"

Seeing the new disciples launching an offensive, the original new disciples in Ziyun Palace have now become a piece of loose sand. At this moment, they have no intention to compete with the new disciples anymore. The disciples of Ziyun Palace, who were close together, inserted the soldiers into their own bodies.

In the current situation, it is impossible to eliminate as many new disciples as possible. In this case, it is better to kill more people around you. As long as the remaining number reaches 50, they will You can stay naturally.

"Regardless of them, you can kill as much as you want !!!"

Seeing the original 50 disciples in Ziyun Palace, at this moment, they started to kill each other. Yuan Feng's voice immediately sounded in the ears of all the new disciples. Then, everyone started to bully themselves and began a comprehensive pressing.

At this moment, the duel between the local disciples and the new disciples in Ziyun Palace has basically come to an end. From the current situation, the winner of this time will undoubtedly belong to the new disciples.

Originally, the 50 disciples selected by the Ziyun Palace basically guaranteed that more than 35 people could be left, but now it seems that the number of people they can leave is really difficult to compare with the newcomers. The disciple is on the side.

Yuan Feng didn't continue to shoot this time. It felt like he was spending too much at this moment and couldn't continue to shoot. And no matter if he is too expensive to continue to shoot, no one will bother him at this moment. After all, a fool will provoke him if a person such as Lian Zhan can kill him.

Although Luo Zhan did not die in Yuan Feng's hands, he understood that everyone could see that if Yuan Feng had not inflicted a heavy damage on Luo Zhan in advance, then relying only on the swords of those people who would be able to kill Luo Zhan That's weird.

Therefore, even if Yuan Feng said nothing and did nothing, Luo Zhan's cause of death would still be attributed to him, and there is no need to doubt this.

"It should be almost right now? Kill a talented disciple in Ziyun Palace, so now I can replace the other party's name!"

On the sky, Yuan Feng couldn't help showing a smile on his face. No matter what, this time he finally succeeded in grabbing a place in his own hand, and, as he killed Luo Zhan, these of his Each subordinate is bound to survive a few more people.

"It seems that my performance this time is not bad, at least it should not be exposed!"

When he stabilized his mind, Yuan Feng's heart inevitably had some faint fears. When he previously killed Luo Zhan in the dark, he had already cut off the vitality of the opponent at that moment, but he was more secretive because of the fog. Separated, so outsiders don't see it too clearly.

As for the three or four newcomers and disciples who suddenly emerged and added a few knives to Luo Zhan, they were of course also commanded by Yuan Feng. Otherwise, how could these people be able to make their time? Hold so well?

"The overall situation is set. In the next time, you can basically stand aside and watch the excitement." Yuan Feng himself also understood that after he defeated Luo Zhan, no one should dare to fight his idea again. Next During the time, he will be very relaxed.

"The yin and yang realm is about to settle down. It's pretty good to have a few people left!"

In his mind, Yuan Feng has always been paying attention to the battlefield on the side of the yin and yang state, and in addition to a disciple in the yin and yang state is controlled by his identity, there are several newcomer disciples in the yin and yang state. At the critical moment Playing at a level of 122%, I slaughtered a few young disciples selected by Ziyun Palace.

"The situation here is over. Next, there should be a chance to get compensation? I don't know what kind of rewards the winners of the Ziyun Palace have prepared."

I can think of it with my toes. When this happens, Ziyun Palace will definitely give them some rewards for the remaining 100 people. Of course, the reward is actually a step up in their strength. In this case, They will be more competitive in the near future.

With this in mind, Yuan Feng simply stood aside and quietly began to watch the battle. At this moment, the number of people on the battlefield is rapidly decreasing. It won't be long before I am afraid that it will reach 50 places. Quantity.

The whole space is changing rapidly, and now, outside this hall, the top ten disciple disciples who have been observing the situation inside all the time, look slightly different.

"It's ... it's really hard to imagine. It's unexpected that this variable will happen. It's really an unexpected thing."

Among the top ten disciples of disciples, Qiao Ke of the Five Elements Hall is still the first to return to God from the loss of God. However, although he has returned to God, he is still not quite convinced of everything he sees.

"A great young man, even Luo Zhan was hit hard by him. How strong is this guy?"

"It's really an eye-opener. It is definitely a huge gain for Liuhedian to get this person. If this person is under my control, it must be used sparingly."

Every one of Ziyun Palace's legendary disciples was feeling more and more emotional now. They had just seen Luo Zhan's death and said to him that at that moment, they even had the heart to save each other's life, even if they were, they had no time to respond at all.

By the time they responded, Luo Zhan had died.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. It seems that before us, we have underestimated this person!"

Xuan Ming, a great disciple in the Eight Diagrams Hall, stood up at this moment, with a weird look on his face. He knew that he still looked down on this new disciple of Liuhedian. When he wanted to come, Yuan Feng was able to draw a tie with Luo Zhan, but he did not expect that the other party could even kill Luo Zhan.

It can be seen that, in Yuan Feng's body, there are probably some hidden means, and these means, he did not show them.

"Funny guy, it seems that this time, I have to hold him in my hands anyway."

Liu Zhongdian's great disciple Wang Zhong did not speak, but anyone can see that at this moment, he is definitely the happiest one.

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