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For Yuan Feng, detoxification and breaking the battle are all his strengths. Above the Xuanzhen together, he has the Jiuqu Yellow River large array in his body, and his vision is by no means comparable to ordinary people. As for detoxification, it is even more important.

With the existence of the swallowing martial spirit, even the horrible poison is nothing more than a piece of cake for him.

However, the Xuanming restraint and the strange black poisonous mist imposed by Xuanming on his body will undoubtedly take him a lot of thought. After all, the venomous poison and Xuanzhen restraint imposed by Xuanming on his body, There is a close relationship between them. If you want to detoxify, you must first break the battle. At the same time, you cannot let the poisonous mist erupt.

One more thing, he's right under Xuanming's eyelids at this moment. If he didn't do it carefully, he might be noticed by the other party, so he must ask himself to raise 120 The spirit must not have the slightest care.

"This Xuanming is above Xuan Zhen. There is really a song. The Xuan Zhen applied to the human body, except for the order in which he broke it, is impossible for outsiders to break it, because even a trace of it The external stimulus can make this mysterious prohibition collapse instantly. "

After starting to study the prohibition of the mysterious array in the body, Yuan Feng found out that the mysterious array arranged by Xuanming in his body could really be described by clever skill.

Not to say how advanced the Xuanzhen ban is, but the entire Xuanzhen ban is almost a parallel relationship. You do n’t even know the order in which the people in the array are arranged. Even Xuanming himself may not Remember how he arranged the order. As a result, it may be difficult to unlock these mysterious arrays hidden in the body for a lifetime.

However, it is difficult for others to unravel outside, but for those who have been imposed by Xuan Zhen, as long as they are strong enough and proficient in Xuan Zhen, and remember the order of Xuan Zhen being applied, it is completely necessary. Said another.

"Well, I am afraid that in the whole world, only I can easily handle this kind of difficult thing. If I change other people, even if the strength is strong enough, the method of Xuan Zhen is good enough, but if I do n’t remember the one who was applied The order can only be helpless! "

Yuan Feng is very fortunate, fortunate that he has the existence of swallowing martial spirits, there is no need to worry about having trouble remembering things. When Xuanming imposed a ban on Xuanzhen in his body, Tian Wu Ling had already recorded the entire sequence of formation. As long as he followed this sequence and cracked one by one, naturally there would not be any danger.

In the next time, Yuan Feng calmed down his mind and began to break through carefully. This process is not simple, it can be said that it is more complicated, and he has a good mental or physical requirement. It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine.

After breaking through the prohibition of the mysterious array, he will let his devouring martial spirit follow closely, digesting those black poisonous mists, the fineness of which is not what ordinary people can imagine, when he wants to come, If you want to break all the barriers of the mysterious array and get all the poisonous fog, I am afraid that it will take about two hours to say less.

However, there is nothing to do right now anyway. He can immerse his mind in breaking the battle and detoxify. If something goes wrong, he will respond accordingly at that time.

Yuan Feng, who started to break the battle and detoxify, completely integrated into his own world, but everything outside him had nothing to do with it.

Yuan Feng's strength was there, and the magic of Tian Wu Ling was self-evident. Soon, all the mysterious arrays in his body were sorted out by him, and then he started to crack them little by little.

"The ban on mysterious formation in 1981, plus a change in 1981, this routine of the ban on mysterious formation is really compelling to say!"

After arranging the sequence of these mysterious arrays, Yuan Feng slowly broke them, but had to sigh of praise.

I don't know if this Xuanzhen ban was created by Xuanming himself. If he created it himself, then this big disciple of the Eight Diagrams Hall would be quite amazing.

One by one, Xuan Zhen's restraint was broken by Yuan Feng, and at the same time, Xuan Ming and his two servants, the disciples, also did not rest.

"Brother, these young disciples are pretty good. As for the others, they can basically be ignored. I feel that Brother should try to control a few of them."

In a short time, Xuanming and the other two people controlled almost seven or eight young disciples. These young disciples, in addition to the people of the Liangyi Temple and the Sixiang Hall, and the Bagua Hall themselves, have the remaining seven palaces Basically, some people included them. Speaking of which, the Bagua Temple at this moment can basically be regarded as infiltrating power into every palace.

After these seven or eight young disciples were controlled by Xuan Ming, Liang Yi Dian Xuan passed on his disciples Zhang Jiao, but he could not help but propose to Xuan Ming.

Speaking of it, Xuanming has been busy for a long time, and all the young disciples are in control. For him, it just doesn't hurt and it doesn't have any meaning at all. Only Xuanming controls the disciples of other palaces. , How much more balance in his heart.

"It's almost the same. These young disciples are really boring to control. In this case, try to control the disciples."

When Zhang Jiao's proposal came down, Xuanming's eyes couldn't help but hesitated, then he nodded in agreement.

No matter how many young disciples are conquered, there is no doubt that he can not compare with the control of disciples. However, he does not dare to guarantee that he can control the disciples. If something goes wrong, it may not be an easy thing for him to solve. .

The original control of Ling Qing and Zhang Jiao was completed before the two had become disciples, and Ling Qing and Zhang Jiao at that time were not as powerful as these current disciples, that is, controlling the biography Disciple, he has never done such a thing.

In fact, the reason why he started with young disciples this time was to practice his skills first, and at the same time to allow the disciples to stay in the fantasy for a while, so that several people would be trapped in the fantasy and facilitate his actions.

"Which one of you thinks to start with?"

Xuan Ming's gaze swept across the disciples of the Five Great Ancestral Disciples, but there was some drumming under his heart. He has more or less understanding of these disciples, but he is not so familiar with these people because he knows what he knows, so he naturally does not know who is strong and who is weak.

"Brother Xuanming, I think we should start with Li Xiaobai from Sancai Temple. This person has always been wild and unrestrained. He has also cultivated very carefully and has a much smaller alertness than others. Therefore, if he starts, the possibility of success should be able to Bigger. "

It was Zhang Jiao, a disciple of Liang Yidian, who spoke. In this heart, Li Xiaobai was crazy all day. Where can he be? Moreover, this kind of person is a carefree person, and he is definitely less guarded against the outside world than normal people, so starting with Li Xiaobai should be a good choice.

"I also think Brother Zhang's words are extremely true. It is reasonable to start with this Li Xiaobai."

Ling Qing, a young disciple in the Sixiangdian, immediately voted in favor. In fact, he did not know too much about Li Xiaobai. The reason why he had to follow Zhang Jiao was that they had already discussed it.

He and Zhang Jiao are both in the palm of Xuanming's palm. If there are differences in some opinions, the risks to both of them are actually very high. Therefore, instead of disagreeing, it is better to always agree. In this case, everyone It is fair and reasonable to share one's work and share one's share.

"Is Li Xiaobai?"

Xuan Ming did not immediately agree with the two's proposal. Frankly speaking, he has a little understanding of Li Xiaobai, and from what he knows, this Li Xiaobai is indeed the easiest one to start with. Starting from this person should be a good choice.

"Okay, then let's start with this person. I hope that such a long time of cultivation will make me hit in one shot.

Licking his lips, Xuanming immediately made a decision. Anyway, the strength of these preachers was similar, and since Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing both thought that Li Xiaobai was feasible, and he had no objections, then Li Xiaobai would be better off.

Looking at each other, the three of them looked at Li Xiaobai, a disciple of Sancai Temple, and then came to Li Xiaobai, and surrounded them.

Li Xiaobai has indeed fallen into a mirage at this moment, but no matter they are Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing, or the great disciple of Xuan Ming in the Eight Diagrams Hall, they will never think of this time. This is a wrong decision for them.

There are five disciple disciples in the Wanling Dixin Formation who can try for them, but they only choose the one that is the most difficult to do. It seems that even heaven does not want to help them.

"Shoot !!!"

For a moment of groaning, Xuanming seemed to make the final decision. After a low drink, Zhang Jiao and Ling Qing shot at the same time, trying to control Li Xiaobai.

"Well !!!"

However, just before the two's hands completely touched Li Xiaobai, a sudden sound came from the latter's body, and then Li Xiaobai, who was originally in a fantasy state, suddenly opened like a wake from a sleep. With his eyes, the momentum of his whole body was instantly rippling from his body.

ps: Too many things, ready to go back to my hometown to get a certificate, there are a lot of things to deal with, brothers and sisters to take care of!

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