The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1678: Famous (one more)

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Jianqi's central Wutai suddenly became unusually quiet. On both sides of Wutai, disciple Leng Ke of the Black Palace and Yuan Feng, a disciple of Ziyun Palace, stood on the side of Wutai respectively. The two stood back to back. Leng Ke also held a blue sword in his hand. Yuan Feng's hands were empty.

"Well !!!"

This scene did not last long. At one moment, there was a sudden muffled sound from the body of the black palace disciple Leng Ke. Then, the blood sword shot from his body. It was looking terrifying.

"Tongtong !!!"

As blood spurted up and down the body, Leng Ke involuntarily fell to his knees on one knee, and his face turned pale instantly.

"Okay, good swordsmanship, I lost !!!"

The energy was running, Leng Ke hurriedly repaired the wounds on his body, but Yuan Feng's sword gas had invaded his body. Even if the trauma was temporarily suppressed, the internal injury was difficult to recover for a while and a half. In the next time, he was afraid to take a good rest for a while.

"Oh, your swordsmanship is indeed good. Unfortunately, your moves are too specific to the moves themselves, and the killing swordsmanship and the swordsmanship of the sword are actually different. Get it! "

Looking at Leng Ke kneeling on one knee, Yuan Feng shook her head, her eyes filled with disappointment. He thought he could have more moves with the other side, but he did not expect that the other side's moves were all used to kill people, and this completely used to kill people, in fact, in this kind of discussion, it may not be possible Has a good effect.

"Me, am I wrong?" Leng Ke's eyes flashed with doubt as he heard Yuan Feng say so. He seemed to understand Yuan Feng's words, but felt he couldn't grasp the essentials.

"Tongtong !!!"

However, at this time, where did he still have the energy to consider what Yuan Feng meant, almost when Yuan Feng said these words, he could no longer control it and fell directly on Wutai.

Yuan Feng Shicai's swords are not a joke. It has to be said that Yuan Feng's men are merciful. Each sword is only staying on the surface. If not, he will be long ago by Yuan Feng ’s sword. Stirred into the sky, the dead can't die anymore.


Almost as soon as Leng Ke fell, a dark shadow had already appeared on Wutai, directly pinching Leng Ke under his armpit, and then flashed back to the direction of Hei Ling Palace.

At this time, he was naturally the Promise of the Black Empire Palace, and this Prodigal disciple of the Black Palace did not stay much, caught Leng Ke, and took a close glance at Yuan Feng. Already returned to the square platform of the Hei Dai Palace, and Leng Ke healed the wound for the first time.

Regardless of whether he wins or loses, Leng Ke is a talented disciple of the Kuroshio Palace, and his future achievements are inestimable. Therefore, the senior members of Kuroko Palace will not really watch him die.

"It seems to be a bit heavy!" He glanced in the direction of the Black Palace, Yuan Feng couldn't help but poked his lips, and then he looked up and coughed softly, "Cough, everyone, Shicai. It seems that the brothers of the Kuroshio Palace have given up. I wonder who else wants to learn from them? Please come to the stage and talk. "

After solving the two talented disciples in Heiluo Palace, Yuan Feng did not intend to step down like this. Speaking of which, there were 23 major forces coming to participate in the exchange meeting, but he was very willing to take these 23 The powerful forces of the Habitat all swooped over again, in that case, it can be considered not to beat him once.

"His, this, this ........."

Yuan Feng's voice passed through the entire space, and until this moment, the many powerful men present were able to withstand the gods.

"Exaggerated, right? That sword ... just didn't even see what was going on?"

"It's a terrifying sword. Obviously it already has a direction. But at the last moment, the sword went off-center. What a shocking and brilliant sword. What a great insight, really a great insight!"

"Is this still a warrior in a habitat? Such a shocking sword, even if it is a demi-god, may not be able to cut out such a strange sword trick? How did this son do it?"

Everyone's mind is still on the last sword of Yuan Feng. Frankly speaking, for the sword that Yuan Feng finally cut out, the people who can understand at the scene are only the strong ones who are above the demigod. However, even the strongest in the semi-god realm can only see the shape of the sword, but they are the gods who cannot see the sword.

In principle, Yuan Feng's last sword should be easy to be taken, but this is not the case. In addition to this, everyone is left with a lot of curiosity.

"The young people in Ziyun Palace are really amazing, and the sword mood of Yijian Realm is nothing more. There is even such a terrible sword skill. If this child grows up, it will definitely be a true strong one. "

All eyes are focused on Wutai. At this moment, no one will look down on Yuan Feng because of his lower cultivation, because Yuan Feng ’s sword skill, even if he is a demigod, has to Say admiration.

The strength of Xiuwei is not the only criterion for measuring a warrior. Speaking of how far a warrior can be in the future, the most important thing is to depend on his qualifications and understanding.

With so many people present, they can be found on top of Yuan Feng. But when it comes to the mood of swords and swordsmanship, Yuan Feng can definitely be ranked in the top ten. Such a ranking is simply a thriller.

"Win, win? Really win?"

On the Yuanji Palace side, the masked woman's face remained calm, but her heart was already excited and about to jump up.

When Yuan Feng was fighting her opponent, her heart was basically suspended, and at this moment, Yuan Feng even easily chopped down a talented young man in the Palace of Darkness under the sword, but she was Both happy and shocked.

"Hahahaha, everyone, the disciples under the door are not important, but they have made everyone red again, sorry, sorry, hahaha !!!"

At a time when everyone was unhappy because such a young disciple was born in Ziyun Palace, the side of Ziyun Palace, the master of the Palace of Yuan Dynasty, burst into laughter, and the madness in the laughter was It made the people present feel so uncomfortable.

No way, I found Yuan Feng, the baby puppet, and he really couldn't help it.

Powerful strength, terrifying swordsmanship, in the level of Habitat, he really can't think of any other force who can compare with Yuan Feng. You know, Hei Ling Palace is famous for cultivating young disciples, and even their two talented disciples were destroyed by Yuan Feng one by one. He doesn't believe what other forces can challenge Yuan Feng.

That is to say, if nothing unexpected happens, then this exchange will be a part of the realm of Habitat, and Ziyun Palace should be able to collect a fruit of victory!

The remaining four big players are all smiling, obviously very satisfied with Yuan Feng's performance. Behind these five strong men, the expressions of the disciples of Ziyun Palace and the young disciples are different.

"This kid has such terrible strength? I didn't realize it at all !!!"

Among the many disciples of rumors, Li Xian, Liuhedian, couldn't laugh at all at this moment. Although the same person in Ziyun Palace, even the disciples of Liuhedian, but the victory of Yuan Feng, it is definitely not good news for him.

As for Yuan Feng's hidden strength and means, he felt a little scared after thinking about it. At first, they took Yuan Feng and ten other new disciples to the Manghuang Forest. They originally thought that Yuan Feng and the others had already died. Otherwise, they would definitely kill people.

But now it seems that Yuan Feng absolutely relied on her hidden strength and passed an unknown method to rush back from the wild forest area.

"The son must not be allowed to survive. The original incident must not be exposed."

At the beginning, he used ten new disciples as bait to achieve his purpose. This matter is not big, but it is really not small. If you let the top of the Ziyun Palace grab the handle, it will be enough for him to drink one The pot is gone.

Therefore, no matter what, he must find a way to kill Yuan Feng and not leave his future troubles.

Bai Ling on the side didn't say anything, but she was watching Li Xian's expression all the time. With her understanding of Li Xian, of course, she could guess what the other party was thinking! But having said that, her thoughts are the same as Li Xian's. They all have to kill Yuan Feng for their permanent relief.

"This guy has hidden such a powerful strength and means. It seems that he really looked down on him that day!"

Among the team, the fairy of the Wanling Garden was also attracted all the attention by Yuan Feng at this time. Unlike other people, she actually knew a little about Yuan Feng's situation, at least she knew that Yuan Feng's body It has a very scary Xuanzhen practice, and combined with the strength shown by Yuan Feng, from a comprehensive point of view, this newcomer and disciple in Liuhedian is very good.

"Funny guy, it seems that this person must have hidden a lot of secrets. After this exchange meeting is over, we must find a way to dig out more things from him."

The eyes were slightly stunned. At this moment, the hundred-flower fairy had already included Yuan Feng in her goal. In the days to come, she couldn't say that she would get closer to each other.

"Friends of the Ziyun Palace, will meet you down."

In the time of everyone's thoughts, a long whistle suddenly sounded. Above Wutai, a white figure was already in front of everyone.

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