The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1686: Reward of the split day (one more)

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The first round of this exchange meeting, that is, the exchange at the Habitat level, has basically no suspense.

Judging by the power shown by Yuan Feng, apparently no one has been able to knock him out of office. At this time, going to the stage to challenge Yuan Feng is basically humiliating himself.

Therefore, when Yuan Feng stood on Wutai and shouted over and over again, no one dared to step on the stage. On the whole Wutai, only Yuan Feng was left to sing a monologue.

"People, it seems that no one is willing to discuss with the next. In this case, let's step down for a while and rest for a while. If any brother wants to challenge the next, then he will be on the stage again."

Seeing that no one was on the stage at all, Yuan Feng knew that his task had basically been completed, and the exchanges at the Habitat level would be considered a victory over Ziyun Palace!


The words fell, Yuan Feng's figure flickered, and the time between speaking had returned to the square platform of Ziyun Palace.

"I've seen several temple masters, and my disciples are fortunate!"

Back on the square platform of the Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng bowed down to the four main hall masters and the fairy goddess for the first time, and spoke reverently.

Anyway, each of these five demigods is not something he can offend, and with the identity and strength of several people on the other side, it is naturally worth his bow.

"Hahaha, okay, okay!"

The Lord of the First Yuan Palace was the first to stand up and straighten Yuan Feng. "Yuan Feng, you are doing well. However, at this exchange meeting, I am afraid that everyone did not bring their respective super-geniuses here. Although you have won, it is nothing, so in the future practice, you must not be complacent, you know? "

Split Sky really wanted to praise Yuan Feng a lot, but at the moment, it is obviously not suitable for saying praise. On the contrary, it is this kind of humiliation and side-by-side attack that can get the desired effect.

"Thank you, Lord Master, for reminding you that your disciples naturally know that the three wise fellows are all disciples. Otherwise, how could the disciples win so easily?"

How savvy Yuan Feng is, how can he not understand the meaning of the sky? At this time, of course, he had to cooperate with the split day, and ridicule the guys present.

"Ha ha ha, yes, yes, it seems that you little guy is really sensible, yes, yes !!!"

For Yuan Feng's answer, Split Sky was too satisfied. What he wanted was such an effect, but he did not expect Yuan Feng to really understand his meaning. It seems that Yuan Feng not only has strong strength and high talent, but also the ability to respond to changes, it should be good!

"If you have merit, you have rewards and you have punishments. Come here. This is a little bit of a reward from the owner of this temple. It is a little reward for you. Hold it first, and there will be more rewards naturally after the exchange meeting ends. "

For such a great contribution to Ziyun Palace, of course, it is impossible to say nothing at all. In fact, if it is not the right occasion, the split sky will definitely give Yuanfeng more rewards.

Talking, a jade box was taken out by him and thrown directly into Yuan Feng's hands.

"Thank you, Lord Lord!" Yuan Feng was also polite. When he raised his hand, he first put away the jade box, and then quickly hurriedly thanked him. Although he didn't know what was in the jade box, he believed that what the Demigod was strong could not be ordinary, but what it was, he would look at it later.

Thanks to the Lord of the Heavenly Temple and arched his hands to the other main hall masters, Yuan Feng slowly returned to a group of young disciples and began to act as his audience.

When Yuan Feng returned to the young disciples, the young disciples present, whether they were newcomers from the outside world, or the people of Ziyun Palace, were all looking at awe at the moment.

Those who are outsiders are just fine. After all, they are all under the control of Yuan Feng, naturally respecting Yuan Feng. The people inside Ziyun Palace itself were also impressed by Yuan Feng's performance.

Whether they are disciples in Habitat, or disciples in Yin and Yang, they all believe that Yuan Feng at this time is absolutely invincible in Habitat, and can even be tough against the strong in Yin and Yang, not to mention other methods, Yuan Feng's swordsmanship alone is a headache for everyone below the yin and yang scene.

The sword before Yuan Feng can be said to be a sword with no solution. In front of that sword, they can never think of a way to dodge. Speaking of it, it is because Yuan Feng's sword is not sharp enough. If he really holds a spirit sword, then he can completely kill the yin and yang, even the stronger warrior.

"It's a real eye-catcher, this kid is really a scourge."

In front of a group of young disciples, Liu Hedian's disciple Li Xian, at this moment, his face was getting lower and lower. The scenery of Yuan Feng is a kind of irony to him. The more he sees the scenery of Yuan Feng, the more determined he is to kill Yuan Feng, the more determined he becomes.

"Hum, see how long you can be beautiful, sooner or later will destroy you."

Although he didn't look back, he could imagine that at this moment, Yuan Feng must be proud of the spring breeze, and it could not reach the extreme.

"Yu, it's finally settled. This time it should be regarded as a fame, right? I don't know, what kind of baby did I get in this split day."

Standing back to the team of young disciples, Yuan Feng no longer cares about outside affairs. His task has been successfully completed. Next, he can be an audience with peace of mind, and then wait until the exchange is over and see if he can No get more rewards.

"Well? This Li Xian really is Wang Ba eating the scales. He is so determined to kill me. It seems that he will have to guard against this person in the future so as not to be calculated by him."

The position he is now is much closer to Li Xian than before, and in this position, Yuan Feng can clearly feel the killing intention transmitted by the former.

"If you don't have time to see you in general, let's take a look at my gains first. I've been busy for a long time. I don't think it would be too ordinary a reward!"

Leaving Li Xian aside for a while, Yuan Feng's thoughts sank into the body space, and then the jade box given to him by the Lord of the Yuan Temple was opened by him.

"His ......... This, this is ........."

The jade box was opened, but inside it was a whole body of white elixir. The aura of the entire elixir escaped. Among them was a faint strange wave of energy. It was this faint that shocked Yuan Feng. Energy fluctuations.

"This is the fluctuation of the power of yin and yang, this elixir ......... Yes, it must be the elixir that helps people to yin and yang."

Feeling the strange energy fluctuations transmitted from the elixir, Yuan Feng believes that this elixir must be used to impact the yin and yang environment. As for the name of the elixir and how it is made, he Naturally no way of knowing.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, such a strong yin and yang source, which is mixed with a trace of natural power, such precious elixir is simply the thing I need most right now. It really helped me a lot. "

Frankly, he really didn't expect that the thing that the Lord of the Heavens Palace rewarded him was just the thing he needed most. You know, he is currently worrying about the impact of Yin and Yang. If this elixir can If you help him break through, then his world will become completely different.

This elixir is different from the babies that hit the yin and yang state before. Obviously, the effect of this elixir is better than those so-called babies. After all, this is given by the powerful gods.

However, Yuan Feng did not realize that for the demigod strong, the elixir that hits the yin and yang realm, even if it is not a very junk product, it is definitely a low-level item that is not used, just It seemed quite appropriate for him to give this thing at this time.

"Great, judging from the energy emanating from this elixir, if I take this elixir, the probability of a successful impact will definitely be 90% or 90%. It seems that it stays at this level of the habitat. For a long time, I was finally able to become a member of the yin and yang realm! "

Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it took no effort. He knew that he could get this elixir from the sky, and he would have worked harder and harder before.

"It's not the time to take elixir. When the exchange meeting ends, I must first find a suitable place and successfully break through the realm of yin and yang."

Carefully put away this shiny white elixir, Yuan Feng knew that he couldn't take the elixir right now, but as soon as he got the chance, he had to take the elixir for the first time.

Leaving aside the fierce dangers in the Ziyun Palace, you have to know that this time the show was brilliant, and God knows whether he has offended some super powers. If he does n’t advance to the yin and yang realm, he will not deal with those power Capital.

Of course, after all, he has revealed some of his strength this time. Of course, the strong man in the Ziyun Palace will certainly try his best to protect him, but it may not hurt others.

After thinking about these intricate relationships before and after, Yuan Feng slowly calmed himself down completely. From now on, he can prepare for the impact of the yin and yang environment. As for the next exchange meeting, his The avatar can only be controlled from it, and his deity can completely close his eyes and raise his soul, and not provoke anyone's doubt.

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