The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1695: Learn now

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With a bang, on top of Wutai, the men in black in Ziyun Palace Jiang Yu and the Black Palace were finally separated, and now the battle between the two has been going on for more than a few minutes.

"Yoo !!!"

Yi Jian retreated from Ziyun Palace disciple Jiang Yu *, and the man in black in Hei Ling Palace couldn't help but breathe out, obviously not tired.

In these few minutes, he was basically attacking, and Jiang Yu has been defending with double fists. No matter how powerful his offensive, he was eventually hardened by Jiang Yu. Until now, Jiang Yu's body did not see the slightest scar.

"A good disciple of the Heihe Palace, this person's strength really isn't true. Although my strength came to Jiang Yu's body, it was higher than the other side in the hierarchy. However, this body is really fragile. Can't afford my toss. "

Taking advantage of this opportunity to adjust his breath a few times, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but feel a little hesitant.

Prior to this, he did not expect that this disciple of the Black Palace would be so strong that he would not fight back, but he did n’t really want to return the phone.

It's not that his strength isn't enough. It's just that Jiang Yu's body has reached the limit that his strength can bear. If he forcefully forces the body, then this body may be abolished directly.

There is no way, his own strength has far surpassed the average person of the Promise Realm, but Jiang Yu is nothing more than a newcomer who has not been promoted to Yin and Yang for a long time. The gap between the two is really incomprehensible.

"Fortunately, this person's swordplay routine has been touched by me. In the next time, I will attack it!"

During this time, in fact, he was nothing more than adapting to the opponent's attack routine, and learning some experience from it. Do you want to talk about the pressure? There is really not too much pressure.

"You are strong, even the strongest opponent I have ever met."

In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, the black man on the opposite side suddenly flashed his eyes, and then he spoke lightly. I have to say that being able to let him speak is obviously the opponent has won his respect.


Hearing the man in black, Yuan Feng responded to his face, but the expression on his face was still cold, as if everyone owed him money.

"If we continue to fight like this, no one of us can win, we might as well win or lose with one move!"

The eyes of the man in black were shining brightly, and then he proposed to Jiang Yu. He has just used his full strength, but Jiang Yu on the other side is like a turtle shell, and he has no way to start. If he keeps hitting it like this, he doesn't know when to hit it!

"up to you!!!"

Regarding the proposal of the man in black, Jiang Yu's answer was still simple and clean, but such a pleasant answer made the frowning of the disciples of Heizhi Palace on the other side, and it was completely unrecoverable.

To tell the truth, the man in black also understands that if he continues to fight like this, unless he maintains the momentum of violent bombing, otherwise, once he relaxes, I am afraid that he will have to withstand Yuan Feng's counterattack, and At that time, he was afraid that he had consumed too much, and he might not be able to carry it by then.

Therefore, in the case of insurance, he proposed a move to win or lose. Originally, he thought the other party would disagree, but the fact was that the other party agreed so simply.

In the previous experience, he has always played the role of an indifferent lone knight, but today, after meeting Jiang Yu on the opposite side, he found that he seemed to be compared by the other party.

"The next sword is my strongest attack. If you can take it or avoid it, I will lose it."

Shaking his head, the man in black tossed the weird feeling under his heart aside, and then spoke quietly. He made the decision to win or lose a game. The opponent should have done it first, but at this time he couldn't care less, because from Jiang Yu, he did feel the danger.

In order to win the final victory and save his life, he will not care about any irregularities. Of course, if Jiang Yu does not agree, he can discuss with the other party.


However, what made the man in black unexpectedly was that, just when his proposal had just come down, the opposite Jiang Yu didn't even hesitate, he just agreed in one go.

It seems that the other party did not think about competing with him for the first shot, and even from the bottom of his eyes, he saw an undisguised disdain. Perhaps, from beginning to end, the other party did not seem to regard him as a real opponent!

"Well, in this case, Your Excellency is ready to take over!"

Regarding Jiang Yu's attitude, the man in black is undoubtedly very unhappy. For a long time, it was only he who despised others. He used to be despised by someone at the same level for a long time. This feeling is really not uncomfortable.

"Om !!!"

Between thoughts, the black long sword in his hand trembled slightly, and then, with his body as the center, a black mist burst out from the ground, and the condensation began immediately above his head.


The black mist just appeared. Above the sky, a white mist came down again. The time spent talking, one black and one white, was centered on the long sword of the man in black. Ground circulation overlaps.

"this is……………"

"Yin and Yang two pole sword? Hiss, dear, turned out to be yin and Yang pole sword? Isn't this set of swords extinct long ago? How could it appear here?"

"It's really a yin-yang bipolar swordsmanship. It is said that this swordsmanship is basically difficult to see in the world of no delusion. Unexpectedly, Hei Ling Palace still has such magic skills."

"Okay, okay, the yin and yang pole swordsmanship is unmatched. With this set of swordsmanship in the body, this little guy in the Heihe Palace must be able to defeat the guy in Ziyun Palace."

"Yes, the yin and yang poles swordsmanship, one yin and one yang, is the most suitable swordsman for yin and yang. As long as the little guy in Heiyanggong can exert the power of this set of sword skills, then it is enough to defeat Opponent. "

"Looking at this posture, this little guy in the Black Palace is not just as simple as a fur? It seems that this time, the little guy in the Ziyun Palace should have no chance?"

When the black and white mists came down from the sky and broke through the ground, all the strong men present were secretly surprised. With their knowledge, they were recognized as soon as possible. This set of swordsmanship, It is the long-lost yin and yang pole swordsmanship. The prestige of this swordsmanship is absolutely well known.

The disciples of the Heilu Palace showed this set of swordsmanship enough to make him have the attack power of a person without a limit, and if even such attacks could not win Jiang Yu from the Ziyun Palace, then they would really be Nothing to say.

"Well, a little bit interesting, what kind of swordsmanship is this? It can seduce the power of heaven and earth. It seems that this sword must be handled with care!"

Everyone else was praising the sword of the man in black, and of course, Yuan Feng was of course studying the sword of the other party.

He had never heard of the yin-yang bipolar swordsmanship, but his knowledge was there. He could see the unusualness of the swordsmanship simply by looking at it with his eyes.

"One sword is grounded, one sword is sky-high, it is really a set of horrible sword skills, but it seems that this person's mastery of this set of sword skills is afraid that he still owes too much."

For this set of sword skills alone, Yuan Feng believes that this is definitely a rare set of powerful sword skills. If such a set of sword skills is in his hands, the power must be dozens of times stronger than the opponent.

"I really have to deal with this sword!"

No matter what, he is now using a yin and yang body. If it is his own, no matter how strong the opponent's swordsmanship is, he can use his body to resist, but Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong passed Jiang Yu ’s When the body is exerted, the defense is not so strong.

"Sword comes !!!"

Seeing that the black and white color on the opponent's sword became more and more clear, Yuan Feng was no longer hesitant. When he raised his hand, he also recruited a sword.

"Are you finally going to make a sword? I thought how stiff this guy in Ziyun Palace was, wouldn't it still use weapons?"

"That's right, it was pretended to be so * true, and now it's exposed, right? Without that kind of strength, why have to ......... Uh, this, this is ........."

Seeing that Yuan Feng finally took out the sword, everyone present laughed, and seemed to be dismissive of Jiang Yu's hard temper before.

However, at the time when everyone was stimulating with words to relieve their tension, the new incident on Wutai was closing everyone's mouths, and even some people were still laughing. , But the smile was frozen directly on the face.

"This, how is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them. For them, the scene in front of them was a bit too dreamy.

In the eyes, the black and white polar swordsmanship of the disciples of the Black Palace has already condensed, but at this moment, on the opposite side of Jiang Yun's sword in Ziyun Palace, he also began to have a black and white spirit. The sharp condensation, the time between speeches, one black, one white, and two breaths, are also the forms that converge the yin and yang polar swordsmanship.

At this moment, on Wutai, there were two people who knew the swordsmanship of yin and yang.

ps: A hundred flowers, when can we break through! !! !! !! Roar, ask for flowers! !! !! Brothers and sisters! !! !! !!

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