The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1726: It ’s hard not to be famous (one more)

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The violent sharp air escaped on the square platform of the Ziyun Palace. The image of the giant sword rising like a giant pillar stood between heaven and earth and attracted everyone. Eyeballs.

At this moment, everyone's attention was attracted by the Great Sword image and the young man below the Great Sword image. Even the two men fighting on Wutai stopped fighting and looked at this with astonishment. A scene.

"This, this is ........."

The first to change color was Li Xiaobai, the Sancai Temple, who had just stopped fighting. When he saw the scene above the square platform of the Ziyun Palace, his face changed dramatically, and his eyes were filled with an incredible color.

"How, how is that possible? This is ............ the realm of the magic sword? Someone broke through the realm of the magic sword at this time? I, am I not dazzled?"

Li Xiaobai was really scared at this moment. No one in the audience was more clear about what he meant to the scene in front of him, because not long ago, he had just completed the same outside. Process, and after that time, he has achieved the invincible state of mind of the sword realm.

In other words, the scene at this moment is exactly the scene where someone broke into the realm of magic sword, in other words, at this moment, the Ziyun Palace turned out to be a supreme figure in realm of magic sword! !!

"It's him?!!!"

Looking down at the image of the giant sword, Li Xiaobai immediately saw who the breakthrough person was, but when he saw the breakthrough person, he was already stunned and almost turbulent.

"How, how can this happen? A person who lives in a habitat actually realizes the sword mood of the sword realm? Is this a joke?"

He thought he had seen more strange things, but at this moment, he knew that his vision would be refreshed again!

Li Xiaobai saw what the vision of the eye meant, and the many demigods present at the scene immediately returned from the shock and saw the meaning behind this scene!

"The law enters the body, the sword penetrates the world, this, this is the scene where someone has realized the realm of the magic sword, this, this ..."

"It's the fluctuation of the sword realm of the sword realm. It's really the fluctuation of the sword realm of the sword realm. Someone broke through to the sword realm !!"

"That's ... the kid in Ziyun Palace's habitat? This fluctuation was actually carried from his body?"

"Yes, is there a mistake? This little guy ......... he, he realized the true meaning of the magic sword realm? Is this a joke with everyone?"

"Crazy, crazy, really crazy, how can it be, a little creature in the habitat can realize the true meaning of the magic sword realm? But, this is indeed a vision of the magic sword realm!"

Everyone's eyes are focused on Yuan Feng. Everyone is obviously very impressed with this young man who has demonstrated his skills at the level of the habitat, but no matter who it is, there is really no way to treat such a young man with The invincible magic sword realm is linked.

Li Xiaobai was able to comprehend the realm of the magic sword with the cultivation of the limitless state. This has shocked a large number of powerful people present. As for a person in the habitat, the realm of the realm of magic sword is an unthinkable thing. .

However, no matter how shocking and unreasonable this scene is, it is impossible to falsify the sword qi and the strong rule of qi.

"This this…………"

On the square platform, the top five of Ziyun Palace are the closest to the vision, and the feeling is naturally the clearest. At this moment, everyone else has been taken aside by the sharp sword gas storm. There were only five of them left unflipped, and the five of them looked and stood there, and Yuan Feng, who was full of laws and swords, was speechless for a while.

Everyone else can see that Yuan Feng is the sword mood that understands the state of the magic sword. It is even more impossible for them to see five of them. However, they couldn't believe it at all.

Li Xiaobai's understanding of the sword and sword realm has brought them a lot of shock, but now a disciple of the habitat has realized the terrible sword and sword artistic concept, which is not so simple as shocking.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The law of violent sword is still rippling around Yuan Feng's body. It seems that Yuan Feng at this time should not fully understand the realm of the magic sword, and seeing this, everyone is silent, waiting for the whole The end of the process.

No one dared to speak at this time. The whole scene was unusually weird, and everyone was willing to wait for the result to appear, because everyone knew that maybe next time, they were about to witness a miracle!

"Master, he ...... he is realizing the realm of magic sword?"

Waner, who stopped with Li Xiaobai above Wutai, was also stunned looking at everything above the square platform of Ziyun Palace. Although she did not know what the scene was like when she broke into the realm of magic sword However, she was able to feel that the atmosphere of Yuan Feng's body and Li Xiaobai who met with Shicai was simply the same.

The same sword realm fluctuates, the same goes forward, this is not the realm of magic sword, what will it be?

However, for a person who lives in Yuanfeng, she can understand the sword mood of the sword realm, and she is really drunk!

Everyone was silently waiting for the results to appear. In fact, at this moment, the five demigods of Ziyun Palace have been involuntarily given a vigilance around the square platform of Ziyun Palace. Right now No matter who wants to disrupt Yuan Feng's breakthrough process, I am afraid they will be hit by storms.

These five people are not fools, although everything in front of them is so incredible, everything is proof that Yuan Feng at this moment is indeed impacting the artistic conception of the Sword Realm. It would be a shame if people interrupted. Obviously, they would never allow this to happen.

I don't know how long after that, the image of the giant sword above Yuan Feng's head slowly dissipated, and the violent law spirit was slowly taken into his body by him. Everything is calm, but at this moment, Yuan Feng is totally different.


When the wind and waves subsided, the two eyes of Yuan Feng were closed tightly, but their eyes opened sternly. Suddenly, two sharp rays of light emerged out of control, as if torn apart. The sky.

"Yu, the realm of magic swords. I never imagined that I would be able to break through the realm of magic swords at this time. I really care for God!"

Exhaling gently, Yuan Feng couldn't help feeling a little bit under the heart. At this time, he did n’t really know the sword mood of the realm of magic sword, but what he did n’t expect was that in the battle between Li Xiaobai and Waner, he actually caught that trace. Ming Wu, once realized the sword mood of this layer, this is really a gratifying thing.

"Well? This ........."

I glanced around subconsciously, and then Yuan Feng found out that at this moment, everyone in the entire world was watching him, and at this moment, he realized that it seemed that he was able to break through the realm of magic sword. , But it was completed under the eyes of countless people, and this process, I am afraid that everyone has witnessed it!

"Well, this time I really want to be famous, just don't know if it will cause me any trouble!"

With a sigh in his heart, Yuan Feng knew that the recent breakthrough would be accompanied by huge movements, and that his breakthrough to the realm of the sword was feared to be known by everyone.

"Hey, my disciples have seen five adults, but I feel a little bit uncomfortable, but they are somewhat involuntary, which has affected the process of the exchange meeting. I also hope the five adults forgive me."

Withdrawing his eyes, Yuan Feng naturally saw the five Ziyun Palace powerhouses in front of him, and when he saw these five people standing in front of himself, staring at him with a shocked expression, he rushed forward and faced him. The five gave a gift and sincerely acknowledged the wrong way.

He didn't know exactly how much movement he had made, but from the current situation, even the competition on the stage stopped, I am afraid that the movement is absolutely not small.

"Yuan Feng, let me ask you, you, you just realized the sword mood of the sword state? What's the result now?"

Seeing Yuan Feng bowing and saluting, the top five could not help but swallowed. Then, the master of the Hall of the Yuan Temple stepped forward and asked in amazement.

What Yuan Feng Shicai showed was indeed a scene that hit the realm of magic sword, but as to whether it was successful, it was only Yuan Feng himself who knew it. Even if they were strong, they could not see it. .

"Don't dare to conceal the five adults. Disciple Shiji watched Brother Li Xiaobai's battle and suddenly realized the true meaning of the realm of magic sword. Five adults please see!"

Yuan Feng didn't hide it either. After the Lord of the Heavenly Temple's words fell, he could not help but give a small gift, and then took a step back and raised an ordinary long sword between his hands.


With the sword in hand, Yuan Feng gently cut out a sword, but when his sword was cut out, an unusually weird energy wave appeared in everyone's eyes, that weird Jianmang, what is not the rule attack?

"His ......... the sword of the law, it really is the sword of the law !!!"

Everyone clearly saw the sword of Yuan Feng, but when they saw such a sword and cast it from the hands of a person in the habitat, there was a kind of indescribability in everyone's heart. Weird feeling.

At this moment, Yuan Feng told everyone with his actual actions. From today on, the youngest Swordmaster in Wulei is born under the joint witness of all of them!

ps: In the new week, the hard-working smoke seeks flowers! !! !!

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