The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1731: Illusion and Snake (second more)

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Yuan Feng didn't feel anything wrong about being a disciple of disciples who became the master of Liuhe Palace.

Speaking of which, the master of the Liuhe Palace does not know him, and it is impossible to know what he is thinking. As long as he is the disciple of the other party, he obeys the other party ’s arrangements in everything, and there is no problem in coming.

Of course, if you really want to be counted, becoming a disciple disciple of the master of the Liuhe Palace will also have more advantages than disadvantages. After all, once you become a disciple disciple, his status will instantly change. The resources he enjoyed may be beyond his imagination.

A genius in the realm of magic sword, no matter which demigod is strong, he will definitely cultivate it seriously if he wants to come. If the master of the Liuhe Palace does not care, it can only indicate that his head is faulty.

Then again, if the owner of the Liuhe Palace really didn't value him, he would naturally have to vote for someone else. Anyway, there are so many strong men in Ziyun Palace. He really doesn't believe that no one wants to keep him.

After Wang Zhong conveyed the meaning of the Master of the Liuhe Palace to Yuan Feng, he didn't say too much. He was not a talkative person. This time he brought the words of the Master of the Huayuan Palace to him, and his task was naturally It is over. As for the matter of connecting feelings, this is not his specialty.

Of course, people like Yuan Feng have absolutely no language to communicate with feelings. Wang Zhong doesn't do anything. This is already a good show of Yuan Feng.

In addition to Wang Zhong, several disciple disciples also expressed their friendship towards Yuan Feng. Although they were unavoidable, these people obviously did not care about them. Yuan Feng's future is immeasurable. At this time, don't stagnate. If they wait until after the completion of Yuan Feng, they want to sacrifice too late.

To say that the only thing that is relatively calm is Xuan Ming, a great disciple in the Eight Diagrams Hall. He admits that he eats Ding Yuanfeng, so naturally he does not need to be close to Yuan Fengtao at this time.

"Congratulations to my brother, I can't think of his qualifications being so good. At this time, I can understand the sword mood of the magic sword realm, and I really admire my brother."

There is one person in the crowd who doesn't need to look at others' faces or have any scruples, and this person is, of course, Li Xiaobai of Sancai Temple.

As a genius in the realm of magic swords, Li Xiaobai definitely does not need to tie up with Yuan Feng, and he said a few words to Yuan Feng, naturally it can be understood as the exchange of geniuses in the realm of two magic swords.

"The elder brother talked a lot. Speaking of it, I can understand the sword mood of the realm of magic sword. All of this is because I watched his brother's shot. Therefore, thank you all for this."

Seeing that Li Xiaobai was approaching, Yuan Feng quickly adjusted her look and saluted the other party.

To treat this Li Xiaobai, he really needs to look at it differently. No matter what, he can achieve the sword mood of the sword realm, but he needs to thank the other party. Moreover, in Xuanming's mysterious array, he and the other party had a mental communication, and everyone was familiar with each other.

Of course, he can actually feel Li Xiaobai's deep-seated hostility, which he still quite understands.

Just ask a few, even if it is him, it is absolutely impossible to be comfortable in your heart if it is stolen by others.

However, no matter whether the other party is hostile to him or not, he does not have any worries at all now. He is also a strong man in the realm of magic swords. The realm of magic swords of the opponent is useless to him. If they fight now, he has the confidence to completely abuse each other.

Therefore, he really hopes that the other party is not polite to himself, maybe he can get him unexpected gains.

These disciple disciples are not ordinary people. If these people can be controlled in their own hands, they can almost control the entire Ziyun Palace secretly.

It's a pity that Pu Chuan ’s mind is very firm. It is really difficult to control these people in his current state. Perhaps, after he ’s promoted to Yin and Yang, he should be able to control some common Pu Chuan ’s disciples. Come on! As for Li Xiaobai, he doesn't have to think about controlling the other party until he reaches the limitless state.

"Haha, where is the master, I am on the stage to cast the sword of the law of the realm of magic sword. I do n’t know how many people I see, but only the master understands the meaning of it. In the final analysis, this is all by the master I do n’t dare to be a brother. ”

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Li Xiaobai's complexion could not help but stagnate slightly, and then hurriedly shirk. Frankly speaking, he is the least willing to hear such words, that is, he would rather believe that Yuan Feng had realized it by himself, and he definitely would not believe that the other party was promoted by him.

The genius who has created a realm of magic sword with his own hands contends for favor with himself, and can feel depressed and vomit blood.

"Master Yuan Feng, since you and I are both in the realm of magic swords, in the future, we will have more exchanges, maybe we can complement each other and grow together!"

This is the end of the matter, and he can only be related to Yuan Feng Lara. As he said, they are all geniuses in the realm of magic swords. In the future, they can communicate more and learn from each other. Reach a stronger sword realm.

"The brother said that the younger brother has just realized the realm of this level, and there is something he doesn't understand in the future. I also hope that the brother can add more points."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng arched his hands at the other side again. The modest appearance really made people see nothing wrong.

However, if it is someone else, it may really be confused by Yuan Feng's appearance, but Li Xiaobai is different. At that time, Li Xiaobai knew that Yuan Feng was hiding something. He believed that the young man Yuan Yuan would never be as simple and simple as it seemed.

"It must be. The younger brother is talented and intelligent. Maybe he will soon be a brother."

Li Xiaobai also behaved as unbridled as ever. Even if there is something in it, outsiders may not be able to hear it. It can be said that the dialogue between him and Yuan Feng is basically only understood by the two of them.

"Brother is overrated."

With a thick smile, of course Yuan Feng will not lose to the other party in pretending to be a silly player. Speaking of playing this set with him, he does not worry that he will lose.

"Everyone has listened, and this is the real highlight of this exchange meeting. After a while, when the major players fight, I'm afraid there will be some accidents, so you all stay honestly and don't move. Don't leave the scope of this platform, otherwise, if something goes wrong, our masters may not save you. "

Between Li Xiaobai's and Yuan Feng's speech, the voice of the master of the Palace of the Yuan Dynasty was split into the ears of everyone present.

Immediately, there will be trials and comparisons among the demigods. Any one of these demigods is a real strong sent by the major forces. Needless to say.

Moreover, each of these super strong men is hot-tempered, and if they are really angry, no one will care about the life and death of others. When the time comes, they can make a little bit of the aftermath of the battle. The following people caused injuries. Especially those in the habitats and yin and yang, in the hands of the demigods, these people are as vulnerable as ants.

It is conceivable that Ziyun Palace was born with so many geniuses. God knows if the other big forces will be jealous. Then suddenly it will give Ziyun Palace a little more than that.

Talented disciples like Yuan Feng and Li Xiaobai, even if they lose one, the exchange meeting of Ziyun Palace can be said to have failed. Therefore, several high-level members of Ziyun Palace must fully guarantee the safety of the major disciples. .

"Also, the exchange between those demigods is a great opportunity for you to learn. Even if you ca n’t learn anything, it ’s always good to open your eyes, so everyone must be rare. Don't miss this opportunity. "

On weekdays, the silhouettes of the demigods are hard to be found, let alone see the demigods shot. So, for this exchange meeting now, everyone naturally wants to seize the opportunity this time. Even if it is difficult to learn anything, it can be regarded as a demigod shot to broaden your horizons.

"Yuan Feng, don't leave Wutai for a while, and she will protect you carefully when the fairy of all spirits is not fighting, so you should never leave her sight, you know? "

When the Lord of the Heavens Temple ordered the crowd to complete, Yuan Feng's ear came with a separate voice of the Lord Lord. Obviously, for Yuan Feng, Ziyun Palace must be treated specially.

It is absolutely impossible for everyone in the five demigods to step down to participate in the war. At least, the fairy of all spirits will generally not shoot. She will protect Yuan Feng's safety, but it can also ensure foolproofness.

"Disciple understand !!!"

Hearing that the Lord of the Heavenly Temple actually took special care of himself, Yuan Feng couldn't help but gratefully gaze back and heard a message.

In any case, the Ziyun Palace's big powers absolutely do not want him to be okay, and this naturally cannot be done. He would be more or less grateful for this.

"Fight, the battle of the demigods. It will make people feel **** if you think about it!"

After calming down, Yuan Feng's eyes glanced at the five strong men in Ziyun Palace, and then looked at the disciples in Ziyun Palace, then he cast his sights around, and looked at each of the warlike demigod Realm strong.

Speaking of which, these demigods are probably struggling with energy. After all, after so many games, they are finally compared by the Ziyun Palace. Such a defeat, they must be beautiful. Just come back.

It is foreseeable that the next exchange study will be a full-blown study.

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