The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1746: Public outrage (one more)

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The entire exchange meeting room was silent, and everyone's eyes were all focused on the Wutai that appeared again. There, the shadow of the super strong man with the reputation of the Kuroshio Palace, was on his knees. He fell to his knees, and the corners of his mouth were slowly overflowing with blood.

At this moment, the two strong men with the same strength are standing, one kneeling, one intact, one embarrassed, and the corners of their mouths bleeding. At this moment, for the victory and defeat of this battle, the people present do not need to go question.

"This this……………"

"How could this be? It was too thorough to lose? Why was it so miserable?"

"It must have been a conspiracy and a trick, and secretly calculated the shadow with the mysterious array. Otherwise, this situation is absolutely impossible!"

"Damn, even if you use this method to win your opponent, wouldn't you be afraid to say that you would be ridiculed? Ziyun Palace, would you dare not shame?"

"Congratulations, you must condemn the Ziyun Palace. Such a victory is simply impossible !!!!"

The strong men present were unable to accept the facts at the moment. You know, although they don't care much about the outcome, they definitely don't want to see the strong man in the Kuroshio Palace lose so miserably, because the worse the strong man in the Kuroshio Palace loses, it also proves that the strength of Ziyun Palace Strong.

They came to the Ziyun Palace together this time, and the only purpose they knew was in their hearts. Naturally, they hope that the Ziyun Palace is not so arrogant, but they definitely do not want the Ziyun Palace to completely abuse them. power.

If Ziyun Palace can really abuse them, then their actions today are really very dangerous.

Therefore, in their hearts, they all felt that it was the master of the conspiracy of the Heavenly Temple who had performed a conspiracy and secretly calculated the shadow, not that he had won by the true ability.


In the time of speaking, a flash of light flashed, but it was the anode palace veteran Feng Kun who had recovered his strength. At this moment, Flash came to Wutai.

"Master of the Temple of the Heavens, are you too much? Are you using a pre-arranged mysterious array to hurt people? Is this the exchange meeting held by your Ziyun Palace? Today, you must give everyone an account."

Feng Kun, the elder, was defeated by Mo Xie, the Lord of the Five Elements Palace, and was very depressed. At this moment, of course, he was all looking for the trouble of Ziyun Palace. Right now Ziyun Palace wins the battle with conspiracy and deceit, which is simply an excellent opportunity for him to attack Ziyun Palace.


Almost as soon as Feng Kun's voice had fallen, a sound of breaking wind came. Then, another figure flashed onto Wutai, and the expression on his face was full of anger.

"Hmm, I can't stand it anymore. The mighty Ziyun Palace strongman actually won the competition in this way. Such a behavior is really inconceivable. Huh, split the sky, if you do n’t give everyone an account today I am afraid it will be difficult to convince everyone. "

It wasn't anyone else who came to power this time, it was Gongsun Yun, one of the two great veterans from Yuanji Palace. With this treacherous heart, of course I know when I should stand up. With such a good opportunity right now, if I do n’t stand up to blame Ziyun Palace, would n’t I be sorry for everyone ’s purpose here?

You know, their true purpose is indeed not glorious. If they can find an excuse to make Ziyun Palace an impolite party, then they are justified and well-known.

"Ah, Ziyun Palace, it's really disappointing !!!"

The long sigh came, but it was the seniors of the Yanji Palace. At this moment, he also sighed on his own platform, and seemed to be quite angry at Ziyun Palace's move.

"Since it is called an exchange meeting, exchanges should be conducted fairly. This move of the Ziyun Palace has already broken the rules of the exchange meeting. Such forces are not eligible to participate in the exchange meeting again."

"Yes, yes, from now on, the Ziyun Palace should never participate in the exchange meeting. Also, at this exchange meeting, the Ziyun Palace must apologize to everyone. Otherwise, I will not be able to give up."

"It should be so. In the presence of so many people, we should apologize to everyone, especially like the shadow ..."

After the powerful men of several major forces stood out, the snobbish ones came out at once, blaming the Lord of the Heavenly Temple above Wutai and the entire Ziyun Palace.

"This ... seems to be arousing public anger!"

On the square platform of the Ziyun Palace, the faces of the big powers are not so good at this moment. They did not expect that the reactions of the major forces would be so fierce. It seems that this scene is a little overdone. .

However, at this moment, they didn't know the actual situation, but couldn't say anything, everything had to be explained by the Master of the Heavenly Temple. If the Lord of the Heavenly Temple really secretly won the contest with the Xuan array, then even if they are a few, I am afraid I don't know how to justify the other party.

"No, it's not mysterious array, definitely not mysterious array !!!"

Just when the powerful men of the major forces came out to blame Ziyun Palace's evil deeds, among the disciples of Ziyun Palace, Yuan Feng's face was full of suspicion.

"Absolutely not mysterious array, just at that moment, I didn't feel the slightest energy fluctuation of mysterious array, so it would definitely not be mysterious array means, absolutely not."

Others only saw superficial phenomena, however, Yuan Feng was not limited by superficial phenomena.

In fact, the battle between the Master of the Heavenly Temple and the Phantom has been very concerned from the beginning. It can be said that every scene of the battle was witnessed by himself.

When the Master of the Heavenly Temple and the Phantom disappeared before everyone's eyes, he believed that there must be other situations at that moment, but it was definitely not what everyone said, and the mysterious array arranged in advance.

His research on Xuan Zhen has reached a very high level. With so many strong men present, if he can beat him in Xuan Zhen's accomplishments, I am afraid he can't find one or two.

Moreover, his devouring martial arts is not vegetarian. If he can't feel even if there is a vicious array fluctuation, then devouring martial arts is not devouring martial arts.

"What the **** is this? What exactly is this? How could it be weird? And, what happened just now? Why did this guy in the Kurdish Palace suddenly defeat Ruth?"

His eyes were constantly switching between the two strong men above Wutai. At this moment, he really felt very itchy.

He believes that the Master of the Heavenly Temple did not use the Xuanzhen method, but if it is not the Xuanzhen method, he really does not know what other methods can make a super-powerful super-powerful person disappear directly, and in a moment He defeated it. As long as there is such a magical method in the world, his heart is difficult to calm for a long time.

You know, if you let him master this method, then I am afraid he can also fight against the strong in the demigod.

"A demigod strong man, what kind of means is it that can be powerful Ruos !!!"

Gaze finally looked at the split sky above Wutai. Yuan Feng firmly believed that there must be some unknown conditions in it. At least, he believed that the master of the split sky palace would never use the prepared Xuan array to conceal his opponent. Already. This can also be seen from the smile of the Master of the Heavenly Temple at this moment.

"Oh, guys, what do you mean?"

Above Wutai, the smile of the Master of the Heavenly Temple at this moment was not angry at all because of the actions of the people present, and even faint, he even had some pride.

"Well, cracking sky, what else do you pretend to be? Isn't it that you secretly used a conspiracy and trick to win Brother Shadow?"

"That's it, hum, why, since you dare to do it, don't you dare not admit it? If so, then you, the master of Ziyun Palace, really look down on you."

Seeing the Lord of the Heavenly Temple looked at everyone with a smile, it seemed like nothing was wrong, the strong men present were all more and more resentful, as if they could not wait for the group to attack it now, and directly destroyed the Lord of the Heavenly Temple The same.

"Brush !!!!"

"What? What do you guys want to do? Do you want to do anything?"

Seeing that several powerful men have come to power, here at the Ziyun Palace, Sima Yuanyi, the master of the Liangyi Palace and Moxie, the master of the Five Elements Palace, came to the stage, but they stood in the Master of the Tiantian Palace. Left and right. They do not care what the truth of the matter is. If anyone dares to take action against the strong man in Ziyun Palace, they will never agree.


After the two came to power, the atmosphere on the court suddenly became a bit arrogant. At this moment, everyone seemed to be angry and seemed to be able to fight at any time.

"I ......... I lost !!!"

However, as the strong men came on stage, and the atmosphere became more tense, a very faint sound suddenly sounded in everyone's ears. Although the voice was faint, the super strong were present, and naturally no one would not hear the voice.

When everyone heard the sound and looked in the direction from which it came, everyone's eyes could not help flashing a hint of inexplicable surprise.

"This this…………"

Everyone is looking at the mouth, but even if they want to break their heads, they don't even understand why the other party should admit that they have lost.

"You, how did you do it? Boundary, hasn't Boundary already been unable to perform?"

Above Wutai, the shadow of the black palace slowly raised his head now, his voice was a little husky, and the weak voice before was obviously made by him.


With the word of the shadow out, all the people who were still angry were all stunned there at this moment. Half of them were motionless, and even their expressions were frozen directly on their faces.

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