The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1753: It's that simple? (Four more)

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A few words from the Master of the Heavenly Temple, let the strong people present to leave the relationship with this incident, looking at the posture, as if this event, from the beginning to the end, only Yanyan Palace and Luan Xing Palace It looks like a partnership.

The strong men one after another came forward and said that they really watched the liveliness, and although the Ziyun Palace was very clear about the real reason, but for the truth of the truth, the Ziyun Palace made it clear that it did not want to investigate too much.

Speaking of which, whether it is for the Ziyun Palace or these big forces, this kind of result is indeed the best. Nothing you should have done has happened, and all responsibility is left by the Yanji Palace and Luan Xinggong came to bear it. In this way, there was no possibility of a living being coated with charcoal.

Of course, there are two big forces for this kind of result, which can't be accepted anyway.

"You, you ..."

The colorful pillar of light was near, and Luan Xinggong's Lan Haiping was pale, and he couldn't believe everything in front of him.

The situation is changing too quickly. Just now, he is still confident because there are so many strong men backing himself. In a blink of an eye, he has become an lonely man. This change is really making He couldn't accept it.

"You, you ..."

The empty arm pointed at the people present. At this moment, Lan Haiping wanted to say something, but when he spoke, he couldn't say anything at all.

It is already obvious that these people have obviously abandoned him in order to keep themselves out of the matter, and everything he has paid before is obviously not recognized by anyone.

Of course, he understands this approach of everyone. Ask yourself, if it were him, he would definitely make the same choice. After all, the strength revealed by Ziyun Palace this time is really too strong and too strong.

Until this moment, the Demigod Realm who has come to Ziyun Palace here has reached a total of 37 people. Such a horrible number is enough to make any power tremble. Under the coercion of such a force, if you want these people to continue to support him, it is simply a dream!

Having said that, at this moment, it's not only Lan Haiping who is depressed. On the other side, the seniors of the Yan of the Yanchi Palace, at the same time, are dying.

"How could this be the case? How could Ziyun Palace hide so much power?"

The veteran of Yan knew very well where the crux of the problem was. In the final analysis, it was the strong power of the Ziyun Palace that scared the crowds. This made these people fall into battle and pointed their finger at the Luan Xing Palace and Yan Wing Palace. They really did not expect such a terrifying power in Ziyun Palace.

In their hearts, no matter how strong the Ziyun Palace is, the number of people in the demigod should never exceed twenty-five talent pairs, and only people in the demigod under twenty-five can be counted. It's the safety figures they shot. More than twenty-five people, then even if they come here with more than thirty and a half divine powerhouses, they still cannot control the Ziyun Palace.

"Is it abandoned like that? It's really self-serving !!!"

Frankly, at this moment, he really regretted it. Maybe, from the beginning, he shouldn't let Yanji Palace participate in it. After all, he has never been a small lover of Ziyun Palace, and knows to follow Ziyun Gong Zuo was actually not a wise choice.

"It's over, it's over, my Drunken Wings Palace is in danger !!!"

With a long sigh, Yan Ji knew that this time, the Yan-winged Palace would be in great trouble.

"Hahaha, everyone, it seems that this seat is indeed misunderstood before, since you have not been involved in the matter here, then please ask you to stand aside so as not to cause trouble!"

The Master of the Heavenly Temple was very excited at the moment and stabilized these great forces. Now he can deal with Luan Xing Palace and Yan Wing Palace with all his heart. Of course, Yanji Palace can also be put aside. Right now, his most important thing is to find a way to persuade Lan Haiping of Luan Xing Palace. At this moment, Lan Haiping still holds the lifeblood of Ziyun Palace. !!

The strong men were very obedient, and they retreated back and forth, very consciously distanced from Lan Haiping, and they did not even think about the colorful pillars of Ziyun Palace.

Everyone knows that in front of so many Ziyun Palace powerhouses, no matter what useful the colorful pillars are, they don't need to dye their fingers at all. You know, even if there is only one Lord of the Heavenly Temple, it is enough. Make them dreaded.

"Lan Haiping, until now, do you still want to be obsessed?"

When the others were settled, the Master of the Heavenly Temple finally looked at Lan Haiping, and his face became very relieved. It seems that he does not want to force the other side too much, so as to avoid accidents that he does not want to see.


The arm still held the beam of colorful light, but Lan Haiping was really shaking now. He is not a person who is not afraid of heaven and earth. Right now, he is almost alone against the thirty or more demigods in Ziyun Palace. Such a wide gap makes him a little chance at all. No!

"I do n’t think so, Lan Haiping, today ’s thing, you should think about it for a moment, and you have an irrational move. In this case, this seat also gives you a chance, as long as you let go of the pillar of God, this I'm here to promise that I can let you go. As for the grievances between my Ziyun Palace and your Luan Xing Palace, we will resolve them later. "

The idea of ​​Split Sky is simple. At the moment, it is the most important thing to keep the multicolored beam of light. As for revenge, they are not in a hurry. Anyway, Ziyun Palace has exposed its strength this time, but it does not mind letting the entire Luan Xingxing Palace and Yanji Palace feel the overall strength of Ziyun Palace.

However, the beam of light at this moment is still under the grasp of Lan Haiping. No matter what, let's talk about this first pass!

"You, you said you want to let me go? Is this true?"

Hearing the words of the Lord of the Heavenly Temple, the original pale blue sea level suddenly showed ecstasy. Under the pale complexion, there was a hint of red halo that was difficult to control.

He was locked by more than 30 minds at the moment. It was really difficult to run. Now that the split sky has given him such an opportunity, he is of course 11 million willing.

Speaking of which, he actually figured it out at the moment. As long as he can survive, he doesn't care about anything else. Anyway, compared with his little life, everything else can be thrown aside.

"This seat never tells lies. There are so many strong men present. If this seat tells lies, how will we stand in the world of no delusion?" Li Tian's face remained calm, but under his heart was More and more joy. Judging from Lan Haiping's performance, this incident should be well resolved.

"Brother Lan, we have no grievances at the moment, and the big mistake has not yet been made. There is absolutely no need to really make an irreparable situation. Brother Lan can think about it, it is better to resist all the responsibilities alone, or It ’s better for your entire school to resist. One of them is terrific. I also want Brother Lan to think twice. "

At the moment, the split-day was almost sparing no effort to persuade the other party, and as his words entered his ears one by one, Lan Haiping, beside the beam of light, had long been full of thoughts on his face.

"I carry it by myself? Do you resist the more than thirty strong men in Ziyun Palace with your own strength?"

Routinely, Lan Haiping almost didn't even have to think about it, but directly denied his idea of ​​resisting the whole incident by himself.

Joke, he is doing things this time, not just for himself. In this case, of course, there is no reason for him to resist the whole thing alone.

"Lord of Heaven Temple, friends of the Ziyun Palace, since you are so magnanimous and give you the opportunity, then if you do not know how to choose, then you really do n’t know what to do."

Taking a deep breath, Lan Haiping also took a look and then continued, "As long as you leave me for a while, then I will let go of this beam of light now, and I hope you don't break your word!"

"Hahaha, okay, despite the ten thousand hearts of Brother Lan, the owner of this temple naturally will not lie to you. As long as Brother Lan releases the pillar of God, then he can shake out of Ziyun Palace now, but a few days later , I will go to your Luan Xing Palace to talk about it. At that time, we will see the true chapter under our hands. "

It's true that the split-day is actually a direct disclosure of the next thing to be done to the other party in advance, it can be considered to show their sincerity!

"Okay, so let's let go now !!!"

With a look of faintness, Lan Haiping was a little relieved at the moment. As long as he is not allowed to face so many strong men now, he will face the Ziyun Palace from the entire Luan Xing Palace in the future, and it will not be his own business. At that time, obviously he will not be alone. Bear such a lot of pressure.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and between the time he bit his teeth, he collected his palm from the multicolored beam of light.

"Well ........."

All the people in Ziyun Palace all focused their attention on the palm of Lan Haiping's movement. When they saw each other's hands, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. .

They were really worried about Lan Haiping's unwise move, and while the other side let go, they were completely relieved.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, just as many powerful men in Ziyun Palace looked at Lan Haiping's hands, one by one, when they all relaxed their vigilance, on the one side, a powerful wave of energy exploded, and then everyone saw the light in front of them. For a flash, when I went to see it again, a huge fist shadow was already on the colorful beam of light.


With the fist shadow bombarding the beam of light, the originally colorful beam of light was instantly torn apart by the fist, and the colorful light was like a raindrop in the sky, gorgeous and charming.

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