The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1760: It ’s all over (four more)

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The endless stream of history has created countless super powers, and countless super powers have formed one super power. As time and space change, some forces are drowned in the yellow sand of history and become the dust of history, while some forces have gradually come to the present and are still radiating light and heat.

Ziyun Palace can be said to be the oldest superpower, but in addition to Ziyun Palace, there are more than one superpower in the area that is not too far away from this giant. In every part of the world without boundaries, although these great forces are not as powerful as the Ziyun Palace, they are equally frightening.

The Yanji Palace is such a super power that awes thousands of cities. From ancient times, the Yanji Palace has also produced countless super powerfuls. It is a pity that with the passing of time and the original Cataclysm, the Yanyan Palace today is not as strong as it was in ancient times.

The entire Swallow-winged Palace is in a vast and endless mountain range. This huge mountain seems to have no end in sight, and above the mountain, there is a thick mist. Between the clouds, the tall palaces loomed, reflecting the place like a fairy palace.

At this moment, in the vast and endless mountains and mountains, in a magnificent and magnificent palace, a total of twenty-one superpowers are sitting inside the palace on one end, and the atmosphere of the entire palace is quite warm.

"Well, let me just say that this kind of thing shouldn't be involved at random. The inheritance of the Ziyun Palace is much longer than my Yanji Palace. How can such a large force easily provoke it? Now it's okay, not only has it nothing , On the contrary angered this tiger, what should we do next, who of you can come up with an idea? "

Among the strong men, a middle-aged man in his forties who was blowing his beard, questioned the strong men in his face with anger, and could see that he looked real at this moment. He is very angry, but the strange color deep in his eyes can be seen, but his anger is far from catching the fear in his heart!

"Brother Han, it's time to say this, what's the use of these? When you talked about it before, why didn't you stick to your original opinion? Now something happened, and you turn to blame other people, which you think is appropriate ? "

"That is, Han Cheng. The previous decision was agreed by everyone. Han Cheng is no exception. If you say this again, I am afraid it is a joke."

As the middle-aged man spoke, someone immediately jumped out and retorted. Perhaps it was an imminent crisis that made everyone feel uneasy. At the moment, everyone was talking, but they were all gunpowder, but they showed their anxiety at this moment.

"You ......... Huh, I don't argue with you about this. I want to say that the biggest failure this time is the last action of Yan Jiyuan. Since it has already failed, why do you want to destroy the Ziyun Palace? Beam of light? Isn't this * Zunyun Palace dead with us? "

Hearing other people's refutations to himself, the middle-aged man named Han Cheng also knew that he had chosen the wrong direction, but hurriedly led the topic away.

In his heart, this Yanji Palace should not have been implicated. If Yanji did not destroy the pillar of light in Ziyun Palace, the responsibility this time was at best Yan Yan's carrying it, but now? The Ziyun Palace suffered huge losses, and the entire Yanji Palace is afraid that it cannot escape the relationship.

"Well, don't bother !!!!!!"

Just as the powerful men talked about each other, even when they were arguing loudly, the main hall of the hall was getting started, a middle-aged man with a blue shirt and violent air all over his body, but suddenly banged on the armrest, facing Everyone yelled.

As the middle-aged man opened his mouth, the hall, which was still chaotic, suddenly calmed down. A few men who were still arguing now just glanced at each other, and closed their mouths honestly. One after another looked at the middle-aged man who started.

Unlike Ziyun Palace, Yanji Palace is not a force without unified leadership. From ancient times to today, Yanji Palace has a palace owner. In the first place, the palace master was the strongest, and in the second place, everyone was convinced. Although the strength of everyone has been almost the same since the Great Cataclysm, there is a post of the palace master of Yanyan Palace. It was never idle.

Undoubtedly, the blue shirt man sitting at this time is naturally the current owner of the Yanji Palace.

"Well, it's all my own, what can be noisy? If you have the ability, go to Ziyun Palace. It would be better if you could destroy Ziyun Palace."

Ling Tiannan's complexion is not really good at this moment. As the current owner of the Yanji Palace, he never imagined that the Yanji Palace would spread such a big thing in his hands and talk to his heart. When he learned that Yanchi Palace had become the target of Ziyun Palace, his heart was actually shocked enough.

In terms of qualifications, he is much deeper than most people present, that is, his years of cultivation are basically the oldest. Because of this, he knows more about Ziyun Palace than others.

Ziyun Palace, that is a force that has been famous for a long time, but then the interior of Ziyun Palace suddenly split and eventually faded out of everyone's sight. This is not as dazzling as before, but in general, for This super power, he is still very dreadful.

"This is the end of the matter, and there is really no point in making a pointless argument. Now let's think about how to deal with the revenge of the Ziyun Palace!"

Speaking of which, when he negotiated with other forces and shot against the Ziyun Palace together, he actually hesitated a bit, but in the end, he still couldn't control the trace of greed under his heart and agreed to cooperate with other forces Together, calculate the proposal of Ziyun Palace.

Of course, what he never expected was that with so many great forces, it turned out that the winged palace became a scapegoat, which is indeed bad luck.

"Hey, the palace master, you elders, this is indeed a strange husband. I didn't expect that things would turn into what we are now. I only blame the impulse at that time and destroyed the treasure of the Ziyun Palace. Otherwise, Ziyun The palace will definitely not be angry at the Yanji Palace, and all the responsibilities can be borne by the old man alone. "

The old veteran of Yan was sitting among the crowd at the moment, his face was full of blame, looking at his expression, it seemed that he was really a sinner, which affected Yanyan Palace.

However, all of you here are smart people, whose heads are very bright, and naturally you can hear his voice outside the string.

Obviously, even though Yan said with a few mouthfuls that she must take responsibility, in fact, it was clearly ironic that everyone had no sense of unity, regardless of his life or death.

Speaking of it, everyone can actually imagine the idea of ​​Yan Ji. Maybe, when he was at the Ziyun Palace, the other party did have a momentary enthusiasm factor in it, but he destroyed the treasure of the Ziyun Palace. Maybe it was intentional For this, the purpose is to pull in the entire Swallow-winged Palace and accompany him to resist this responsibility.

If the conspiracy against the Ziyun Palace did not cause any substantial damage to the Ziyun Palace at that time, then even the Ziyun Palace will definitely not directly attack the Yanwing Palace because of a small incident. But now it ’s different. If the destroyed thing at Ziyun Palace is really precious, then this time, Yanji Palace must accompany Yanji to share the anger of Ziyun Palace!

Who doesn't understand that it is obviously two completely different concepts for a person to bear alone and bear together with a large force.

"Elder Yan Ji, I can't blame you on this matter. Under the circumstances at the time, any actions made by Yan Ji Yan were excusable. Therefore, Yan Ji Yuan must blame yourself."

She waved her hand, Ling Tiannan couldn't help but consolate Yan Ji, highlighting the heart of a palace master.

Having said that, things have come to this point. Even if he complains about Yanji again, it is of no use at all. Rather than continue to make friends with Yanji, at least he must ensure internal unity.

"How old is Yan, tell me about the strength of the Ziyun Palace you have seen. You said earlier that there are no less than thirty demigods in Ziyun Palace. Is this true?"

Rather than being held accountable, Ling Tiannan was more concerned about it at the moment, but it was the true power of the Ziyun Palace, and whether the Ziyun Palace would really produce power on a large scale, and shot him at the Swallowtail Palace.

"Yes, the Ziyun Palace is very deep. The number of strong demigods is really horrible. Only 30 people have been seen in this seat. If you haven't seen them yet, I am afraid they can almost reach four Tens of it! "

When it comes to the number of strong men in Ziyun Palace, Yan Ji also has some headaches. He never thought that the power of Ziyun Palace would be strong. If he had known it before, he would not have promised to play with the blue sea of ​​Luan Xing Palace before the show!

"This ......... Forty strong demigods, if Ziyun Palace really sends half of such a force, I am afraid it will be difficult for Yanyan Palace to resist?"

After being reaffirmed by the seniors of Yan Ji, Ling Tiannan's complexion couldn't help but be more dignified.

Including the Yanji Palace, there are only 21 demigods, but there are nearly forty people in Ziyun Palace. If the Ziyun Palace sends 20 people to come, the Yanji Palace is already very dangerous. After all, they still have a huge martial art to guard, even if it is one-to-one, it is not an opponent of so many people .

"Hey, what do you do? Everyone think about it!"

With a sigh of relief, Ling Tiannan couldn't think of any way at the moment, and there was a moment of depression.

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