The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1764: The talent of flowers (three more)

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Yuan Feng originally had no intention of coming to Wanling Garden. However, he simply walked here, but he had nothing to do. He just came in as a guest.

Speaking of which, for the young master Baihua Fairy in Wanling Garden, his impression is actually quite good. At the beginning, he used the cultivation of the habitat, and was still an unknown new disciple. He trespassed into the Wanling Garden. If he changed someone else, I'm afraid he would slap him to death, and the fairy Baihua didn't hit him. This is already pretty good.

The place where the Baihua Fairy brought him was not a stranger. It was the thatched house where the two had been alone for the last time. It seems that this thatched house is indeed the cultivation place for the Baihua Fairy.

"Sister brother, the previous exchange meeting, the brother can be described as brilliant, I can't think of not only the talent of Xuanzhen, but also such a terrifying sword art conception, and the realization of the sword sword realm through the cultivation of the habitat. Artistic conception is truly incredible! "

Within the thatched hut, Yuan Feng was qualified to enter the thatched hut, but the last time he stayed outside the thatched hut for a while.

Obviously, whether it is Yuan Feng's current status or the sword mood of the realm of magic swords revealed by Yuan Feng, these have qualified him to become a person on a par with Baihua Fairy, but Baihua Fairy will not He treated Yuan Feng as a new disciple as before.

"Oh, my sister praised me. I was lucky for a while. The realm of magic sword is not so easy to comprehend. I was nothing more than seeing Brother Li Xiaobai's sword skill. That's it. "

Sitting casually on a wooden chair in the thatched house, Yuan Feng was curiously looking at the surrounding scene at the moment, and at the same time there was a return to the road.

The little hut now looks very quiet and warmly furnished. In such a little hut, his heart is involuntarily cleaned.

"Luck? Ha ha, there were so many people present before, even if you were lucky, it was only you who had the best luck." Hearing Yuan Feng's answer, Baihua Fairy shook her head slightly, and of course it was impossible to identify with Yuan Feng's statement.

She is not a child. Of course, she knows if this is luck. If she can understand the sword mood of the sword realm by virtue of luck, then the powerless man of the sword realm will not be as rare as now. .

Having said that, if you want to understand the realm of the magic sword, then first of all you have to be the realm of the sword of the realm of the sword, and Yuan Feng ’s sword skill before the realm of the sword has already made her hard to imagine. Already.

"Ha, Sister, let's stop talking about this, I want to come to Sister, shouldn't be so interested in the mood of the sword?"

Hearing Baihua Fairy's repeated references to his swordsmanship mood, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh loudly, but wanted to shift the subject.

"Oh, how do you know that I'm not interested in the mood of the sword?" Hearing Yuan Feng said this, the fairy Baihua couldn't help showing a strange smile, and blinked at Yuan Feng intentionally.

"Eh?" Seeing the expression of Baihua Fairy, Yuan Feng could not help but hesitated a little. From the expression of the other side, he seemed to understand some of the other side's thoughts.

"Oh, master, please see!" Seeing Yuan Feng's surprised expression, the fairy Bai Hua stood up, and when she raised her hand, she grabbed a tree branch and stroked it slightly into the air. .

There was no earth-shattering scene, and I couldn't feel too powerful. However, when she saw her slight stroke, Yuan Feng's expression was very surprised, but she suddenly became very sharp. Wonderful.

"Uh, this is ............... the state of the sword?"

With an eyebrow raised, Yuan Feng at this moment really felt very surprised, even shocked.

The sword skills exhibited by the fairy of the hundred flowers turned out to be the sword skills of the realm of sword. In other words, the woman in front of her turned out to be a man of swordsmanship and artistic conception.

"Haha, okay, I can't think of it, I really can't think of it. It turned out that Sister Baihua had such a terrifying sword art mood in her body, and admired her, really admired the younger brother."

To be honest, Yuan Feng really didn't expect that a delicate and weak woman like Baihua Fairy was still a genius swordsman in the realm of swordsmanship. If she wanted to come to this place, she would be a major disciple of Ziyun Palace. I am afraid Not many people can know it!

The genius of Yijian Realm is already a terrifying existence, not to mention that this fairy of a hundred flowers is still a genius in Xuanzhen.

"Oh, you guys, you are obviously a super genius in the realm of magic sword. You are still running on this sister here, you really should fight."

Hearing Yuan Feng praised herself, the fairy Baihua gave the other a glance. Speaking of which, a super genius in the realm of magic sword, praised her as a little figure in realm of real sword, which is really ironic.

Of course, she also knew that Yuan Feng would never want to sneer at her, but was really surprised by her swordsmanship. Speaking of which, she knows very little about the sword art mood of the sword state.

"This ......... sister blame the younger brother, I didn't mean to run on sister!" With a stagnant complexion, Yuan Feng hurriedly waved his hands, but of course he would not bring down such a crime.

"Okay, I didn't really blame you, I was scared to see you." Covering her mouth with a smile, the fairy Baihua couldn't help but take a few steps in front of the window, and then continued, "Originally this exchange meeting, I still I was planning to show my face and become famous, but I did not expect that this exchange will give birth to so many geniuses, especially Master Yuan Feng. You actually realized the sword mood of the sword state in the eyes of everyone. It ’s just not giving others a chance to behave! "

Speaking of which, she couldn't help but give Yuan Feng another glance, as if she had really been snatched by Yuan Feng.

"Oh, this ..." Baihua Fairy said about this, but Yuan Feng didn't know how to answer it. She just smiled bitterly and stopped talking about the other party.

"Brother Yuan Feng, your magic sword's realm is wonderful. In the future, you must come to my sister often, maybe I can also improve my luck, and also realize the sword mood of the magic sword realm. ! "

Between smiles, the fairy Bai Hua sat down leisurely again, looking forward to Yuanfeng Road in anticipation.

To be honest, Yuan Feng has been promoted to the realm of magic sword. Such a genius is definitely difficult to reach, and since he has such an opportunity, he must of course seize it. If she can see more of Yuan Feng's sword skills, she might really be able to understand the mood of the sword realm!

In fact, this is one of the reasons why she is becoming more and more welcome to Yuan Feng. You know, who is going to refuse the entrance of a talented person like Yuan Feng? I'm afraid they even went to visit Yuanfeng in person. They couldn't find a chance!

"Haha, okay, as long as the sister is not annoying to abandon the younger brother, then I will come often."

With a laugh, Yuan Feng didn't look away. Speaking of which, he is now truly fearless, let alone a fairy of hundreds of flowers. Even if he is a demigod power, he dares to touch it now, not to mention a prodigious person?

"Don't just say that you don't practice, I want to see the sword skills of the sword realm now. I wonder if my master is willing to reward my face?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's promise, the fairy Bai Hua could not help but stare, but she made her request directly. It's really a shame not to learn a few tricks from Yuan Feng at this time. Moreover, in this way, it should be able to make her relationship with Yuan Feng closer.

She is very confident in her charm. If she wants to come to her charm, no one should refuse her request!

"Okay, since the sister is alive, the younger brother should obey his orders. The space in the room is too small, and the sister and younger brother are asked to go outside to do some tricks."

Yuan Feng didn't mean to refuse the request of Baihua Fairy. He was never afraid that others would realize the sword mood of the sword realm. Speaking of it, even if the person was in the state of the sword realm, he would not be his opponent. Moreover, if it is because of his relationship that the fairy of the hundred flowers can achieve the realm of magic sword, then the benefits he can get will certainly be a lot!

However, even if the fairy of the hundred flowers understands it, she wants to understand the sword skills of the magic sword realm, but it is not a year and a half to succeed.

"So there is Brother Lao Yuanfeng."

Hearing Yuan Feng agreed to his request, the fairy Bai Hua was instantly rejoicing, and with Yuan Feng, she went outside the hut to study swordsmanship.

Others don't know. In fact, her love for swordsmanship is still above Xuan Zhen. If Xuanzhen is her second hobby, then swordsmanship is her first hobby, except that her master is the fairy of all spirits in Wanling Garden. Only then did outsiders know much about her talents in swordsmanship.

For this, Yuan Feng soon understood. When Fairy Baihua began to study swordsmanship with him, he found that the latter's understanding and understanding of one of the swords can basically catch up with him who has not yet grasped the state of swordsmanship.

A woman, while practicing Xuan Zhen together, can also practice swordsmanship to such a state, which is really rare to say.

Yuan Feng had just wanted to chat and practice with each other casually, but after the real contact, he felt that he could do more work to help the other party try to attack the realm of magic sword.

Two of them are willing to teach, one is eager to learn, and the atmosphere in Wan Ling Yuan has become unusually different for a while.

ps: I'm late, the fourth one will be a bit late, I suggest you don't wait, and watch it together tomorrow! !! !! For the support of a few flowers, Xiaoyan worked hard to code the fourth chapter! !! !!

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