The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 177: It's been calculated again (two more flowers)

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Chapter 177 Was Calculated Again

Lingcui Mountain can be regarded as a treasure of Feng Shui in the whole country of Heishan. In such a mountain forest, of course, there are some rare caves and heavens.

Through the mountains and mountains, over a mountain peak, Yuan Feng and Mu Yuner walked for about ten minutes. When the two stopped, there was a low land with red soil and red rocks. Mountain peaks, this particular mountain range has a diameter range of several hundred meters, and the red color seems to have a unique beauty.

"Huh, it's a hot place. It's amazing that there is such an area on Lingcui Mountain!"

After following Mu Yun'er to this red mountain, Yuan Feng felt the hot temperature here for the first time, but this temperature was not low. He believed that if an ordinary person came over, I'm afraid it would be instantly Sweating and back, dizzy and turned!

"Hey, Lingcui Mountain is so big, there are so many strange places. Do you think the name of the first Lingfeng of Heishan Country is screaming?" Mu Yun'er couldn't help smiling with an expression of admiration on Yuan Feng's face. .

Yuan Feng wanted to practice the martial arts in the fire department. She thought of this area for the first time. In fact, every time she practiced the flame hands, she came to this area to practice.

"The first spiritual peak in Montenegro? The original Lingcui Mountain still has such a good name!" He nodded. Although he has not heard of it, he believes that the entire Montenegro country may not find a second one. The place to challenge with Lingcui Mountain.

"It's not just the country of Heishan, according to Elder Tian, ​​even in the entire Tianlong dynasty, there won't be a few spiritual places like Lingcui Mountain." The chin was slightly raised, and Mu Yun'er was completely at this time. With a look of pride in Danxiazong, the pride of the little owner was undisguised.

"By the way, I have heard the elders talk about the Tianlong Dynasty before, but I don't know. What kind of concept is this so-called Tianlong Dynasty?"

He has heard this term for more than the first time. Obviously, this so-called Tianlong dynasty is definitely an area larger than the country of Montenegro, but it is not clear how to calculate it.

"Is the Tianlong dynasty? Actually, I don't really understand it." Mu Yun'er raised an eyebrow when he heard Yuan Feng's question, and then thought for a moment, "Roughly speaking, the Tianlong dynasty is actually a big force like the country of Montenegro. However, the country under the jurisdiction of Heishan is a county-level city, and the country ruled by the Tianlong dynasty is a country, and our country is one of the countries ruled by the Tianlong dynasty. "

"Uh, a big force composed of several countries? What kind of master must this ruler of the Tianlong Dynasty be?"

Mu Yuner's explanation is easy to understand, but when he understood the symbolic meaning of the Tianlong Dynasty, he couldn't help but think, what kind of giant power would be the ruling class that can let several countries obey?

"Of course, the Tianlong dynasty is very strong. It is said that among the imperial cities of the Dragon dynasty, congenital masters were everywhere. Even the strongest in the kingdom of Dan was not uncommon. As for the rulers of the Tianlong dynasty, it was not us ordinary people. All you know. "

She didn't really know what was happening at that level. It was still unclear in such an area of ​​Montenegro, not to mention the high Heavenly Empire. You know, the only person who is qualified to talk to the Tianlong Dynasty is the royal family of Montenegro.

"Um, ordinary people? Are people like us also ordinary people?" After getting Mu Yuner's answer, Yuan Feng couldn't help but look dumbfounded, unable to help but be speechless.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the three major families in Fengtian County are the nobles, and in the eyes of the three major families, forces such as Danxiazong are nobles. Now, in the eyes of Danxiazong people, they are even stronger. Compared with others, they have become ordinary people again, and have to say that this world is really endless!

"Ahem, that sister knows how many countries are ruled by the Tianlong dynasty?" Even if he was watching the sky from a well, he had to figure out how wide the day was. Don't wait to jump out of the well and be scared by the vast sky.

"I don't know about this. I heard the elder Fentian said that the Tianlong dynasty ruled almost a third of the mainland. As for the subordinate countries, I am afraid there are hundreds of them!"

"Well, hundreds?" He twitched his lips, and now he understands that the world is really wonderful and wonderful. There are hundreds of countries like Montenegro, how big is that area? Moreover, among these hundreds of countries, I am afraid there must be a country larger than Montenegro!

"Oh, well, now you are just a little Ningyuan Realm warrior, why care about those things, and after you have cultivated to the congenital realm, then think about the nothingness!"

Seeing Yuan Feng's interest in the Tianlong Dynasty, Mu Yuner waved his hand to interrupt it.

"Well, it seems that this is indeed the truth!" After listening to Mu Yun'er saying that, Yuan Feng also smiled slightly. Mu Yuner is true. With his current strength, he is not qualified to consider such a far-away matter, even the situation in Montenegro is not yet understood. The Tianlong Dynasty is too far away.

"Sister, this should be the cultivation place you chose for me! Doesn't it look good!"

After taking a look at his mind, he looked around and had to say that this hot red mountain area is really a good place to practice fire skills and martial arts.

"How? Feels good?" Nodded and Mu Yuner smiled. "This mountain is a very special place in Lingcui Mountain. Ordinary disciples are not suitable to come here to practice ordinary exercises and martial arts. , But the innate elders, and a few disciples who have practiced Xuanjie martial arts, the effect of cultivation here is definitely better than elsewhere. "

Of course, the most important thing about cultivation is the person who cultivates it, but sometimes the external environment has a great influence. This is still small in the Ningyuan Warrior. However, if it comes to the congenital master, it is so different. But it's very obvious.

The congenital realm is already the level of cultivating the heaven and earth's aura for cultivation. Obviously, the aura between heaven and earth is naturally rich in some places and thin in some places. When you cultivate in the rich heaven and earth, the effect is naturally different.

"It is indeed a very good place. If it is here, my burning flame should soon be a little bit successful!" He nodded, and he was very satisfied with the crimson mountains.

"Soon to be able to become a little? How long is this soon?" Yuan Feng casually said, but it was a bit unusual in Mu Yuner's ears. Xuanjie intermediate martial arts, soon he can be little. This sounds a bit scary!

"Cough, it's not too fast, I mean it can save energy than practicing outside."

Knowing that he had leaked, he quickly coughed and explained with a smile.

"Cut, it's strange to believe you!" Mu Yun'er didn't say much when he saw Yuan Feng change his mouth. "Okay, I've already selected the place for you, so let's get started! Fancy you, you Just choose where you want. "

"Thank you Sister, then I'm welcome!" Grateful smile, he glanced back at the whole mountain, low red hills, almost hundreds of them, there are some huge rocks, no doubt, There are too many places to cultivate here.

"Just choose it!" With a glance, he finally fixed his eyes on a red rock not far away, and after a few landings, he had already glanced over the rock.

"Well, it's pretty good here, and it's here to practice fentian inflammation." Just sitting cross-legged, he felt the surrounding environment and had to say that the place Mu Yuner brought him to was really not ordinary. Good.

"You would pick this rock, but my dad often cultivates the rock on which he sits. It seems that your vision is not bad!"

Mu Yuner followed after, seeing the rock selected by Yuan Feng, her eyes could not help flashing a bright color. Speaking of this area, the innate elders of Dan Xiazong often come to practice, even her dad has come here to practice several times, and the rock chosen by Muhai is exactly what Yuan Feng chose at this time. This piece.

The place that can be selected by her father is obviously not an ordinary place, but she never expected that Yuan Feng chose this place at a glance, which is somewhat intriguing.

"Well, cough, can't think I have such a tacit understanding with the lord?" With a dry cough, he was afraid to take the word. To tell the truth, he chose this place because he felt that this rock seemed to be more spiritual than the others. As for why, then it was necessary to ask the Emperor Wuling.

"Sister, I'm going to practice. Sister, let's go first if there's something to do!" After a complete look, Yuan Feng didn't delay any more time. He has three Xuan Xie martial arts. Now he has n’t even finished one. We must hurry to cultivate.

"Hey, practice yours, I'm fine, just practice some flame hands next to me, and I can just be your companion."

Hearing Yuan Feng's rush to leave, Mu Yuner smiled slyly, and then Shi Shiran jumped onto a boulder not far from Yuan Feng, then sat down casually, with his hands on his chin, his eyes blinking. Staring at Yuan Feng, saying that it is cultivation, but looking at this appearance, you simply appreciate Yuan Feng's cultivation!


Seeing Mu Yuner's behavior, Yuan Feng could only laugh with a bitter smile. He knew that he had been calculated by the other party again this time. Obviously, this master and sister, this is to watch him cultivate, and try to find out his secret. what!

"Hey, forget it, just look at it, anyway, my secrets are in her body, she can't see it even if she wants to see it. In this case, let her look good."

Time is precious, and he no longer thinks about it, but with the eyes closed, he immediately enters the state of cultivation.

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