The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1786: The overall situation has been set (three)

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The people outside Luan Xing Palace and Yan Wing Palace are not completely unaware of it, but they will never know too much. You only know that Luan Xing Palace launched an attack on these two forces. It is not clear what kind of means the Ziyun Palace uses.

Of course, when we saw the Yanchi Palace and Luan Xing Palace being encircled by the Ziyun Palace, everyone basically determined that these two great forces are really more fierce and less fortunate.

In fact, without so many great forces, no one feels that there is no one who can't do without them. However, the major forces in the past did not dare to act rashly to reveal their strength. This time Ziyun Palace has found such an excuse, and the price is really not small.

For other major forces, they are actually willing to see this situation. After all, it is not them who perished, but they are two competitors who can share resources and can see some purple. The real strength of Yun Palace, such a cheap thing, fools will not do it.

The Ziyun Palace is not in a hurry to put away the doomsday thunder and punishment arrays around the two major forces. One is not to let the outside people know the specific conditions inside, and the other is to integrate the two forces. The major forces under the control of these two forces gathered together and fell under their own door.

Every big force has countless small forces to attach to it. To put it plainly, it is necessary to enter the palace regularly. Only in this way can they live in peace on their acres and three points. In this regard, any family force has it's the same. Now Yanyan Palace and Luan Xing Palace have perished. Of course, the forces they rule must kneel in Ziyun Palace.

Although the former Ziyun Palace had the power to expand the site, there was no reason for expansion. At present, they occupy the Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace. These precious resources must be attributed to their own use.

Having said that, in fact, the Ziyun Palace does not need to do anything. They only need to tell them that they have destroyed the two major forces. Then the major family factions around the two major forces will take the initiative to come to the door. Already.

This is a relatively long process, but Ziyun Palace does not need to invest too much in this. Maybe, it won't take long for Ziyun Palace's strength to be multiplied, and in the boundless range I am afraid that there will be no other forces dare to fight against Ziyun Palace.

The demigods in Ziyun Palace can be said to come and go without a trace. First, the Yanchi Palace was destroyed, and then the Luan Xing Palace was destroyed, and after completing these, almost all of the strong men who left ten demigods sit among the two forces, and these demigods People, almost staying in these two forces for a while.

At the same time, the superpowered demigods have already rushed back towards Ziyun Palace. Speaking of them, there are not many demigods sitting in Ziyun Palace at this time. If it is true at this time Several forces went together to attack the Ziyun Palace, so the latter may not be able to carry it.

Of course, in this section of the eyes, there will not be any forces so short-sighted, dare to touch the brow of Ziyun Palace.

The demigods in Ziyun Palace returned to the martial arts, and at the same time, the demigods in the Luan Xing Palace and Yanyan Palace have been circulated to the demigods in Ziyun Palace. Let them immediately call on the major disciple disciples of Ziyun Palace, divide some of them, and go to Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace for business.

The demigods are only responsible for destroying these two forces, but the task of operating these two forces needs to be completed by disciples under the door. After all, the cultivation has reached their level, but there is no intention to care about these trivial matters. Trivial.

It won't be long before the news that the Ziyun Palace has been destroyed by Luan Xing Palace and Yan Yan Palace will spread. After this incident, all major forces will have a clearer understanding and understanding of the Zi Yun Palace.

The battle on the side of Luan Xinggong Palace has been lonely. At this moment, in the Eight Diagrams Hall of Ziyun Palace, the battle between Xuanming, a great disciple of the Eight Diagrams Temple and Wang Zhong, a great disciple of the Liuhe Palace, is still ongoing.


Another match was completed between the two disciples. After this match, the two played a good match, and each of them flew backwards. It took a while to stop the figure. At this moment, both Wang Zhong and Xuan Ming obviously have a lot of consumption, and everyone's chest begins to bully fiercely.

Not only that, but after fighting for so long, their bodies are also colored. If other people see the two big disciples at this moment, I am afraid they will be shocked by the two wolves.

"Hahaha, Wang Zhong, I didn't expect your strength to hide so much. It seems that I really despised you before."

Xuanming could not help but laugh loudly, but praised Wang Zhong rarely.

However, although his face was laughing, in fact, at this moment, his heart was terribly angry. In his heart, he thought that he could easily destroy the other party and let the other party know how powerful he was, but he had no idea. After playing for so long, he even had a tie with the other party.

He is really reluctant to accept such a result. But the fact is that even now, although they still have no outstanding tricks, even if they do, they may end up losing both.

"Huh, each other, you can use Xuanzhen so amazingly, you are really not easy."

Wang Zhong felt the admiration of Xuanming's Xuanzhen means sincerely. He never thought that someone could use Xuanzhen means in battle, and he was so skilled. He believes that in the entire Ziyun Palace, it is only Xuanming who can do this!

"How about? Do you still have to fight? Judging by your combat effectiveness, even if you fight for a long time, I'm afraid it won't necessarily lead to a victory. Of course, if you want to fight, this seat is still Will accompany you to the end. "

Xuan Ming actually didn't want to fight anymore, because such a fight did not make any profit for him. If he wins, the other party will not give him any benefit, and if he really accidentally loses a trick and a half, I am afraid that he will have to apologize to the other party. It seems that it is all his losses.

"Well, I don't care about you today, but sooner or later, I'll ask you for something."

Wang Zhong also understands that no matter how he fights, there will be no results in the end. In this case, it might as well end the battle simply. After he has made a substantial breakthrough in cultivation, he will calculate this with the other party. It's not too late.

"I'm here to accompany you at any time, but you don't have to wait until I've been promoted to demigod, because at that time, I'm afraid I'm not interested in shooting with you."

Xuanming's mouth twitched, it was completely heaven and earth, only he was a genius.

"Mutual each other!" Put aside, Wang Zhong disagreed. How could it be so easy to advance to the level of demigod? If you can be promoted to the demigod so easily, then the whole world has no delusion, I am afraid that it has already been chaotic.

"Yuan Feng, let's go !!!"

After the battle with Xuanming was over, Wang Zhong no longer hesitated. When he raised his hand, he recruited Yuan Feng to his front, and then he took the other party and directly tore the space towards him. His Liuhe Temple was taken away.

Although it is difficult to enter this place from the outside, a character like him can get out from here, but he can still do it.

"No more !!!!!!"

Seeing Wang Zhong leave with Yuan Feng, Xuanming's face couldn't help showing a smile, as if it was his side who won the victory.

However, when Yuan Feng and Wang Zhong disappeared, his face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

"Damn, how good is Wang Zhong to dare not to give me face like this, how can it be true, and why is it really true !!!"

Without the presence of outsiders, Xuanming began to vent his depression and anger. Of course, he couldn't win this time. After all, Wang Zhong entered his cultivation space intact, and eventually left Yuanfeng intact and said, as if all his failures.

"Wang Zhong, wait, sooner or later, one day, I will also turn you into my slave. At that time, I will put you under my feet, and you will not be able to lift your head for a lifetime!"

Originally, he had no good impression on Wang Zhong, but after this incident, his resentment against Wang Zhong undoubtedly became more profound. If he is given a chance, he will certainly not hesitate to control Wang Zhong in his own hands, and then torture as he wants.

Of course, such a wish can only be a wish. Unless he is promoted to the demigod state, otherwise, in terms of his cultivation, it is impossible to subdue Wang Zhong in this life.

"Well, wait, there are people around me, I will let you die without notice, let you know the end to my mystery."

As soon as he thought of the super genius he controlled, he was undercover in the Liuhe Hall, and his heart was only slightly balanced. Perhaps, after Yuan Feng's strength is stronger, he can completely calculate with Yuan Feng through Yuan Feng and find an opportunity to kill Wang Zhong.

In the Ziyun Palace, he definitely does not allow other disciples to be stronger than him. Anyone who is stronger than him will find ways to control or remove it. Wang Zhong is the first one, and Li Xiaobai and Wuxing of Sancai Temple The temple's Qiao Ke, but also can not jump for a few days.

ps: I took subject two for n times, and finally passed today. Finally, I can put down a big rock, and really take the code seriously. Three more arrived. Ask for a few flowers to support, thank you brothers! !! !!

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