The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1806: Bad situation

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Wang Zhong's applause reverberated over the whole gangue, and he could hear that he was obviously very upset at the moment. There was no way. He was collecting those precious spar babies, but suddenly , Someone ran out, and I covered them with a mysterious array.

The moment the outside mysterious formation took shape, of course, he already felt it for the first time, and he was full of curiosity while someone was afraid to take the shot.

Ziyun Palace is in the limelight right now. At this time, some people dare to shoot at them secretly. I am afraid that this shot is enough. He would really like to wish everyone, who is he, will hit him at this time.

"Brother Wang Zhong, I'm afraid the situation is a little bad, and I am afraid that someone is coming."

When Wang Zhong swept into the air and shouted angrily to the surroundings, Lei Yin and others also swept to his side, and while they were waiting, he said to Wang Zhong.

"They all stepped back and kept guarding the opening for me, and no one was allowed in."

Wang Zhong is not too frightened. Although he is being reckoned secretly at the moment, the coming person may not be able to treat them like these, maybe it will be an opportunity!

At this moment, he didn't need any help from Lei Yin and others, because no matter what level of strong person he came from, he could deal with it, and if he could n’t even deal with it, it looked like other people. Even more helpless.

One more thing, at this moment, Yuan Feng is still practicing in the spirit veins below, but he doesn't want Yuan Feng to be disturbed. These people guard the entrance of the spirit veins, which is also regarded as Yuan Feng's protection.


For Wang Zhong's orders, others were absolutely unconditional to obey, not to mention that the enemy was secretly aware of them, and they did not know who was here to calculate them. Of course, it was safer for them to stay in the cave.

"Brush !!!!"

In the time of speaking, a group of people rushed back to the cave of Lingmai, and continued to guard the entrance of Lingmai.

"Who the **** is coming here? Don't you want to come out at this time?"

After everyone else retreated, Wang Zhong shouted again, and his gaze could not help looking at the surrounding array.

It can be seen that although this mysterious array is not as horrible as the doomsday thunder and punishment of Ziyun Palace, it is definitely not too ordinary. The main thing is that he didn't know what kind of mysterious array it was, and how to crack it, let alone how many people controlled it.

"It seems that the situation is not so good. It seems that it is not a few people's business !!!"

At this moment, Wang Zhong also gradually got a bit of an aftertaste. With his ingenuity, of course, it is easy to think that there must be the shadows of other super forces in it, otherwise, However, there is absolutely no general force to shoot at him.

If you think about it, now Ziyun Palace destroys Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace. This time is the time when Ziyun Palace gathers the resources of these two forces, and this time, how can the major forces miss such a good one? Will it be out of the phone? Right now, the resources originally controlled by Yanji Palace and Luan Xing Palace seem to have no precise master now.

Therefore, I am afraid that his eight attempts were the result of other secret forces acting secretly.

"Liuhedian's great disciple, Wang Zhong, has long been famous, and I can see it today, and it really is worthy of it!"

When Wang Zhong was surprised and shouted around him, he laughed a little, but it suddenly sounded. At the same time, a dark figure was already escaping from the corner of the unknown space. It came out and appeared in front of everyone.


Seeing the black figure appearing in front of his eyes, Wang Zhong's eyes couldn't help flashing an inconceivable color, and his face was a little more dignified.

"People in the obsidian palace?"

With his eyes narrowed, at this moment, Wang Zhong could see the origin of the person at a glance. At least, from the costume of the person in front of him, the first time it reminded him of the Black Palace.

Although it is not possible to fully determine the identity of the person by virtue of the costume alone, the atmosphere of the people in the Black Palace is too unique, but it is naturally associated with them.

"Brush !!!!"

The time spent talking was that several black people descended from the dim sky one after another. In an instant, the number of black people present reached a whole ten.

"His, this ........."

Seeing each one in black appeared before his eyes, Wang Zhongben's already dignified face became more dignified. Obviously, judging by the situation at hand, they are afraid that they will be in danger.

The arrogance of the people of the Black Palace, he had been taught in the previous exchange meeting, and now, ten of them appeared in front of him, even more terribly, these ten people in black, It seems that they are very powerful. Even if a single person is not as powerful as him, in general, it is much stronger than him.

"Well a dark palace, sent so many strong men to come, is this going to fight with me Ziyun palace?" Seeing so many strong men in dark palace appear in front of him, where does Wang Zhong still not understand? Obviously, the people of the Black Palace, this is to rob while taking advantage of the fire, and is also running out of the resources of the Yanji Palace.

It is not difficult to guess that the news that the Yanji Palace was destroyed. I am afraid that it has already passed on to all the super powers. For the major powers, how could they miss such a good opportunity? ?

"Oh, so big, I can't think that the arms of the Kuroshio Palace are so long that they stretched their hands here. Why? What do you mean? Why use the mysterious array to cover the veins of my Ziyun Palace? "

After a brief shock, Wang Zhong calmed down quickly, and then smiled and spoke to the group above.

Although the ten men in black in front of him really made him feel very dignified, but how can he say that Wang Zhong is a big disciple in the Liuhe Palace of Ziyun Palace. If it is so easy to be calmed down, it is really a bit uncomfortable. It should be too.

"Wang Zhongdian's great disciple, Wang Zhong, had heard of your name for a long time, but didn't know that it turned out that you were such a naive person, and it was really disappointing."

When Wang Zhong's words fell, above the sky, the man in black who appeared first was one step forward, shaking his head and returning.

They did not deny their identity as disciples of the Black Palace, after all, since they appeared, they were not afraid of their exposure. In the final analysis, the costume and temperament of the people in the Kuroshio Palace cannot be concealed.

"Oh? I think Wang Zhong is still a good person. I never thought that today I would be looked down upon by a group of young people. This is really a dull face!"

The corner of Wang Zhong's mouth slightly picked, but did not take these people's words to heart, he knew very well that these people must be very jealous of him, and the more so, the more naturally the other party will try to anger him, So that it will be easier to deal with him later.

"Hum, Your Excellency counts the spirit veins of the Lord under the hands of the Ziyun Palace. Is this something that can be understood by people? I am afraid that you are already upholding you because of your childishness."

The little boss in black is still a satire with a look on his face. As Wang Zhong thought, of course, he and all other people in the black palace wanted to anger Wang Zhong, but they were more clear, like Wang Zhong. This kind of character is definitely not so easy to irritate.

"You still don't have to worry. Now that Xuanzhen has been formed, naturally you don't need to ask any more if you want to come. Come on, one by one, or do you want to go together? I Wang Zhongfeng will accompany you to the end."

Behind his hands, at this moment, Wang Zhong is unspeakable and unrestrained. He has the power to resist the top ten opponents with his own strength, and his performance will undoubtedly make the ten top black palace opponents opposite. Secretly frightened, but also very helpless.

"Also, since Your Excellency has spoken about this, then I have no need to say anything, it is not concealed, here I have been put in a big battle. In addition, we have the gift from the elders in the door. It ’s impossible for you people to send for help, so today, either you die, or we die. "

The people in the Heilu Palace are also bachelors. They came here today, and they never thought it would be simple. However, they did not think in advance that this time they appeared here would be the disciple king of the Liuhe Palace in Ziyun Palace. bell.

If there are no people in the Ziyun Palace, they can easily take down this spiritual vein, and then belong to his obsidian palace. But for now, with the participation of Ziyun Palace, and even Wang Zhongzai, a disciple of Liuhedian, then this battle will be a tough battle.

However, whether it is a soft battle or a hard battle, since they have already done so, they must do it to the end. Moreover, judging from the current situation, it seems that their probability of winning here must be a lot larger than the opponent.

You know, not only do they have a big team at the moment, they also have the advantage of completely occupying power. If such a situation cannot be won, then the elite of these black palaces, I am afraid they will really lose their lives.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

The time spent talking, one by one, the black palace palace strong men, one after another released their momentum, suddenly, a terror of momentum, is rippling in all directions, and the whole spirit veins are All of them suddenly became turbulent.

ps: There are many things in my hometown in the countryside, and I took my wife back home in the first year. There are too many things. What's more terrible is that the cold has been severe in just a few days, and the update is really not very powerful. I sincerely ask for forgiveness! !! !! Thank you everyone!

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