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After many thoughts, Wang Zhong still told the powerful people in Ziyun Palace one by one about what happened that day. After listening to his report, the masters of Ziyun Palace were all in deep thought. .

According to Wang Zhong, they were rescued by a mysterious man who claimed to be a disciple of Ziyun Palace that day. It was a big or a small thing, and of course they had to sort out the result. .

"Wang Zhong is among the top five disciples in Ziyun Palace, and he can definitely rank among the top five. Even you can sigh for yourself. It seems that there is no such level person in Ziyun Palace?"

The atmosphere in the entire hall was slightly stagnant. For the people present, the situation reported by Wang Zhong was really incredible, because after so long practicing, they have never heard of people below the demi-god realm. Kill the Promise of the Promise at will, and still kill nine.

"Who is it? If it is not a disciple of Ziyun Palace, then there is absolutely no need to rescue him, but if the people of Ziyun Palace, it seems that I do not have such a strong person in Ziyun Palace?"

All the disciples, even some named disciples, were all sifted by everyone at the moment. Unfortunately, no matter what disciples they felt, they did n’t seem to have the strength Wang Zhong said. .

Not only can't you find such a character in the Ziyun Palace, even if you look at the whole world without any delusion, they have never heard of such a perverted strong person.

In their cognition, those who can slaughter the Promise of the Promise at will, it seems that only those in the Demigod can do it!

"Master, you masters, there is one more thing, disciple just forgot to say." Just as the demigods thought, the voice of Wang Zhong came again, "Although the disciples did not see that clearly before The appearance of the mysterious man looks like this, but the swordsmanship of this man is definitely the swordsmanship of the sword realm. Moreover, his physical skills and martial arts seem to be similar to those of the Five Elements Hall.

After the events of that day passed, Wang Zhong didn't do anything and did not happen. Instead, he recalled the scene at that time and again, and what he could remember in the end was only used by the mysterious man. Skill.

The sword technique of the realm of swordsmanship is not difficult to see, but it is the opponent ’s body skills. At first he did not want to understand it, but later he remembered that body skills, but it was a pastime with the Palace of Five Elements. The magic is very similar.

"What? The realm of magic sword? The magical powers of happiness? This ........."

When Wang Zhong's voice fell this time, everyone present was shocked, especially Mo Xie, Lord of the Five Elements Palace, and stood up directly, exclaiming in a loud voice.

These two clues are really crucial. The sword art conception of the sword realm is still second, but the Xiaoyao magic is unique.

The Hall of Five Elements has a magical skill, which is not a secret in the entire Ziyun Palace. However, everyone knows that the joy of the Five Elements Palace is a secret technique unique to the super existence of the Palace of Five Elements, even if it is the Five Elements. The master of the palace, Mo Xie, is nothing more than understanding one or two from it, but it cannot be successfully cultivated at all.

It can be said that there is no delusion in the whole world, and those who know the magical skills of happiness are basically only one type of person, or only one type of group, but that type of group seems to have only the single seedling of the Five Elements Hall.

"Wang Zhong, are you sure you are seeing the magical powers of happiness? You can't be a little sloppy in this matter."

The face of the Lord of Moxie Dian was a little serious. Obviously, he also attached great importance to the magical powers mentioned by Wang Zhong. No one has been able to cultivate the happy magical skill at the huge Ziyun Palace. If anyone really knows this magic skill, it really needs to be investigated carefully.

"The disciples were fortunate to have seen the ancestor's pastoral powers. Although he didn't look too closely, what the mysterious man did before was indeed very similar to the ancestors' pastel powers."

Frowning slightly, Wang Zhong didn't dare to be too sure at this moment. After all, he was just a glimpse of Xiaohong's magical power at first, not too clear.

Moreover, Xiaoyao is a super-existent peerless study in the Five Elements Hall, which is really difficult for outsiders to learn.

"I do n’t say the artistic conception of swordsmanship aside, among my disciples in Ziyun Palace, it seems that no one has heard of the magical powers of happiness, but it seems that only two people understand it. "

The master of the Liuhe Palace Huayong raised his eyebrows, and while analyzing, he looked at Wang Zhong behind him. There, his young disciple, Yuan Feng, had always been standing there neatly, a sentence Never said anything.


When the master of Huadai Temple looked at Yuan Feng, the other half of the great gods also turned their eyes to Yuan Feng and looked up and down.

Frankly speaking, although Yuan Feng has realized the realm of the magic sword with the realm of life, but now Yuan Feng has not grown up, so everyone's attention to him is not particularly high. After Wang Zhong and others entered the hall before, everyone naturally ignored him.

However, right now Wang Zhong mentioned the sword art mood of the sword realm, and everyone naturally thought of him.

In the entire Ziyun Palace, there are only two disciples in the Sword Realm, and San Xiaodian Li Xiaobai went to Luan Xing Palace, and it will never appear here at this moment, so the rest of the Ziyun Palace Sword Realm Disciple, it seems that only Yuan Feng is left.


When everyone focused on Yuan Feng, the cat was always behind Wang Zhong and Yuan Feng didn't want to show up. At this moment, he couldn't help but twitch his lips, and the whole person became more careful.

"Fenger, I haven't seen you for a while. Your strength seems to be improving!" As the master of Yuanhe Palace, the master of the Liuhe Palace naturally has nothing to say. After observing Yuan Feng for a while, he has discovered that Yuan Feng at this moment is obviously a little different from before.

Yuan Feng's change is definitely not small, but even he cannot tell where the change is. In general, Yuan Feng's strength should be improved, but this can not be done.

In fact, he wanted to ask Yuan Feng if the mysterious man was him, but when he thought about Yuan Feng's current practice, he just dispelled this idea. How can a little figure in the yin and yang realm kill the super genius of the infinite state?

"Thank you Master for your concern. The disciples were with Brother Wang Zhong before, but they were instructed by Brother. This trip was really rewarding."

Having stabilized his mind, Yuan Feng behaved quite naturally. He has now cultivated the Ninth Zhuan Xuan Gong to the seventh state, and all over him is a congenital treasure. Outsiders want to see what is wrong with him, it is simply a foolish dream, even if he is a demigod. And he is still not afraid.

"Hopefully, I do n’t know what these people are doing, because otherwise, I'm afraid I can't escape the suspicion this time!"

Frankly, at this moment, he also had some drumming under his heart. After all, he exchanged cheats with the old man in the purple robe at the beginning, and got the magical power. Although only he and the old man in the purple robe knew about it, he was not clear about it. Will the other party talk about this matter, and if others let him know that he has cheats for his prowess, then this matter is really a bit difficult.

As for the sword art mood of the sword realm alone, it seems that the target cannot be locked on him.

"Very well, you can increase your strength when you go out. This is really the purpose of the training, and the sister-in-law can teach it!" Nodded, but Hua Yan no longer said anything. As for the suspicion of Yuan Feng, he was directly caught by him. excluded.

Of course, he had observed Yuan Feng's situation for a long time. Although Yuan Feng's strength was strong and the foundation was solid, he did not reach the level that Wang Zhong said. Perhaps, at this moment, Yuan Feng relied on the swordsmanship of the Sword Realm. Artistic conception, being able to have a few tricks with ordinary people of the Promise, is considered extraordinary.

Others just looked at Yuan Feng for a few moments, and they also ruled out doubts about Wang Zhong. After all, everything about Yuan Feng was there. Moreover, Yuan Feng was always with Wang Zhong at that time. It was Yuan Feng's shot, so Wang Zhong couldn't even notice it.

"It's nothing, I don't think you should be entangled in this matter anymore, since you can't find the target, this matter is set aside for the time being for future research!"

"That's right. I'm guessing like this out of thin air, I'm afraid I'll never know what's going on. Besides, I'm not sure if the mysterious man is a Ziyun Palace man."

Suspicious targets were eliminated one by one, and everyone present couldn't think of anyone else who met Wang Zhong's requirements. Since you can't think of it, stubbornness is not the answer.

"It's okay, let's set aside this matter for a while. When I return to Ziyun Palace, I'll see Zi Lao. Maybe Zi Lao has cultivated his disciples secretly, and maybe he has taught his magic skills!"

The Lord of the Moxian Temple thought of another possibility, and the possibility was still very high. If the mysterious man is a disciple cultivated secretly by the ancestor of the Five Elements Hall, this is entirely justified.

"Yes, yes, this is a lot of trouble for Brother Mo Xie. In the next time, let's study how to retaliate against those forces who secretly got involved, and hurt so many of our disciples. They don't want to pay. Some price, how can that be? "

The face of the Master of the Heavenly Temple became cold again, maybe those great forces would feel that Ziyun Palace would not be hostile to so many powerful forces, but he just wanted to let those people know that the people of Ziyun Palace have nothing Do n’t dare to do it!

ps: At the end of the month, don't hold the flowers in your hands, smash them out, haha! !! !!

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