The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1827: Every confidant in wine

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Speaking of which, Yuan Feng and Wang Zhong's personality don't actually have much similarity. However, such things as making friends are not all based on personalities.

Either Wang Zhong or Yuan Feng, at least, they are all the same, that is, they will not measure the gentleman's belly with the villain's heart. Wang Zhong will not worry about Yuan Feng taking over his status as a big disciple, and Yuan Feng will not go to Wang Zhong's status. It is because of this that they can intersect sincerely without any impurities.

After so long contact, the two are relatively familiar. In addition to the identity of the brothers, they are more close to each other, and this friendship is bound to follow them together. Experience more, and become more pure.

"Come here, brother, these are the wines I have collected for many years. Although they are not the best things in the world, I can guarantee that they have never tasted them."

In the closet, Yuan Feng and Wang Zhong sat opposite each other, and on the stone table in the middle of them, they were naturally filled with wine and food. The two raised glasses and drank, but they were happy.

Wang Zhong is also a wine-loving person. Naturally, he must have a lot of inventory, and this time he drank with Yuan Feng, but he took out a lot of his own possessions, making Yuan Feng addicted.

And in return for Wang Zhong, Yuan Feng took out his inventory in the French Realm and the days of the Tianlong Dynasty. As he said, these wines may not be the top of the world, but in the world of no delusion, It is absolutely impossible to find a second copy.

"Good wine, brother, where did you get your wine from this altar? Drinking for my brother for a few years, or the first time I tasted so good, come, come and give him another glass."

After a glass of wine, Wang Zhong couldn't help but have a fine aftertaste, and then the case was called out.

The wine of the lower world is naturally brewed by the things of the lower world, and the things of the lower world will certainly not exist. The so-called things are rare and expensive. Only those that have not been drunk are delicious.

Of course, if you let him drink it a few times, you will feel that the wine in this nether is dirty and tasteless.

"Hey, this is the secret of the younger brother, but if the brother likes it, I still have an altar stock here, so I will give it to the brother." When the words fell, he raised his hand and took out the ordinary lower world. The wine came to Wang Zhong generously.

"Ha ha ha, okay, since it is the mind of the younger brother, it is disrespectful to be a brother!"

Wang Zhong is not polite. It is a wine, even if it is precious, it is not too important. Moreover, he can drink it. Although this wine has a unique flavor, it is actually very ordinary. This kind of gift is accepted.

"Supposed to be so !!!" Seeing Wang Zhong accept his gift, Yuan Feng nodded, a hint of joy on his face. He didn't give too precious gifts to each other, and he also knew that the other party might not receive his heavy gifts. The wine in this hometown of the altar should be treated with courtesy.

"Master, you and I are considered to have some fate. The master didn't know. Before the master didn't join the Liuhe Temple, the brothers basically spent in cultivation, but they have never had such a smooth drink with others. In the future, As a companion, it may not be boring to practice! "

After drinking Yuanfeng's just-filled wine glass, Wang Zhong couldn't help pouting, then said to Yuan Feng with emotion.

He is a lonely person with a more introverted personality. It is difficult for ordinary people to get along with him, but it is difficult for him to intersect sincerely. However, after meeting Yuan Feng, even when Yuan Feng was an ordinary person in the habitat, he felt Yuan Feng is very extraordinary and totally worth making.

Facts have proved that his feelings are indeed right. Today, Yuan Feng has become his teacher. The relationship between the two is more harmonious than before.

"Brother, thank you Brother for looking at my brother and taking care of him. If anything happens to my brother in the future, I will be there for the first time, and I will serve my brother."

Yuan Feng is certainly very pleased with Wang Zhong's frankness, and he can feel such happiness in Ziyun Palace.

"Master Shi talked heavily." He waved his hand. Wang Zhong picked up the jug this time and filled Yuanfeng with a glass. "Master, you are not too far away from my cultivation. What do you not understand in the future? Even if my brother goes to me, as long as he can help the brother, he will have nothing to say. "

Although they are all powerful people, after a few glasses of wine, they still inevitably become emotional.

"You do n’t have to say it, my brother will often bother you." He smiled suddenly, but Yuan Feng suddenly thought about it, and then he looked up and continued, "Brother, I have already told Master Now, after a while, I will go out to practice alone. During this period, my brother is afraid that I can't accompany my brother to drink and chat. "

At Yuanji Palace, he had to take a trip, for nothing else, just for Waner's weak girl. Anyway, at least he has to know if Waner is doing well now. If Waner is doing well, then he can let her continue her current life. If the other party is not doing well, then he will definitely not allow.

"Oh, my brother wants to go out to practice?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Wang Zhong was a little stunned, and the wine glasses in his hand were slightly delayed. Obviously, he did not expect Yuan Feng to go out to practice.

Speaking of them, going out is indeed a compulsory course for every disciple, but Yuan Feng's situation is a bit special. In order to ensure foolproof, Yuan Feng's experience can actually be avoided.

You know, the road to go out is full of hardships and dangers. An accidental accident may fall out. The passerby disciples like them are actually survivors of the experience, and it is possible for some people with stronger qualifications than them. Falling out during the training, I can never come back.

Another point is that the general training time is only when the cultivation is to reach the Promise, only to walk around, because only in the Prom Realm, have some self-protection strength. As for the Promise, the possibility of falling is too great.

Although Yuan Feng's true strength cannot be completely measured by cultivation as a realm, it is unavoidable that some people worry about going out during the yin and yang realm.

"Yes, the younger brother has discussed the practice direction with the master before, and the master finally tailored my cultivation path for the younger brother. This training process is very necessary."

According to his discussions with the Master of Huadai Palace, only by walking around and seeing a lot of insights, can he further the sword art conception of the sword realm, so he must go to this experience.

Of course, the experience is just an excuse. His real purpose is nothing but Waner in Yuanji Palace.

"It was a Master's idea." Hearing Yuan Feng said, Wang Zhong nodded, but there was still a bit of worry in his eyes. "Master, your cultivation is inadequate now. I think you still talk to Master, and push this experience to the back. As for now, it's safer in Ziyun Palace. "

Many people saw Yuan Feng's performance at the exchange meeting, and for a talented disciple of Ziyun Palace like Yuan Feng, God knows how many people want to get rid of it soon. Therefore, he really felt that the current Yuan Feng should really not run out casually.

"You do n’t have to worry about my brother. Although my brother ’s practice is normal, do n’t forget that my brother ’s hands still have the sword art mood of the sword realm. Besides, the master has already thought out the security measures for me. There will be no problems. "

He knew that Wang Zhong was really worried for him, but his intention had been decided. No matter what Wang Zhong said, he could not change his mind.

"Also, since this is the case, the brother will not say much anymore. At that time, the brother and sister should be more careful." Shaking his head, Wang Zhong no longer objected. In fact, he also understands that if a person wants to become stronger, then he needs to go through a lot of disciplines. If Yuan Feng is always with him, or with the master of Huadai Hall, I am afraid There will not be much success in this life.

Of course, after all, although I know the truth of this, when I think of Yuan Feng's going to be involved alone, he still has some faint worries.

Fortunately, Yuan Feng ’s outing experience was approved by the head of the Huadai Hall. In that case, his master should have provided security measures for Yuan Feng, which was somewhat comforting to him.

"Brother, rest assured, brother will never let the brother down."

With a slight smile, Yuan Feng's heart was a bit ashamed. Speaking of his current strength, even the demigod might not be able to do what he does, but he can't tell each other about these. In any case, this is also a deception to Wang Zhong.

"Hahaha, my brother has both strength and potential. I believe that it won't be long before my brother can become famous and become a real super strongman in the world of no delusion. Come, my dear, let's drink today Happy, next time I wait for you to drink, I don't know when it will be! "

With a loud laugh, Wang Zhong didn't think much anymore, and what he said was to raise his glass and continue drinking.

"Okay, that little brother will be drunk with his brother today!"

Immediately, Yuan Feng didn't think about other things anymore. He raised up another private collection in his hand, and poured out wine for Wang Zhong generously.

As Wang Zhong said, after this wine, they don't know when they can get together again to drink!

ps: Second more, Xiaoyan works hard in the word, for support! !! !! Ask for power! !! !!

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