The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1830: Warm moment (five more)

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Yuan Feng's return is undoubtedly a huge surprise for the three daughters of Jiang Qingwu. For her return, Yuan Feng did not let her avatar tell the three people in advance, but she wanted to give the three women such a surprise in the beginning.

After several years of separation, whether it is Jiang Qingwu's mother, or Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner, two confidantes, they are naturally very happy.

At this time, naturally, no one can monopolize Yuanfeng, even if it is Yunmeng Chen, it can only be shared with Jiang Qingwu and Mu Yuner. The two want to enjoy a two-person world, but they can only be I'll talk about it later.

"Fenger, this time going to Ziyun Palace, is everything going well?"

With the presence of Jiang Qingwu as a mother, Yun Mengchen and Mu Yuner did not dare to be too presumptuous. At this time, naturally, it was the moment of communication between Jiang Qingwu and Yuan Feng. As for Yun Mengchen and Mu Yun, Children, stayed honestly side by side, guarding Yuan Feng from left to right, as if afraid that Yuan Feng would suddenly run away.

"Mother, the child's trip to the Ziyun Palace has been very rewarding. Among them, the promotion of cultivation and the promotion of Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong are all known to the mother when she wants to come. In addition, the child also paid homage to the Ziyun Palace The master of the Liuhe Palace is the teacher, but now I am the disciple of the master of the Liuhe Palace. "

Respectfully sitting across the knee from Jiang Qingwu, Yuan Feng summed up his harvest in the Ziyun Palace one by one. He heard what he said, and Jiang Qingwu's face suddenly showed a hint. Startled.

"So, Feng'er is now Ziyun Palace?"

With an eyebrow raised, Jiang Qingwu's heart had an indescribable feeling. Today, her understanding of the Ziyun Palace is no longer as limited as before. Of course, she also knows something about being a disciple of Ziyun Palace.

Yuan Feng can become a disciple of Ziyun Palace, and also a disciple of a demigod strong. This is just how much Yuan Feng's gains have been made.

"Yes, speaking, the children have now gained the trust of the people in the Ziyun Palace, and the demigods also value the children very much. If nothing else, they will help the children until they are half successful. In the realm of God. "

The people in the Ziyun Palace basically have no doubt about him, and because those people value him, as long as it is what he needs, those strong men will naturally be willing to provide him. This is something he had never thought of before. Yes.

"It's so good. With the support of Ziyun Palace, Fenger can take a lot of detours in the future and save a lot of practice time!"

Originally, she was worried about Yuan Feng being bullied in Ziyun Palace, but now it seems that she is more worried.

Having said that, although Yuan Feng said it simply, she knew in her heart that she could become a disciple of Ziyun Palace. In the middle, her own son must have put in a lot of hard work, and this kind of hard work is not the same. What ordinary people can do.

"Master Yuanfeng, tell me about your experience at Ziyun Palace. How did you become a disciple of Ziyun Palace's strong? The process in it must have been wonderful?"

Mu Yuner finally couldn't help but intervene and asked Yuan Feng. She believes that the process of Yuan Feng becoming a disciple must be very exciting, but she can't wait to know about it.

"Hey, whatever, since the sister is curious about this, then I'll talk to you, it can be considered as an eye-opener and more insightful."

At the exchange event, only a few superpowers will know about it. Although it is not a secret, it is undoubtedly someone with some identity who knows these situations. To put it bluntly, knowing a lot about these situations is a symbol of status. Of course, once you understand these situations, you can talk about the exchange event in the future, and the three of you will no longer be confused.

With a decision in mind, the next time, Yuan Feng was right in shape, while straightening out what happened in Ziyun Palace this time, while telling the whole process briefly. When it comes to thrills, the three people on the side are all changing their looks, as if they were there.

Yuan Feng's ability to tell stories is not strong, but the situations he describes basically involve superpowers such as Demigod. Once the characters of this level are involved, for the three women, listening It was naturally shaking of mind.

There was nothing urgent to do. Yuan Feng not only said what happened in the Ziyun Palace, but even some of the things he experienced in the Yanji Palace, he took it out and shared it with the three women.

His idea is very simple. Let the three women know more about the demigods and let them know that the demigods will be beheaded as well. In this way, the demigods are in their minds. Among them, it is not so scary and not so mysterious.

"I don't think Fenger has experienced so much in the Ziyun Palace. It seems that my child can achieve today's achievements, which is really not what ordinary people can imagine."

When Yuan Feng told everything, Jiang Qingwu's three were all obsessed, and as Yuan Feng thought, when they heard that Ziyun Palace had destroyed dozens of demigods At that time, they were really not so afraid of people in the demigod.

In fact, this is the story of the world. When you do n’t understand the situation, there will always be various imaginations in your heart, but when you really are in it, you will find that everyone is the same, even if it is strength. No matter how strong, after all, there are people who are better than you, and since there is stronger than yourself, then you are not an immortal.

"Mother, dream dust, sister, there is nothing mysterious about the demi-god realm. Now you all have the realm of the Promise. As long as you practice seriously, then you will eventually be promoted to the demi-god realm, and I believe that this It won't be too far in a day. "

After recounting all the circumstances, Yuan Feng finally stated his intentions directly, which was regarded as cheering for the three and added some confidence to the three.

"Hehe, the three of us are not in a hurry. As long as Fenger becomes stronger as soon as possible, then we, people, will arrive at the semi-godder state earlier or later, and it will not make any difference. . "

Jiang Qingwu looked very open. Of course, the main reason was because she didn't have the confidence to be promoted to demigod. In terms of her qualifications, reaching the Promise is an opportunity. As for Demigod, she really dare not expect it.

Fortunately, she has a good son. In the future cultivation, Yuan Feng will certainly help her think of ideas to help her impact the demigod.

"Mother rest assured that there is a baby in the state of demigod, but it is not a big state." With a smile of self-confidence, Yuan Feng could not help but cast a firm look at the three, as if he was telling the three that he was there. There is nothing impossible in this world.

Having said that, in the hearts of the three women, there is really nothing in this world that Yuan Feng cannot do!

"Yes, mother, my father, how are they doing now? During my absence, they seem to have been retreating, right? What is going on now?"

After chatting with the three women for so long, he just remembered his father and his relatives and friends. Before, he was purely focused on doing things abroad, but he didn't have too much contact with the avatar. Moreover, the avatar has always been busy inside and outside the Qingwu Palace, but it is impossible to accompany everyone all day.

"Your father and your uncles have been given a lot of people's advice, but at this time they are all impacting the realm of good fortune, but you also know their qualifications, for a while, I am afraid it is difficult to have a result."

Speaking of his husband, Jiang Qingwu's face flashed helplessly. The qualifications of Yuan Qingyun and others are indeed limited. If there were not so many people in the Promise to help out their ideas, I am afraid they would be difficult to achieve even in the current realm.

"Hehe, the father and the uncles and elders are indeed of limited qualifications. However, as the so-called diligence can make up for it, as long as they seriously cultivate, they will sooner or later."

For his elders, he is also very clear about their situation. Right now, he has no shortcuts to let them go, and it is a good decision to let them work harder to consolidate the current foundation.

"Also, let them retreat for the time being, and when I return next time, if they have not been successfully promoted, then I will help them think of a way."

There is so much time. Anyway, now he has joined the Ziyun Palace. He has more opportunities to contact various treasures than before. He really doesn't believe that he can't find a way for everyone to reach the limitless state.

In fact, what he needs to consider is his elders. As for his young friends, such as Chu Tianyu and Chu Yunchen, they should be able to reach the limitless state without his help.

"Next time? Yuan Feng, shouldn't you still leave?"

Just when Yuan Feng's voice had just fallen, Yun Mengchen on the side suddenly changed his face, and then hurriedly asked.

She has been listening to Yuan Feng's narration, and this listening is undoubtedly a pleasure for her. However, when she heard Yuan Feng said that she would come back next time, she immediately caught the keywords.

"This ......... I really have to leave. There are still some things that I need to do now, but this time I return, but I just passed by. I will leave later."

Was broken by Yun Mengchen, Yuan Feng's face, but could not help showing a hint of solitude.


Yuan Feng's confirmation, whether it was Yun Mengchen, or Jiang Qingwu and Mu Yuner on the side, the original joyful expressions all disappeared.

ps: Catch up with the Spring Festival and get a license, coupled with buying a house and a driver ’s license. This month ’s update created the lowest in history. Next month, Xiaoyan will redouble its efforts to code, and ask for flowers at the beginning of the month, please everyone! !! !!

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