The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1834: Mix in (four more)

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A group of three young men came to the front door of Helien's house. The young man headed by them was a leader at first glance. The two young men behind him were undoubtedly his followers, but these two followers At first glance, it is not an ordinary person, it is definitely a role that cannot be underestimated.

Before the young man came to the door of Helien's house, he greeted the treasurer at the door the first time, but his attitude was very enthusiastic. When I saw this young man, the treasurer in front of the door opened his eyes again and greeted him with a smile.

"Oh, it turned out to be Master Lingfeng. I haven't seen him for a few days. Master Lingfeng still has the same style. It seems that Master Lingfeng should have been very moist in recent times!"

Jin Tsang's face was full of smiles. It seemed that when facing the young man in front of him, he seemed to be more enthusiastic than seeing the previous Min master. It can be seen that the master Ling Feng in front of him should also be someone with some identity. \ "Hahaha, the treasurer just talks, but then again, I have been busy for a while and I haven't been able to take time to visit the treasurer, but I don't know if there is any treasure from the treasurer recently? "

The young man named Ling Feng laughed loudly. The gesture of everyone was very obvious. Obviously, the young master must be a familiar customer of the treasurer, and only the more familiar guests dare to do so with the treasurer. Get familiar with it!

"Although Master Lingfeng has gone, I do have a lot of good goods recently. I think Master Lingfeng will like it." With his eyes narrowed, the gold treasurer at this moment exposed the essence of the merchant, and almost all his eyes See the flickering phantom.

Speaking of them, Ling Feng in front of him is indeed a regular customer, and he can be regarded as someone with some identity on Yuanji Palace. For one thing, the Ling family was the top family around the Yuanji Palace. Second, a young master of the Ling family was the named disciple of the master of the Yuanji Palace. It is said that he is still very hopeful to become a legendary disciple.

This Master Ling Feng is the brother of the genius who is expected to become a named disciple. Even if he looks at that face, everyone will give a little noodles to this Master Ling Feng.

"Okay, when the treasurer returns, the junior will definitely go shopping." Nodded and smiled, Ling Feng no longer talked too much about the matter. "Gold treasurer, the junior went ahead and waited for the dinner When it officially started, the junior would drink a few more drinks with the treasurer. "

"Oh, Master Ling Feng, please !!!"

The treasurer no longer greeted the other side, and talking was looking at the two people behind him, especially one of the young people who had only cultivated in yin and yang, which made him have to look a few more times. .

As a businessman, but also a senior businessman, of course, his vision is not comparable to ordinary people. Although the young man in front of him only has the cultivation of yin and yang, but somehow he feels a little threat from the other person. Feeling, just like the young man in front of him, is a super powerhouse that is hidden from view.

"Yes, Master Lingfeng, are these two little brothers your guards?"

Just when Ling Feng was about to bring two young people into the mansion, the treasurer suddenly waved his hands, seemingly intentionally and inadvertently asking.

Originally, the person brought by Ling Feng didn't need to ask anything, but the young man now seemed to make him feel a little uneasy, so he asked a little more involuntarily.

"Oh? You said them, yes, they are all my guards. Why, today's banquet, isn't it allowed to bring in guards?"

When hearing the young man behind Jin asked the two young men behind him, Ling Feng could not help but raise his eyebrows, but there was a flash of imperceptible light in the bottom of his eyes, which seemed to return unintentionally.

"Where is Master Lingfeng? I just asked casually." He waved his hand, but the treasurer hurriedly denied it, and then continued, "Hehe, I don't think there is such a talented person beside Master Lingfeng, please!!!"

As soon as he raised his hand to Ling Feng again, it was the second time that the treasurer made a gesture of asking. However, at this moment, his eyes were still on the young man behind Ling Feng, and his eyes were full of interest. Look.

I can think of it with my toes. Ling Feng's guarding is definitely not the only practice of yin and yang, but a young man far beyond the strength of yin and yang can make him invisible. This kind of thing, in It really happened rarely to him.

His status in the Helian family is so aloof, not only because of good business, the main thing is that his strength is strong enough, even if you look at the entire Helian family, he is the number one character that can be ranked. .

The young man who made him inscrutable was enough to be called a genius.

However, what he didn't know is that someone's cultivation is really only the realm of yin and yang, but unfortunately even if the other party wants to pretend to be the limitless realm, there is nothing he can do. If you can, someone really hopes that he can show the self-cultivation. In that case, it is not as eye-catching as before.


Ling Feng no longer hesitated, arching his hands at the treasurer of gold, that is, taking the two behind him again, walking slowly towards the mansion.

"It seems that the Ling family really attached great importance to this young master, and even sent such a master to protect it."

Watching the three of Ling Feng walk into the mansion, the treasurer's eyes are still on the young man in the yin and yang state, and when he wants to come, this man who looks only in the yin and yang state must be secretly arranged by the Ling family. Ling Feng's side protects the other's safe and strong.

After watching it for a moment, he no longer thought about it. After all, no matter what the identity or the strength of the other party, anyway, in the house of the Helian family, the other party would never dare to act wildly.

Having figured this out, he regained his gaze, stood back under the gate of the mansion, and continued to welcome other guests.

At the same time, Ling Feng's uncle, Ling Feng, had already taken two young guards into the house of Helien's house.

Along the way, everyone who knows this Master Ling family will basically say hello to the other person, and their attitudes are quite respectful. Even the owners of some big families and powerful forces have to sell to the other person. One face, who made the other brother's elder brother a genius who is expected to become a disciple of the master of Yuanji Palace?

Ling Feng was also uncharacteristic today. No matter who greeted him, they all responded very friendly, and it looked as if they were no longer stubborn.

However, no one found that when no one greeted the young master of the Ling family, the young master's gaze was behind him intentionally or unintentionally, but in his eyes, it was always the same It is indescribably respectful and questioning.

"Well, it's really not a small scene. It seems that the major forces around Yuanji Palace really look like that."

Behind Ling Feng, the yin and yang man who had always been unsmiling and did not have a word of unnecessary words, but at this moment, regardless of Ling Feng's eyes, he looked in the surrounding halls by himself.

Needless to say, here appeared here, and only those who cultivated in the yin and yang realm were naturally Yuan Feng who came from a distance from the Ziyun Palace.

After arriving at Tianyuan City where Yuanji Palace is located, he first thought of his own action strategy, and then used the magic of blood curse to control the Master Ling Feng of the Ling family, as well as this Master Ling Feng's two guards, and one of them was put away and replaced by himself.

It happened that after controlling this master Lingfeng, he learned about the Helian family, and then Lingfeng came to this Helian family. As for the purpose, of course, I was trying to get in touch with Master Hellengi's family to see if he could contact his Waner from this Hellengi.

This Helian family does not have a strong man in the semi-god realm, and this time the Helian family marries a girl, and no strong man in the semi-god realm wants to be present. So, today ’s Helian home, he is invincible Existence, naturally, do whatever you want!

If he can see the Hellengi son of Helian's family, then even if he directly shot to control it, I am afraid no one can stop him.

"The gold treasurer outside is quite good. Basically, he can have the strength of Ziyun Palace's disciples. Moreover, this person's eyesight seems to be very strong, and he can see that I am unusual."

Looking around the banquet hall of the Helian family, Yuan Feng didn't find anyone worthy of his attention. It reminds me of the gold shopkeeper who just met when he entered the door.

The strength of the treasurer of gold can only be regarded as average for him, but the eyesight of the other party is indeed commendable. It should be because of long-term contact with various people and slowly developed.

"No matter what, it's a bunch of black people, I'll just wait and see what happens, waiting for Master Hellengi to play, as for the others, it's useless to me at all."

He has only one goal, that is, Master Hellenji. As for the others, it is a waste of control. Having said that, even the Master Hellenji didn't know if it would be of any use to him!

After thinking about it, he no longer thinks about it, but he really acts as a follower of Lingfeng honestly, and there are not many people who can compare with the eyesight of the treasurer, naturally Not many people will find him extraordinary.

This wait did not last long, and the time was not long. The people in the whole hall gradually became quiet, and a long laugh passed along.

"Haha, everyone, let everyone wait a long time."

Long laughter came, and in the middle of talking, the figure of an old man came out of a hidden door in the main hall. Behind the old man, there was still a young man with a proud look.

ps: can you owe updates, try not to owe them, four more complete, please be sure to guarantee the bottom flowers! !! !!

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