The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1838: Hook (four more)

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No one expected that the Tang family's wedding team was robbed in the broad daylight, and under the eyes of the groom's official Tang Fan and the great master Helenji of the Helian family, the bride was so beautiful. They were robbed directly, and they were robbed.

Regarding this, neither Helenji nor Tangfan apparently had no way to accept it. Therefore, watching Helenchuchu be taken away, the two didn't even think about it, but hurriedly led someone to catch up. .

As disciple disciples of the Demigod Realm, the strength of Helienji and Tang Fan is not covered. After the two chase with all their strength, soon the people of the Tang family who chased the masked men with them were rushed by them Thrown behind them, the two used up almost all their energy, but chased after the masked man alone.

In the eyes of the two, the man holding Hellenchu ​​Chufei in front of him, although he should be very good at speed, but he was obviously affected by holding a large living person like Hellenchuchu. When they reached a distance of almost tens of millions of miles, they already felt that the speed of the other party was obviously decreasing.

In their perception, the masked man in front should not be too strong. At least, if the two of them work together, they will be enough to defeat each other. Therefore, although they had time to contact their families to pursue them at this time, they did not choose to notify others.

Of course, the reason why they did n’t notify more people was not just because they felt they could beat each other. The main thing is that today ’s thing is obviously a very shameful thing. Of course, the less such thing People know the better.

If at this moment they summoned to the Helian family or the Tang family, by then, so many people would know that Hellen Chu was robbed, and where would their faces be left?

Their idea was very simple. After catching up with the masked man, killing each other with one sword, and then taking Hellenchu ​​to the Tang family, everything that happened today can be regarded as nothing happened.

"Ah, ah, the boy in front, hurry up for me, or you will be ashamed after I catch up with you, and your family, your relatives and friends will become my slaves, for I enslave !!! "

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the target, but was unable to catch up with the other party, Tang Fan couldn't help yelling and threatened the other party.

He is really going crazy now, his wife is held in his arms by other men, and there seems to be no resistance at all, which makes him feel that the color of his head is obviously changing, the feeling of humiliation, but He had never felt it before.

"Her Excellency, please stop, let's have something to say, don't wait until it's closed, it's not good for everyone."

Hellengie also exhaled, roaring at the masked man who flew forward quickly. Although he was not as angry as Tang Fan, he felt anxious from the bottom of his eyes when he saw that good things were about to turn into bad things. If this time really let his sister be taken away by others, then how can he explain to the Tang family?

"Well !!!"

However, it is a pity that no matter how roaring and discussing with each other, the masked man in front of him still seems to have heard nothing, but flies forward without thinking, without stopping. Meaning down.

The speed of all three was extremely fast. At this moment, they had already flew away from Yuanji Palace in a long distance. Seeing that, they were all about to leave the circular area around Yuanji Palace.

"Hurry up, Brother Helian. He seems to be unable to move, Brother Helian speeds up quickly."

As the flying distance became more and more distant, Tang Fan found that the man in front was obviously unable to continue, and even the flying height was repeatedly reduced. Seeing this, he suddenly increased his confidence, and while urging Hellenji, he pursued with all his strength.

Helenji can obviously find that the other party ’s energy is not enough. As long as they persist for a while, it is definitely not a problem to catch up with the other party.

"Well, no matter who you are, this time you will have to smash your corpses and never leave you."

At this moment, whether Helienji or Tang Fan, they have already sentenced the death penalty of the masked people. Today's matter, they must be kept absolutely confidential, so of course they cannot keep the other side alive. Moreover, this person dared to grab people under their eyelids, and if they did not destroy the other party, they would not be able to swallow the breath.

So you chased me, but it lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and at this moment, the person flying ahead seemed to have reached the edge of the exhausted lamp, and the speed was obviously slow to a certain extent. . Seeing this, whether it was Helienji or Tang Fan, they were all very happy.

"Well !!!"

Just when the three of you chased me and fled for almost half an hour or so, the figures of the three came to the sky over a vast mountain forest, and when the two behind them felt joy. However, the man in front of him sank suddenly and sank directly downward.

"Well !!!"

The figure sank into the forest, and the masked man disappeared in no time. Seeing this, the two men who had just been in love for a while were suddenly darkened.

"Asshole, actually going to hide !!!"

Seeing the other side getting into the forest, the two couldn't see where the other side was obviously trying to hide into the forest for a while, but when they were there, the other side wanted to hide with a big living person, which was obviously a lunatic dream!

Do not want to think about it, the two are sinking in the same body, but sink directly into the forest with the other, vowing to capture each other alive and torture to death.

"Brush !!!!"

Although the two of them also consumed a lot of physical strength, after all, they did not run with a large living person, so the consumption should be much smaller than the masked person. At least they think so.

Their bodies sank, and the two soon arrived in the dense forest. However, when the two entered the forest, their faces suddenly became very dignified. Everyone's nerves were suddenly abrupt. Gets a little tight.

"Well? What about people?"

Standing in shape, the eyes of the two powerful men first glanced around, then released their minds, and looked around for a while.

However, after a long investigation, not only did they not find the masked man, they could not even feel the slightest breath of the other party. That feeling was like the other party disappeared out of thin air after entering the forest.

"His, Brother Helian, the situation seems a little bad !!!"

Tang Fan's response was not unpleasant. When he came into the dense forest and could not see the target for a while, he realized that the situation seemed a little too weird from beginning to end, and he and Hellenji People seem to be too careless!

It's already far away from Yuanji Palace and not close to their family. At this moment, even if they ask for help, I'm afraid it will take a while to wait for the rescue.

"Brother Tang Fan, hold on. With your strength and your avatar, you shouldn't let anyone be so unobtrusive."

Helenji apparently realized that the problem was wrong, but he still felt that, in their capacity, no one should deliberately calculate them.

However, after all, at this moment, everything in front of them seems to be telling them, this time, they seem to be really doing a good job!

"Oh, two, are you looking for me?"

Suspicious under the hearts of the two, when the expression on their faces became more and more dignified, a chuckle, but suddenly came from their side, and then a man with a black scarf covered his face, Stepped out.


Hearing the sudden sound, Tang Fan and Hellenji had already felt the danger, but at this moment they were all sinking in their hearts, and their expressions became gloomy instantly.

At this moment, they still don't understand where they are. Obviously, this time, they really did it!

Looking at each other, they both looked in the direction of the sound. Then, the familiar masked man before them appeared in front of them, and from the other side, they never felt To the slightest sign of exhaustion, even though the other person's face was covered, from the bottom of the other person's eyes, what they saw was full of sorrow.

"Yu, who is your Excellency? Why bother us? And, my sister, where did you take her?"

Hellenji slowly calmed down at this moment, because he already felt that although they had hit each other's strategy, they were led here by the other side, but there was no other person around at the moment, but just before his eyes This person, it seems that he and Tang Fan are still dominant.

"Oh, you don't need to ask who I am, because soon you know it doesn't matter!"

Yuan Feng's face was filled with a smile, but between the words, he took off the black scarf on his face, revealing a face that made the two of them very strange.

"Helenji, right, from now on, you'll follow me!"


At this time, Yuan Feng didn't need to say anything more to the two, even if there was something to say to the two, it was not now.

When he was in shape, he seemed to disappear from the ground, and by the time he reappeared, he had reached Helenji.


Yuan Feng's sudden approach, Helianji almost didn't feel a little bit. When Yuan Feng was near, he was shocked to find that he was all around him, as if he was bound by an invisible force. By the time he wanted to fight, an enlarged punch had already appeared.

"Om !!!!!!"

When his head fainted, Hellengye felt only darkness hitting him, and then he was completely unconscious.

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