The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1840: Zixin Renhou (Second)

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After controlling the young master Helianji of the Helian family and the young master Tangfan of the Tang family, Yuan Feng's body flashed and he came to a giant tree in the dense forest. At this moment, in Below this giant tree, a woman in a big red dress was standing obediently, except for the eyes, and other parts could not move at all.

Undoubtedly, what appeared here at the moment was, of course, the youngest lady of the Helian family, Helian.

For Hellenchu, what happened today makes it hard for her to recover. Originally, she was depressed because she didn't want to marry Tang family Tang Fan. Who knows, she had been kidnapped by others before she arrived at Tang family.

The man who snatched her from Tang Fan was sure she didn't know her. She originally wanted to resist, but unfortunately, with her limitless strength, she couldn't even move. It feels like the opponent's strength has surpassed him countless times, almost the same as the feeling of facing a semi-god strong.

As a woman, suddenly controlled by a strange man, it is of course false to say that you are not afraid. Unfortunately, in the way of being held by the other party, the other party does not give her any chance to speak, let alone to resist Already.

Just now, she was put here by the other party, and her strength was imprisoned by a horrible energy. For the future, she could not see at all, and her fate could not be predicted.

She glanced around her as much as possible. At this moment, she really felt like crying.

She doesn't want to marry Tang Fan's Tang Fan is real, but she also doesn't want to be seduced by a strange man like this now. If the other party has any intention, then the strength gap between them, I'm afraid she really It's finished.


When Hellenchu ​​was suffering, but didn't know how he was going to be good, a light suddenly appeared before him, and then an unfamiliar figure appeared in front of him.

This time a young man appeared in front of him, but he didn't have a mask. However, judging from the clothes and body shape of the other person, it is clear that the young man in front of him is the mask who carried her here. No doubt about it.

The pupils shrunk sharply, but Hellenchu's breath could not help but be a little hasty. When she didn't see the other person's true face, she had imagined that the other person should have a rough face or a wicked look, but when she saw the other person's true face, she found out that she had kidnapped her. Yes, it turned out to be a harmless young man.

Of course, no matter what the other party looks like, in short, the other party will obviously not do anything good to tie her up, so her heart is still a bit unsettled.

"Ahem, keep the girl waiting."

When Hellenchu ​​was frightened, and a pair of charming eyes looked at the man in front of her for help, the latter finally opened her mouth, and with the opening of the other party, Hellenchu ​​suddenly felt that her own The whole body was slightly loose, and then she was glad to discover that she did not know when she had recovered her ability to act.


Feeling that his body had recovered his ability to move, Hellenchu ​​could not help exhaling a long breath, and the whole person was slightly relaxed. In any case, since it can move, it is naturally better than leaving it alone and letting others do it.

Of course, although her physical ability was restored, she did not have any unwise choices. Escaping at this time is obviously a self-death, because she is very clear that judging from the speed with which the other party was fleeing her, it is easy for the other party to catch up with her.

So instead of trying to kill yourself, be honest and obedient and see what the other party is doing!

"You, who are you? Why rob me here?"

Taking a deep breath, Hellenchuchu tried to calm himself as much as possible, while he looked at the young man in front of him seriously and asked in amazement.

In any case, the young man in front of him didn't look like a shy man, and although the other man had brought her in before, it was quite normal to her. All these conditions have made her feel a little calmer.

"Oh, girl Chuchu, don't worry, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Yuan Feng was really a little embarrassed at the moment. Speaking of which, Helen is here to churn out. He really has no bad intentions. His purpose is only to draw Hellenji by the other side. After all, this Helen Even Chuchu girl should be regarded as a victim.

Of course, whether it is a victim or not is also a matter for him. Sometimes, people have to harm others' interests because of their own private interests. This is also inevitable.

This clever girl is also a poor man. If you want to come to the other party, you should not want to marry Tang Fan of the Tang family. If this is the case, then this time, he can give the other party a little compensation.

"Girl Chuchu, don't hide it, this time I'm holding you down just to lead your elder brother Hellenji. There is no attempt to Chuchu girl."

Yuan Feng is not a villain. If he changes someone else, he may directly kill the other party or imprison the other party. Because he is not a villain, I will explain it to the other party. Of course, the explanation is only one aspect. In addition, he must think of a way to deal with the other party, which will not let the other party harm his interests, but also allow the other party to accept it.

"Let my brother come over? You, you ... you have enmity against him?"

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Helian Chuchu realized that the man in front of her didn't come at her. After a long time of trouble, she was just a bait chosen by others.

However, when she learned that Yuan Feng's goal was her brother Hellenji, she couldn't help worrying about her elder brother.

Shicai also found that Helianji and Tang Fan were chasing behind, but at this moment, she could not see the two of them. Obviously, the young man in front of her had just left and would definitely not run away.

"Hateful? Oh, I have never seen anyone in Helian's family before, of course not hate him." Seeing Helianchu's worried expression, Yuan Feng couldn't help shaking her head, then continued, "Girl Chuchu rest assured I have no resentment against your Helian family. The reason why Helenji was brought out was nothing more than to let him do me a favor. It would certainly not hurt his life. "

It ’s not his hobby that kills people. Maybe, after Hellenji helps him complete his task, he will thank him very much!

"Then ... where is Big Brother now?"

Although Yuan Feng said very well, she couldn't see where her eldest brother was at this moment, and didn't know how the other party was now. No matter what Hellengi did to her, but that was her brother, after all, she couldn't ignore it.

"Hehe, Helenji and that Tang Fan are all very good. You will be able to meet them later, but before then, let's discuss your own things first!"

Shaking his head and smiling, Yuan Feng didn't release Hellenji and Tang Fan as soon as possible. Speaking, what needs to be dealt with now is Hellenchu, who will deal with this brother and reunite them later. late.


After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Hellenchu ​​realized that her problem had not yet been resolved. Obviously, no matter whether the other person's purpose was her, but since she was arrested, of course it was impossible to put her back like that. That's it.

"Girl Chuchu, we do n’t say anything secretly, I ’m not a wicked person. Speaking of which, I can completely kill someone, and never suffer later, but you and I have no injustice in the past and I have no revenge. I'm really unbearable, you as a flower-like beauty. "

For him now, it's so simple to kill an electrodeless person, but let him kill a woman who has no resistance, obviously he can't do it.

"What do you need me to do?"

After hearing Yuan Feng's words, Helian Chuchu could not help frowning. Of course, she also understood this. As Yuan Feng said, if it was a sloppy person, there was really no need to talk to her or kill her. Either imprisonment or even a more horrible situation.

You know, she is very confident in her appearance and body. Maybe she would have died a long time now if she changed her name! Thinking of this, she really felt a little gratitude for Yuan Feng.

"It's very simple. I need the sincere attachment of the girl Chuchu. As long as you willingly submit to me, I can guarantee that you are safe and okay. Not only that, I can also return your true freedom. Even the Tang Fan must be everywhere. Hear what you tell him to do, and he will do it honestly! "

He has always been so soft-hearted, it is obvious that he can use coercive measures against the current Hellenchu, and he wants to deal with the other party as he wants, but he still hopes to give the other party a chance and let the other party Choose by yourself.

If the other party really does not want to submit to him, then he will give the other party another option. Of course, this other choice is probably not the other party's decision.

"Submit to you? This ........." When hearing Feng Feng's words, Hellenchu ​​could not help but feel a little dazed. Obviously, she really didn't know what it meant to surrender to the other party.

"Oh, nothing, now I don't seem to have a choice. In this case, the boy said what to do, I will do it. I am willing to surrender."

After a brief shock, Helend Chuchu finally shook her head and smiled, and passed Yuan Feng's decision directly.

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