The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1847: Determine the target

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After Ling Jue said something about Yuanji Palace, Yuan Feng had a general understanding of what Waner is facing now.

Speaking of which, Waner's current situation is generally pretty good, because no matter what, Yuan Tiangong's master Hua Tianxing still likes her more and pampers her. This is something no one else has. The methods are comparable.

However, after all, Waner's practice time is short, and her foundation in Yuanji Palace is not solid. She wants to become a transcendent existence that surpasses everyone. Of course, the other five great disciple disciples cannot agree.

Before Wan'er did not join the Yuanji Palace, the major disciple disciples already had their own power and backers. At first, they wanted to be the heirs of the future palace masters, so they secretly made friends with the Yuanji Palace. Most of the elders in Divine Realm have the support of these people.

On the contrary, Waner, there is no support behind her, everything is supported by herself, and although Hua Tian Xing loves her, even Hua Tian Xing cannot be alone. People have the final say, after all, the palace owner is just a spokesperson, but it is not the decision maker of everything in Yuanji Palace.

The major events and small affairs of Yuanji Palace require the major deities to gather together before they can make a final decision. At the time, Huatian Xing was able to disagree and let Waner be the master of the young master. It was said that everyone gave him face. However, what the young master doesn't tell is nothing. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than a name.

If Waner wants to be the master of the palace, then first of all, she must first take another step to become a new demigod power. If it cannot reach the demigod, then everything is a waste of effort.

Each of the six major disciple disciples of the Yuanji Palace Palace masters is talented and has the opportunity to be promoted to demigod. These people want to make a difference, in fact, they are promoted to half before anyone else. Divine Realm.

Promoting the demigod is not something to say. Everyone knows that the more resources you can enjoy, the greater the possibility of demigod promotion. So what everyone is fighting for is actually Resources available in Yuanji Palace.

Waner, because there is no support behind her, of course, less resources are allocated, even if the palace master Hua Tianxing favors her, other veterans do not give her convenience. I would like to ask, who would want a strange woman who is not his own person to become the future palace master?

"Well, it seems that this is a good game. Since you can't see Waner, let's start with some other guys. I want to come out of these five people, there should be someone I can control!"

Knowing the general situation of Yuanji Palace, Yuan Feng's heart already has a general score.

An ordinary named disciple can't see Wan'er, but if he can control a disciple of Yuanyuan Palace's master, he will definitely find an opportunity to contact Wan'er? Moreover, if he can turn one of the other five great disciples into his person, then Waner can be regarded as a huge help.

This is a matter of killing two birds with one stone, and naturally there is no reason not to do it.

"I am afraid that the master of Yuanji Palace is definitely comparable to the master disciple of Ziyun Palace, and at the same time, he is also enlightened to participate in Xuan Gong. Even if I can win it, it is difficult Control with the blood curse magic power can be ignored. "

"Except for that big brother, the other guys are not easy to deal with. It seems that it can only be started from the smallest to see if it can be controlled."

Apart from Waner, the other five disciple disciples of Yuanji Palace are all cultivators of the age, but to say that the practice time is shorter, it seems that there are only five disciples Han Shu.

He really had some impressions of this Han Shu, because the original exchange event seemed to be the guy named Han Shu, who went with Waner to attend.

Obviously, the disciple named Han Shu did not reach the point where he could not control him, but his status in Yuanji Palace was not low. If he can control this person, he can not only see Waner through the other party, but also solve a big trouble for Waner.

"Ling Jue, I ask you, but can you make an appointment with that Han Shu alone?"

After a few thoughts, Yuan Feng's gaze suddenly changed slightly, and then he asked Ling Ju.

He had observed this Han Shu at the beginning. Obviously, this is not a good cake. For such a person, it is natural that he does not need to be polite, let alone the other party is Waner's big competitor.

"Brother Han Shu? This ........."

After hearing Yuan Feng's question, Ling Jie's brow could not help but frown. He can think of the purpose of Yuan Feng. Obviously, Yuan Feng is preparing to operate with Han Shu, but it is not easy to invite Han Shu.

Although Han Shu's identity is not as sensitive as Waner's, anyway, the other party is a disciple of disciples. He wants to find an excuse to invite him out of Yuanji Palace, but he has to consider it carefully.

"Young Master, these disciple disciples, all of them are small and careful masters. To put it plainly, they are very afraid of being calculated by others, so they rarely leave Yuanji Palace alone, and their subordinates dare not say that they can deceive people. Come out, but you can try it. However, if you only rely on the subordinate, it will be a bit more difficult. "

He can try to trick Han Shu out, but if he is acting alone, I am afraid that it is really difficult. After all, Han Shu is a disciple, but he is very wary. Without absolute certainty, it ’s definitely bad luck. he.

Speaking of this, Han Shu was a wildly treacherous man in Yuanji Palace. He was dismissive of these named disciples, and often even insulted them. He had long seen the other side unhappy.

If Yuan Feng can really control Han Shu, then the other party will become the same as him. At that time, he will have to see what the other party has to show.

"Any helper?" Upon hearing Ling Jue's words, Yuan Feng's eyes lightened slightly, and he was worried that the other party could do nothing, but if there was a way, it would be much easier.

"Ling Jue, should you know Hellenji? If you let this person plan with you, you have the confidence to deceive the Korean bunch? Of course, if it is not enough, I will try to find a few other ones for you helper."

If there are more people who can act, then he has to think of a way to deal with them. Take in a few more ordinary disciples of Yuanji Palace, or some of the elders ’named disciples. These people are quite easy to talk about.

"Helenji? The young master said that Helenji, an elder disciple of Veteran Wu Xian, would have no problem if he helped."

Naturally, he knew Veteran Wu Xian ’s only disciple, and that Master Helenji was indeed a good person. If he could join hands with each other, he should have cheated Han Shu. possible.

"Okay, I'll send a message to him now, and let him work with you to find a way to cheat that Han from the Yuanji Palace. As for the location, naturally, the farther away from the Yuanji Palace, the better."

In the time of speaking, he immediately contacted Hellenji in the consciousness and conveyed his order to the other party.

"Apart from Hellenji, do you still need a helper? Of course, the only person I control is him and you. If you need someone else as a helper, you can just talk and I will try to change it. Be our own. "

It is a bit difficult to win the disciples of the Yuanjigong Palace masters, but for the common disciples of the old veterans, or the named disciples of the Yuanjigong Palace masters, he is still confident to conquer, and in a big way, it takes more time Just energy.

"No, it's not good to have more people. Hellenji and I should be enough to make it happen."

Frowning for a moment, Ling Ju believes that in the weight of him and Hellenji, as long as he seriously plans, he should be able to deceive Han Shu. Speaking of which, Helenji's weight is heavier than him. After all, the only disciple of Elder Wu Xian is the only disciple.

"Well, in this case, then you should go to Hellenji now. The two of you are working hard to coax me out of the Han to complete this task. The benefits are not indispensable to you."

As long as he can control a Han Shu, then he will not worry about seeing Wan Er, and then he will give control of this Han Shu to Wan Er, it can also be regarded as a gift for the little girl. Will like it.

"Okay, then the subordinates will go back to Yuanji Palace to look for Master Hellenji. The good news that the young master will wait for us is all we need."

Ling Ju is also very confident. He really doesn't believe it. With the power of him and Hellenji, he can't lie to Han Han. Speaking of which, Han Shu's preferences are clear to Helenji, and he remembered it correctly. It seems that Han Shu and Helenji seem to have some friendship!

With this in mind, he no longer hesitated. He knew Yuan Yuanfeng and turned around and left. This time, he was going to do something that was a big deal for him. And when it ’s done, whether it ’s the so-called rewards or rewards, it can be very refreshing!

"Yu, I hope everything goes well, so that I can quickly control that Han Shu and see Waner through him!"

After Ling Jue's departure, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a faint anxiety. No matter what, he hoped to see Waner soon. Only when he saw the little girl could he be completely relieved.

ps: Lantern Festival, I wish you all a happy holiday, Xiaoyan continue to code the third chapter, seeking flowers and support! !! !!

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