The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1866: Shot (one more)

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Chapter 186 shot (one more)

Poisonous body, Waner at this moment, even the power of nothingness has been unable to exert, can be said that now, she has basically become a lamb to be slaughtered, without the slightest power to fight back.

Until now, she couldn't believe everything in front of her. No way, her most respected person has always been her own master, but at this moment, she was hurt by her own master. At this moment, she felt that her world had collapsed instantly.

"Why ... why? Master, why are you doing this to Waner? What did Waner do wrong?"

Looking warily at Hua Tian Xing who had come to me recently, Waner really wanted to ask the other party what she had done wrong, and she was going to hit her so hard.

The horrible poison was consuming her power. At this moment, she felt that her vitality was slowly being stripped from her body, but if she was unsure of the situation, she would never stare. of.

"Waner, I have cultivated a method for the teacher. This method requires the flesh of many talented people to be promoted, and your nothingness is the best supplement for the teacher. I say this, Can you understand? "

Hua Tian Xing's figure has come to Wan'er's near, and for a moment hesitated, he was telling Waner his purpose. Obviously, he also hopes that this little disciple of his own can die to understand a little bit.

At this moment, there is really nothing left to say. As for whether Waner hates him or willingly sacrifice for him, it is not very important.

Seeing that Wan'er's body was eroded by the poison, he was not in a hurry to shoot. Speaking of which, his poisonous means is his unique skill. After being eroded by this poisonous poison, it will not only have no effect on him, but will also maximize the body of the poisoned person. The activity, it can be said, to erode for a while, it will only be good for him and not harmful.

"Tonic? Master wants to use a disciple as a tonic?"

Waner is a clever person. When Hua Tianxing's words fall, where does she not understand the other party's meaning?

Turning her mind, she thought of it at the first time. At that time, she was an ordinary little girl, but was brought here by the fairy-like Huatian Xing, who always loved her and loved everything. Give her the best.

During this period, she had thought more than once why Huatian Xing would be so good to her, and even ascertained the position of her young master long ago. Now think about it, it seems that all these things are already calculated by the other party!

No matter the position of the owner and all the family members, it is clear that the other party is making a delicious meal for himself, but it is ridiculous that she has always thought that the other party is purely for her good.

"It turned out that Master had treated me as a tonic from the beginning. It seems that the disciples really lived well and failed!"

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but at this moment Waner was not as angry as she thought.

As Hua Tian Xing thought, she really wanted to thank Hua Tian Xing. If there was no other party, then she would not have achieved what she is today. Maybe she would have died old and died early, but she would not live to this day.

In this case, Huatian Xing wants to take back her life today, of course she can only return it with her hands?

"Waner, don't blame you for being a teacher. If you blame you, you are too good. In this life, you are really ashamed of being a teacher." Shaking his head, Huatian Xing couldn't help but bow to Waner, also Began to clear the relationship with Waner completely.

"No, the disciples do not blame you. The disciples can achieve what they have today, thanks to the careful teaching of the Master. Now that the Master needs the disciples, then the disciples are naturally willing to sacrifice for the Master."

Wan'er's character has always been weak and weak. Her kindness prevents her from complaining at all. Even if the other party is going to take her life, she still feels that it is right and there is nothing to hate. .

"Waner ...... hey !!!" Hua Tianxing's heart was really painful when he heard Waner really say what she was willing to sacrifice for him.

Over the years, too many people have died in his hands, including even his four disciples, but even when his four disciples were killed, he was definitely not as painful as he is now. It can be said that if there is a choice, he may be letting go of it at this moment.

With a long sigh, Huatian Xing's hand shook slightly. Immediately, he was going to solve his most talented little disciple by himself, but when he thought of the days and nights that have accompanied him over the years, he really felt like he couldn't let go.

"Girl, do you have any unfinished wish? Speak out, I will find a way to help you complete."

Waner must die today, but in order to make up for each other, he is willing to help her fulfill all wishes, even if it is difficult, he will try to try something.

"Wish? Oh, thank you Master, disciples have no wish."

Shaking her head, Waner's mind flashed a familiar figure as soon as possible.

Of course she has a wish. For a long time, she always wanted to reach her high level quickly, and then she would also like to see each other. But now it seems that she really doesn't have that opportunity!

He wanted to tell each other that before she was dying, she wanted to see her young master, but she knew better that if Huatian Xing knew Yuan Feng's existence, then the latter would surely be very dangerous.

So, let everything go with him like this! As for Yuan Feng, she can only meet each other in the next life!

"Master, Waner is afraid that he has to take a step first. I hope that the master can achieve a very strong state at an early date. In that case, the master need not worry about being calculated by others and being murdered by others!"

The familiar figure under my heart became more and more solidified. At this moment, Waner was suddenly full of nostalgia and perseverance in this world. She didn't want to die, she really didn't want to, at least, she hoped that before she died, she would be able to see her own young master once more, let the other person hug her, and give her a little warmth.

Unfortunately, all this will become a dream bubble, but there is no chance to achieve it.

"Waner, don't you really have any wish? Rest assured, I have promised you to help you achieve it, no matter what the wish is, speak it out and listen."

Hua Tian Xing wants to give himself some opportunities to make up, at least to make him comfortable. Unfortunately, Waner was unwilling to give him such a chance to make atonement.

"Master, the disciple finally called you a master. You brought me to the world of no delusion, and passed on my skills. Now, you will kill me to complete yourself. In this case, from now on, you and I will not friendship."

To be honest, she was brought to the world of no delusion by Huatian Xing. She didn't appreciate the other person because it was the other person who brought her here to separate her from her master. After all these years, maybe, even without Huatian Xing's help, she may not be worse than she is now.

Now that Hua Tian Xing is going to take her life, it is only natural that the mentorship between the master and the apprentice will end here!

"Ah, anyway, I'm sorry for you, Waner, I'll take you on my way !!!"

Hearing that Waner wanted to sever the teacher-apprentice relationship with himself, Hua Tianxing felt a little pain in his heart, but it was impossible for him to go back.

His arm trembled. At this moment, he was no longer hesitant. Between raising his hands, a huge suction was tangled up towards Waner. It seems that he is really ironic this time to want Wan The child swallowed.

"Oh !!!!!!"

However, just when Huatian Xing was about to take a shot, but before bringing Waner to her own, a faint sound of spatial shock was suddenly uploaded from the sky, and the sound started Hua Tianxing, who was about to start, only felt a dangerous feeling hitting his heart. Without saying a word, he flickered and left the place quickly.


Almost when Hua Tian Xing just left the place, a golden swordman traversed the endless space, appeared directly in his original position, and directly tore the space apart.

"Wow !!!!"

The horrible golden sword-mangling instantly shattered the entire space, and the dark space crack looked so gorgeous and terrifying.

"Eh? Sword Realm?"

Seeing the golden sword-man tearing the space, Hua Tianxing, who had just escaped, couldn't help flashing a tinge of doubt that could not be concealed. Subconsciously, he was working his power and looked at the sword The direction of light.

"Who? Get out of me !!!"

His eyes turned towards Jian Guang's direction. Unfortunately, there was no one there, not even a breath. Seeing this, he drank in a low voice, then raised his hand suddenly, and threw a punch at it.

"Booming !!!!!!"

The punch of the Demigod Realm can be described as shocking. The time between speaking and the entire space is a dark space passage, which shows how powerful this punch is.

"Brush !!!!"

However, the next moment that Huatian Xing's fist blasted out, it was another sword light, but it suddenly flashed from other directions, each golden sword awn was enough to make the demigod The powerhouses were hit hard.

"I back !!!!!!"

Seeing Jian Mang chopping from all directions, Hua Tian Xing's eyes flashed a thick jealousy, and he didn't even want to, he just backed away, avoiding the sharp breath of the golden Jian Mang.

He is a demigod strong person, but even a demigod strong person, under such horrible attacks, is still going to be severely damaged. Fortunately, the other party ’s power seems to be inadequate. He calmly avoided the attack.

However, no matter what the strength of the other party, this kind of thing is happening now, but it has made Hua Tianxing look a little gloomy.

ps: Brothers and sisters, although there are not many updates these days, they basically guarantee four more. Everyone gives a little bit of effort, and Huahua said pitifully! !! !!

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