The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1870: Yiran is not afraid (five more flowers)

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Chapter 180th Yiran is not afraid (five more seeking flowers)

Hua Tian Xing never thought that a small man in the yin and yang realm dared to play with him like this, and in the end let him hang on the lottery, which was something he could not tolerate.

This time, even if he didn't get Waner, he would have to swallow Yuan Feng to vent his hatred.

The powerful man in the divine state was injured by a little guy in the yin and yang state. Although the other party was relying on the power of the spirit sword, it was also a matter of being laughed away by the people. So, no matter what, he would never Let the story pass.

"Kid, you know, you have to die today, and I will finally give you a chance, as long as you hand over Waner, I will make you die happily, otherwise, you will die very hard."

The angry Hua Tianxing was calming down more and more now. He has returned to God at the moment, and the opposite is nothing more than a little guy in a yin and yang state. Although the other person's body is indeed extraordinary, and there is a super sword swordsmanship in his body, it is impossible. Escape from his palm.

Even if he couldn't rob Waner this time, at least, he could grab the spirit sword in the opponent's hand. Presumably, that spirit sword was worth his loss.

"Oh, I have long wanted to do tricks with the strongest in the demigod. Today is a rare opportunity like this, Hua Tianxing, let me see and see what kind of evil skills you have cultivated!"

Yuan Feng also stopped talking to the other side at the moment. He also understood that today is definitely a hard fight. Although Shicai let the other side see the red, this little injury is strong for the demigod like Hua Tianxing. As far as it is concerned, it's almost like there is no injury. It is nothing more than making the other party unhappy.

He did want to do some tricks with the demigods for a long time. As a result, almost all of the opponents he faced were much weaker than him. Such opponents could not hone him at all. In the second place, he wants to impact the realm of the Promise. The difficulty is not a little bit, but he has a few tricks with the strong man in the semi-god realm, maybe he can help him achieve an invincible realm.

Although somewhat risky, such risks are worth taking. Moreover, the current situation really does not allow him to think too much. Only after defeating Hua Tianxing in front of him can he leave from here.

It doesn't have to be against the opponent, at least, he needs to stalemate with the opponent to the end, and then find a chance to escape from this place, to save himself and Waner's lives.

"It seems that your kid knows a lot, and it's even more important to keep you."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Huatian Xing's eyes flashed a bit. It can be heard from these words that Yuan Feng said. Obviously, Yuan Feng definitely knows some things. Otherwise, he wouldn't open his mouth to say anything evil.

Since Yuan Feng knows so much, he has no reason to let go of Yuan Feng!

"Little guy, although I don't know what kind of weird practice you have cultivated, you can't even see your practice in this seat, but if you want to come, you should be the peak of the Promise of Promise? This practice, coupled with the sword art mood of the sword realm, is supplemented by the Divine Sword in your hand, and speaking of your heart, this seat really admires you a bit. "

Huatian Xing didn't believe that Yuan Feng had only the cultivation of yin and yang. When he wanted to come, the other party should have practiced some special hidden cultivation practice, so that he could not see the actual cultivation.

But having said that, even in the realm of Promise, being able to confront him for so long, speaking out can completely make Yuan Feng famous.

"Don't dare to be, you are an old man. I am a little man. Where can I admire you? Come on, it is my honor to die in the hands of a demigod."

Shaking his head with a smile, Yuan Feng readily netted a sword flower, but with a look of generosity to death, it seemed that he had already set aside life and death, but he had never thought of leaving alive.

According to normal circumstances, he really could not leave here, and death is his only ending today.

"Since you are desperate to die, then this palace can only fulfill you, don't you want to know the power of the demigod? I will let you see today, so that you can die blindly !!! !!!!!! "

Hua Tian Xing didn't hesitate anymore. He is a bit too cluttered today, so that he hasn't been able to win a little man with a demi-god for so long. In the next time, he will not be polite to the other Ah!


Along with a low drink, Hua Tianxing's figure slammed himself up. Suddenly, Yuan Feng saw only a residual image rushing towards himself, but he could not see the other person's figure at all.

"Lotus Cross Sword !!!"

Seeing that Hua Tianxing's body disappeared, Yuan Feng was shocked and didn't think about it. He just shook his hand suddenly, but cut a sword directly in the direction of his side.

"Om !!!" As his sword was cut out, a huge cross sword horn suddenly shredded the space, and with the fragmentation of this space, Hua Tianxing, which had just disappeared, disappeared. He was forced out again, and had to avoid the cross swordsman and took a few steps back.

"How keen to be able to keep up with the rhythm of my body skills? The genius in the realm of magic sword cannot really use common sense."

With a slump in shape, Hua Tianxing's face was full of suspicion. He didn't expect that Yuan Feng's perception ability was so strong and the reaction speed was so fast. Just a moment ago, if Instead of being a general Promise, God knows how many times he has died.

However, Yuan Feng was not only able to find his physical trajectory, but was able to counterattack at that moment. Such strength is completely invincible in the demigod.

"Huh, I'll see how sharp your perception power is, kill it !!!"

The turning of the mind is nothing more than waiting. In the blink of an eye, Hua Tian Xing is flickering, and he disappears again during the conversation.

"Well, it's okay to be stronger than me, but I really thought that such a trick could also deceive me? Get out of me !!!"

Seeing Hua Tian Xing disappear again, Yuan Feng's eyes flashed a sense of irony. This Huatian Xing didn't know his background, but in fact, he who had swallowed the heavenly spirit was the most afraid of the opponent's play. If he wanted to confuse him with his body speed, it was not too much. Realistic things.

What's more, when it comes to body speed, his pastimes are much better than the opponent.


The golden long sword crossed the beautiful arc, but once again cut off a horrible swordman, and with this swordman cut out, above his head, a figure was once again being swordman Forced out, backed away warily.

"What? He found it again?"

Hua Tian Xing's figure was solidified again, but this time, he was obviously more suspicious than before.

If it was just a moment ago, Yuan Feng was a blind cat and met a dead mouse, then this time, obviously something is wrong.

"Come again !!!" The demigod mighty man couldn't even get close to the body of an infinite person. In this case, he was absolutely unacceptable.

Do not want to think about it, his figure disappeared again, but he launched the third attack.

"Don't give up? Good, then I'll hit you till you die !!! Go !!!!!!"

Seeing the third attack, Yuan Feng couldn't help licking his lips, but he was a little excited.

This kind of battle, fighting with people below the demi-god realm, is totally two different feelings. The so-called pressure is the motivation. Hua Tianxing is much stronger than him in both strength and realm. Because of this, he felt more and more excited.

If all day is just facing a group of people who are inferior to himself, then ask, what is his goal, and how can he surpass himself?


There was another boom. This time, Yuan Feng chose the direction, but it was a dead corner on the upper left. With his sword cut out, the figure of Hua Tianxing was once again given by him from deep space. Boomed out, and Hua Tianxing at this moment, already had an incredible look on his face.

"How, how is that possible? Seen through? It was completely seen through?"

This time, Huatian Xing was not in a hurry to carry out the fourth attack, because the three onslaughts had made him realize that Yuan Feng in front of him had clearly seen him through.

It can't be repeated again and again. Since Yuan Feng has judged the right direction three times, even if he tries again and again, I am afraid there will not be any difference.

"How is it possible? No matter how strong he is, how can he completely see through my attack routine? This is absolutely impossible !!!"

Hua Tian Xing is like seeing the most incredible scene, the whole person is abnormally sluggish. Cultivating for so long, countless opponents have fought against him, but even if he is a demigod of the same level, no one can see him through. Yuan Feng in front of him is a bit too weird.

"Oh, how about Huatian Xing? How about my swords? Are you satisfied with my opponent?"

Seeing Huatian Xing's body collapse, then he looked at himself with a look of suspicion, and Yuan Feng's face flashed with a touch of pride.

What about Demigod Strong? If you want to defeat him, or even kill him, even the strongest in the demigod state, you have to come up with a little real material. To underestimate him like Hua Tianxing, you just can't handle yourself. .

ps: Five more arrived, brothers who are still at this point, come with a few flowers to support, at least over a hundred, right? Roar! !! !!

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