The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1872: Stalemate (second more)

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Chapter 187: Stalemate (Part Two)

The entire space is rippling with a strong breath, and in the center of the space, Hua Tian Xing looks pale, and his body is full of shocking momentum. At this moment, he is almost like choosing someone to eat. .

For Huatian Xing, today is a shameless face. Against a young man who is less than half a god, he was not only cut off by the other side, but now he has a good fight with the other side. If we say Where else can he live in the world?

But in his heart, it was really shocking at this moment. Who would have thought that a young man who was less than a half-god was able to cut out such a shocking sword.

At that moment, he clearly saw that the sword cut out by Yuan Feng was definitely weaker than his sword, but the swordsmanship of the opponent seemed to contain an unspeakable world. Potential, it should be the power of the law given by the realm of magic sword.

Of course, the power of the rule is not surprising. More importantly, Yuan Feng's sword seems to be a combination of many exquisite sword strokes. When the sword was cut out, it was actually very The faint power was magnified indefinitely, and it was clever and clumsy to annihilate his attack in one fell swoop.

It can be said that the sword is really a wonderful sword. If only the swordsmanship is discussed, the other party is probably going to throw him a demigod strongman for several streets!

"Okay, I can't imagine that there are such vertical talents in the world. My Huatian Xing is really eye-opening today."

After a short period of anger, Huatian Xing couldn't help but yell at the sky, and called three times. He was really eye-opening this time, who could have thought that a little guy who was less than a demigod could force him to such a situation?

"Little guy, come out now, you, but you can't escape my investigation."

The howling fell, Hua Tianxing's gaze could not help but look towards the side of the body. There, the whole space looked nothing different, but he believed that Yuan Feng, who was here, must hide there .


Sure enough, just as Hua Tianxing's words fell, there was a sudden flash in the depths of space. Then, Yuan Feng's body flickered out from the depth of space and appeared in Hua Tianxing's before.

At this moment, Yuan Feng had some embarrassment all over his body. Obviously, the match just now had a great impact on him. It was just that the aftermath of the explosion caused damage to his body, not even Hua Tianxing.

"Oh, it seems that it is impossible to hide for a while, Hua Tianxing, what do you think of the sword I just did?"

Standing still, Yuan Feng smiled at Hua Tian Xing while straightening his shirt. He also understands that if he can hide it by his own means before the change, he has suffered some damage now. Moreover, this is the home of Hua Tianxing. The other party ’s absolute space for the entire piece is absolutely It has special perception, so it is absolutely impossible for him to hide.

The Nine Zhuan Xuan Gong is indeed overwhelming, but he has only practiced to reach the seventh Zhuan state, but the Ninth Zhuan Xuan Gong in the seventh period has not reached the state of immortality at all.

Not to mention, a proper matchup really made him feel very comfortable, and the strength of the other party was indeed overwhelming, but because of this, he found some shortcomings in Optimus, and wanted to come. When using Optimus Cut again, he can definitely do better.

"Hmm, I have to say that your kid's swordsmanship is truly unparalleled, and it's hard to overstate that it is the strongest swordsmanship I have ever seen, but you think that with this swordsmanship, you can get it from the hands of this palace Is it alive? "

While humming to Yuan Feng Leng, Hua Tian Xing's hands were secretly condensing a new offensive, but this time, he was more serious than before.

"Can you survive, but it's hard to say now, Hua Tianxing, if you have any skill, use it. I'll see if you can kill me here."

Seeing that Huatian Xing was working here, Yuan Feng had to be careful, too, and the Chixiao sword in his hand also began to faintly flash a dazzling light.

Right now, all he can rely on is the sharp weapon of Chixiao Sword. If there is no Chixiao sword in hand, then I am afraid he has already been defeated by the opponent's move!

"Don't worry, if I let you go today, my Huatian Xing will not have to live."

With a cold smile, Huatian Xing no longer hesitated. His hands were constantly swinging, and the original empty space suddenly became extremely hot, and then, in a group, The purple flames started to burn ragingly.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

Blossoming purple and black fire lotuses are quietly blooming around Yuan Feng's body. Each fire lotus is so dazzling. In a moment, Yuan Feng's whole person has fallen into a sea of ​​purple and black fire. among.

"Well? This is ........."

Seeing the horrible flames around, Yuan Feng's eyes could not help but jump slightly, but could not help but a little dignified.

The flames reached the color of purple and black, which shows the high temperature of these flames, and even such terrible flames had to be handled with care.

After turning his eyes, Yuan Feng hurriedly looked at Hua Tianxing, and the latter at this moment stood in the sea of ​​fire without fear, and on his body, there was a burning black flame burning. The fiery black flames made him look more horrified, as if he had turned into a fire.

"Body of the flame?" When he saw the burning flames above and below Huatian Xing Hun, Yuan Feng's eyes couldn't help getting more serious.

Judging from the situation of the other party, this is simply the manifestation of the natural fire body. Except for the natural fire body, no one can control the flame to such a terrible level. He really did not expect that the owner of the Yuanji Palace turned out to be a horrible genius born with fire.

"It seems that 80% of the fire was born this day, did he grab it?" When he thought about it, Yuan Feng suddenly realized a problem at this moment. The evil skill of Huatian Xing's practice was to make up for it. , Plundering the talents of others, in all likelihood, this natural fire body, he swallowed up the others.

"It's a terrible temperature. His natural fire body seems to have been completely completed. This is much more horrible than that of the disciples of the Yanchi Palace who saw the original fire body."

He was born with fire, and he hadn't seen it before. At the exchange meeting on the same day in Ziyun Palace, he had seen the Baixue in Yanjigong cast a natural fire, but unfortunately, the power of Baixu was limited, and the natural fire was not fully completed, but it was There is no way to compare with the natural fire body of Huatian Xing.

"Boy, grab your hands. In my flames, you will die terribly."

Filling the entire space with flames, Hua Tianxing was completely relieved at this moment. His flame body was indeed obtained by the genius who devoured a natural fire body, but this natural fire body was much stronger than the original master when it came to his hands.

In his world of flames, even other people in the demigod will struggle to deal with it. As for a guy like Yuanfeng who is less than a demigod, no matter how strong the swordplay realm is, it is absolutely impossible to hold it Kind of flame.

If Yuan Feng can admit defeat, of course, it can't be better, after all, the temptation of nothingness to him is still above the magic sword in Yuan Feng's hand.

"I said, kill me if you have the ability. As for wanting to let me lose, there is no one."

Secretly working Xuan Gong, Yuan Feng at this moment had a painful expression on his face. In fact, if anyone came from below the demigod, I'm afraid it would be difficult to adapt to the current temperature. Yuan Feng can hold her teeth and hold it, which is considered extraordinary.

However, in fact, for Yuan Feng, who has Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong, this temperature is obviously not worth mentioning. If only this flame could break his nine-turn Xuangong, then the nine-turn Xuangong would not have such a big reputation.

"It seems that you really can't see the coffin and don't cry. In that case, it depends on how you deal with my fire, condensing !!!"

Hua Tian Xing's eyes flashed with light, and he suddenly raised his hand while speaking. Suddenly, a group of purple-black flames seemed to be summoned, and they suddenly gathered towards Yuan Feng. Gongfu, Yuan Feng's body, has become a sea of ​​fire, his entire body, wrapped in hot flames.

If someone is here at this time, you will find that Yuan Feng ’s body has turned into a big fireball. This super big fireball trapped Yuan Feng in it. If nothing happened, this time, Yuan Feng is afraid It is going to be burnt to ashes by this big fireball!

"Want to trap me? It's not that easy !!! Drive me !!!"

When he saw the blazing flames everywhere, the red sword in Yuan Feng's hand waved sharply, and then a horrible swordman flickered, and then the surrounding fireball was torn apart by him. There was a rift, and he burst out directly from the fireball.

"Want to run? It's not that easy, I'm going to turn you into ashes !!! Go back !!!"

However, just when Yuan Feng had just torn the fireball and rushed out of it, Hua Tian, ​​who had been waiting for a long time, waved his hand sharply. Suddenly, there were black fire dragons flashing around, the tail of the dragon swinging In the meantime, Yuan Feng was blasted into the fireball again, and the flames around the fireball were getting thicker and thicker. Even if Yuan Feng wanted to tear the fireball and escape, it would be more and more difficult!

ps: Efforts to update, seeking support from flowers, asking for a hundred! !! !! Roar! !! !!

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