The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1876: Unfinished breakthrough (one more flower)

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Chapter 187 Unfinished Breakthrough (One More For Flowers)

For Yuan Feng, this trip to Yuanji Palace was really full of thrills. It was just a little bit, his little life, I am afraid that he will be accounted for in Yuanji Palace.

After all, Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong finally saved his life. Fortunately, he cultivated Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong to the seventh realm. If not, Hua Tianxing ’s thunder will inevitably blast him directly into Scum.

Even though he had the Nine Turns Xuan Gong bodyguard, he still suffered heavy injuries. After the injury, he forcibly suppressed the injury, and fully exerted the free and magical powers. Now he can be said to be exhausted. On the edge, if Huatian Xing catches up at this time, his little life must be accountable.

Aside from all distractions, Yuan Feng slowly operated Jiu Zhuan Xuan Gong, recovering his physical injury. This process will undoubtedly be very long. If it is not done well, there may be sequelae to his body. If that is the case, his future will be very dangerous.

I do n’t know how long it took. At last, Yuan Feng ’s exhausted body gradually dissipated, and his complexion gradually became rosy, and the strength of 10% could basically recover two. Three finished.


The strength recovered a bit, Yuan Feng stopped to continue to recover, even if he opened his eyes. Not to mention, this battle was also very rewarding for him. After the strength recovered, the light in his eyes became deeper.

This kind of trial between life and death is definitely the most rare thing for cultivators. However, few people take their lives to bet on this kind of practice, and Yuan Feng just has to catch up.

This time he was severely wounded, in fact, he has further developed his body, and the result of this development is that after his injury is fully recovered, his strength will inevitably be improved.

"Yu, I finally recovered some strength, but I am afraid that it will take a long time to fully recover!"

After the thunder struck himself, Yuan Feng felt that the tissues all over his body were severely damaged, and these damaged places could not be completely recovered in a short while. At least, he needs to get rid of these horrifying thunder forces before he can repair his body.

However, right now he doesn't have that much time to manage his injuries, because at this moment, Waner is still in his physical world, and the situation is very dangerous.


In his thoughts, Yuan Feng raised his hand suddenly, and then Wan'er's figure was recruited directly from his physical world. However, Waner's face was dark at this time, and her whole face was tangled together, but she was struggling to support it.

It can be seen that at this moment, she has been seriously attacked by poisonous drugs. If it was not for the support of an obsession, I am afraid she would not have been able to hold on.

"Waner, hold on, I'll help you detoxify !!!"

Seeing Wan'er's pain, she seemed to have lost her sober consciousness, but Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When she raised her hand, she was righting Waner, and then she reached her opponent's back with one hand. , Began to clear the poisonous body from the other side.

Speaking of which, Waner didn't suffer any injuries, it was just that her body was attacked by poison, and as long as the poison was removed from Waner's body, her condition was much better than him. .

Clearing the poison, this kind of thing is almost a matter of capture for Devouring Wuling. Instead, his own body has been damaged. Devouring Wuling wants to remove those thunder forces, but he has to worry about himself. Body, so there are more troubles.

"Brush !!!!"

The swallowing martial spirit walked around Wan'er's body, visible to the naked eye, the black on Waner's body was gradually faded, her face was getting better and better, naturally, the original pain was reduced. a lot of.

I do n’t know how long, after the last trace of black was removed from Wan'er, Yuan Feng took a deep breath and took back his own devouring Wuling, and at this moment he, His complexion turned paler.

His injury was relatively serious, and he was exhausting energy to treat Waner's poison at this moment. It can be said that the 20-30% of the strength that was recovered just now is exhausted again.

"Yu, it's finally settled. The toxic nature of Huatian Xing is really intractable!"

He breathed a long breath, but Yuan Feng was smiling now. Waner's poison has been cleared. In this way, the life of the little girl is obviously saved.

"Well? What's going on? Why isn't this girl awake? Isn't the toxin cleared completely?"

When Yuan Feng was rejoicing, he suddenly discovered that although Waner had no problem, but the little girl was still sitting there with her knees crossed, but there was no sign of waking up.

"How can this be so unreasonable? Waner obviously has no trace of injury. Since the poison has been cleared, why hasn't she woke up for so long?"

Seeing Wan'er sitting there, she was not awakening slowly, and Yuan Feng's heart was a little worried again.

I almost saved my life by taking my own life. If the other person had three strengths and two shortnesses, wouldn't everything that he had paid before be wasted?

Thinking of this, he was already pale as a face, but became paler.

"Om !!!!!!"

However, when Yuan Feng was anxious, but did not know what was good, Wan'er, who was sitting opposite him, suddenly trembled, and then, with her as the center, the surrounding heaven and earth aura, It seemed as if summoned, but it came suddenly towards her from all sides.

"Woohoo !!!!!!"

The terrible heaven and earth aura almost formed a vortex above Waner's head, and as these heaven and earth aura entered the body, Waner's body, a very powerful wave of energy, also swelled wildly, that powerful Power, even Yuan Feng was swung open, almost hit the back of the cave wall.

"His, this ........."

The sudden change made Yuan Feng a little bit lost. Feeling the horrible energy fluctuations around Waner's body, Yuan Feng's heart was almost undulating.

"This, this is ... the energy fluctuations of the demigod?"

Just had a fight with the Demigod Realm, of course Yuan Feng knew what the energy fluctuations of the Demigod Realm look like, but at the moment, the energy fluctuations around Waner's body are exactly what the Demigod Realm has. Energy fluctuations.

In other words, Waner at this moment is actually hitting the realm of demigod, and seeing it will succeed.

"Okay, okay, the amazing little girl is going to impact the demigod? Since that's the case, then I can help you !!!"

After realizing Wan'er's current situation, Yuan Feng was overjoyed, and he didn't want to think about it. He just grabbed the spar lingering stones stored in his own physical world, and took them side by side. Crushed into the purest heaven and earth aura to supplement her needs.

The state of demigod is the supreme state that even he has longed for. At present, Waner is shocking this supreme state, and just thinking about it is enough to excite him.

In fact, what Yuan Feng didn't know was that Wan'er had been hitting the realm of demigod before, and when he saw that he would be sitting on a demigod, he was suddenly conceived by Hua Tian Xing. For now, the toxic substance in her body has been eliminated, and she naturally wants to continue this shock process.

Wan'er used all the treasures of Huatian Xing and consumed a lot of energy of Huatian Xing. In her body, at this moment, it was simply a tremendous energy that was unimaginable. It will not work in the realm of demigod.

Having said that, if it wasn't for Hua Tian Xing had spent a lot of energy on her before, Yuan Feng might not have been able to stand still with Hua Tian Xing for such a long time, and it would have been impossible to use an instrument to cut off one arm of the other.

"Woohoo !!!"

A large amount of heaven and earth aura came together from all directions. In the end, Yuan Feng simply hid to one side and stopped participating in it anymore, because the little energy he released was really a waste of money.

"Demigod, if Waner can really be promoted to demigod, then I will have a strong helper in the future, and I can also have a real backbone in Qingwu Palace! !!! "

Seeing Waner's energy fluctuations around him getting stronger and stronger, Yuan Feng couldn't help closing her mouth.

Undoubtedly, Wan'er, Yuan'er, can't go back to Yuanji Palace. Without returning to Yuanji's palace, Wan'er is of course to follow him. This point of self-confidence, obviously he still has.

Although he was far from the level of demigod, once Waner was promoted to demigod, it was not much different from his promotion to demigod. You know, Waner is a genius with a body of nothingness. Once she is promoted to the demigod, her strength will be far better than Tongji. Then, if she is in the Qingwu Palace, who can hurt the people in the Qingwu Palace?

"Om !!! Boom !!!"

In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, Wan Er's head, the huge energy vortex, was swallowed by her, and then a more powerful energy fluctuation was from Wan Er's body. Released.


As the energy fluctuations dissipated and opened, Wan'er's beautiful eyes suddenly opened, and met Yuan Feng's concerned gaze.

"Master ........."

The first time I opened my eyes was when I saw Yuan Feng. At this moment, Waner couldn't help whispering softly, and tears came down involuntarily.

"Waner ..."

Seeing Waner woke up, Yuan Feng was also excited, except that all his power had been consumed again, and Shicai was broken by Waner to be shocked. Then, at this moment, his nerves were slightly relaxed Talking, he was black before his eyes and passed out.

"Master !!!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng suddenly fainted, Waner didn't even want to, and when he was in shape, he reached Yuan Feng and held Yuan Feng in his arms.

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