The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1878: Super Bodyguard (three more)

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Chapter 1878 Chapter Super Bodyguard

Waner didn't really guess that she was the only one who rescued her from the magic cave.

Yuan Feng ’s strength was met at the exchange meeting. However, Yuan Feng ’s opponents are all “ordinary people” in the habitat. This is what makes her naturally think that Yuan Feng ’s own strength, that is, health Habitat level.

But now she understands that it turned out that Yuan Feng ’s strength was originally intended to conceal her strength, and the most rare thing was that Yuan Feng could really deceive so many people in the demigod.愣 is so many super powers have not found.

To tell the truth, although she has been confirmed by Yuan Feng, she still has an unbelievable feeling. After all, a man in a yin and yang state rescued her from the hands of a strong demigod Whoever tells this matter, I am afraid that anyone will feel incredible.

However, others may doubt Yuan Feng, but she is not at all. Since Yuan Feng said so, it must be true. If anyone in the world would not lie to her, she believed that there was only Yuan Feng.

"Master, how could your strength be so strong? I think the master's cultivation is obviously only a yin and yang state!"

Although she knew that Yuan Feng's secrets should not be queried casually, Wan'er still could not control her curiosity. She really wanted to know why Yuan Feng was able to rely on the cultivation of the yin and yang environment. An arm of the Demigod Realm.

For Yuan Feng's realm of yin and yang, she naturally saw it very thoroughly. She didn't believe what Yuan Feng used to hide. After all, she was a strong demigod, and Yuan Feng should not hide from her intentionally. At least, Yuan Feng couldn't hide at all when he was unconscious.

"Oh, these are the reasons why the exercises I practice are different from others. As for the specific reasons, don't ask me more."

Regarding true martial arts, he didn't want to let people know too much, because the more people know, the higher his risk factor, so of course there is no need to tell others.

"In the realm of yin and yang, there is a power comparable to the power of the demigod? This ... What kind of exercise method is horrible?"

After getting Yuan Feng's answer, Wan'er's big eyes were full of strong shock. She could hardly imagine what kind of exercise method could be overbearing. However, she also knows that this is definitely the biggest secret of Yuan Feng, and since it is a secret, of course, she should not ask more.

"Stop that, Waner, let's talk about your situation first. Are you fully seated in the demigod realm now? Also, at this moment, you are compared with the old guy of Hua Tianxing , Who can be stronger? "

Wan'er had shocked the realm of demigod before. This was what he saw with his own eyes, but he didn't know now whether Wan'er was truly successful now, and if it was really successful, then Wan'er, What kind of power it has.

"Master, Waner is now a true demigod power. Although I haven't done anything with others yet, I believe that as long as I use my nihilistic body, the average demigod person will be It won't be my opponent. "

Speaking of her own strength, Waner couldn't help showing a happy smile. Kung Fu is worthy of a caring person, and she finally reached the realm of demigod. Of course, in this, Hua Tian Xing is absolutely indispensable, but no matter how much the other party has paid, she will never be grateful to the other party.

The thought of Wan Defeng who is now a demigod can protect Yuan Feng's security well, Wan'er's heart is getting happier.

In order to save her, Yuan Feng had almost put in her life. From now on, as long as she is there, no one wants to hurt Yuan Feng.

Of course, after all, since Yuan Feng was able to rescue her from Huatian Xing's hands, then Yuan Feng's strength should not be worse than her, and she may not necessarily need her protection.

"Okay, good. I didn't expect your girl to be so powerful. It seems that from now on, we will never have to be afraid of anyone anymore, hahahaha !!!"

After getting Waner's confirmation, Yuan Feng couldn't help but laugh a long time, and the whole person was extremely excited.

Demigod, who could have imagined that his weak and weak maid would have a day to become a demigod strongman, and he had achieved such a stage first.

"Waner, from now on, you still follow me. As for Yuanji Palace, your fate there is almost exhausted!"

Yuanji Palace is definitely unable to return. Hua Tian Xing is strong. He already understands it now. Although this grudge against the other party must be resolved, it is obviously not the present.

Even though Waner has achieved the demigod state, he will not let Waner find revenge on the other party. He will go only when his cultivation is promoted to the Promise and the strength is truly comparable to the demigod. Ask the other party to liquidate this account.

Seriously, in a sense, he was very grateful to Hua Tianxing. If there were no Huatian Xing, how could Waner have today's achievements? Therefore, if possible, he will consider leaving the other life in the face of Shanghua Tianxing.

It ’s just that I do n’t know if Huatian Xing will let them go. Maybe, Huatian Xing has already hated them for a long time!

"Master, Wan'er will always be your little girl. From now on, no matter where you go, Wan'er will follow you."

There is no need for Yuan Feng to say anything at all, but Waner has already decided to follow Yuan Feng. For so many years in the world of no delusion, she only had a relative of Huatian Xing, and now Huatian Xing has exposed the prototype. Of course, she has to follow Yuanfeng's left and right to serve Yuanfeng and protect Yuanfeng at any time.

"Hahaha, okay, I'll tell you where I'm going later. At that time, I will bring a lot of people you know to see you. If you want to see them, you will definitely feel very happy!"

When thinking of the expressions of the Yuan family when they saw Waner, Yuan Feng's heart could not help but look forward to it. If you let those people know that the little girl at the beginning has now become the topmost existence in the world of no delusion, I don't know how many people's jaws will fall to the ground!

"Familiar? Is it ........."

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Wan'er's eyes suddenly flashed. How much she can guess, who is Yuan Feng's familiar person? Since Yuan Feng is so strong, how can she ignore the people in the Yuan family? Maybe, at this moment, everyone in the Yuan family has been brought to the realm by Yuan Feng!

If that's the case, then she can return to the familiar home, and to the familiar family members, and she was trembling with excitement at the thought.

She has drifted outside for so long, and now she can still go back to the original, such a thing, she could not even think of it.

"Waner, what do you want to do with that Huatian Xing? This person has a beastly heart, the evil skill of cultivation is to swallow others to improve himself. It is said that even his four disciples have been secretly swallowed by him. Fan wants to devour you again, but this kind of person really deserves it. "

Regarding the handling of Huatian Xing, he still had better pass the decision right into Waner's hands. How should he face Huatian Xing? As long as Waner said a word, he would not object.

"What? Four brothers have been swallowed by him?"

Hearing Yuan Feng's words, Wan'er couldn't help but startled, apparently she was startled a little by the situation that Yuan Feng said. This was the first time she had heard of these situations, and when she scrutinized them, he couldn't help feeling a little unacceptable.

However, she believes that what Yuan Feng said is true. After all, Hua Tian Xing secretly attacked her, seemingly to swallow her and take away her nothingness.

"I have cut off the relationship between the master and the apprentice with him. He has the grace to teach me, but takes my life regardless of the love of the master and apprentice. There is no debt between us. If we meet again in the future, See how he chooses! "

Today's Wan'er is not the same as before. Although this is the first time she has encountered such a problem, it is safer to think of such a solution.

Hua Tian Xing wanted to kill her without hesitation, but she also taught her too many skills. If she was asked to find revenge on the other party, she might not be able to do it.

However, if the other party seeks his own way of death, then she will certainly not be polite to the other party. After all, the teacher-apprentice relationship between them has been cut off before.

"Yeah, that Huatian Xing is an extremely dangerous character. This person can't provoke him if he doesn't provoke him, but if he is obsessed, I will work with you to completely destroy him, so as not to have irreversible consequences. . "

Yuan Feng certainly had the intention of killing the other party, but Hua Tian Xing was not so easy to beheaded. At least, he would never be able to kill the other party before he reached the limitless state.

"Wan Er, you first protected the Fa for me, but this time I was severely damaged, but it made me feel some wonderful changes in my body. Also, the thunderous power that Hua Tianxing left in my body was not completely right now. Clear, I want to get rid of all these energies, so that I can restore my strength sooner, and even improve some strength. "

There is Waner, a super master, and he really doesn't have to worry about anything. Right now, even if there is really a demigod strong person coming to the door, Waner is enough to deal with it, and he is still honestly healing .

"Well, do what the master wants to do. Waner will always stay with the master and never let anyone approach the master."

Being able to protect Yuanfeng is really a very happy thing for her. From now on, she is willing to use all her time to protect Yuanfeng, and she will die!

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