The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1883: Make a splash

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Chapter Eighteen Eighty-Three

Peng Ji and Gongsun Yun rushed to help Huatian Xing, but just after the two arrived, the old Peng Ji among the two did not make the first shot and dealt with Waner with Gongsun Yun.

No way, he was too familiar with Waner. Although Huatian Xing said that Waner was undercover and a traitor, when the original Waner came to Yuanji Palace, he was just a child who had not yet started to cultivate. If a child ran to Yuanji Palace to be undercover, it simply doesn't make sense!

In his heart, it really felt that Hua Tianxing was distorting the facts, but in this case, he could not say anything.

As Huatian Xing questioned his loyalty time and time again, Peng Ji couldn't help falling into a dilemma. He really didn't want to hit Waner, and he really wanted to make things clear before making a decision, but for Hua Tianxing's doubts, he really couldn't accept it.

Hua Tian Xing had a life-saving favor for him, and he also said at the beginning that, as long as Hua Tian Xing said a word, he could go to the fire for him, and he did not hesitate to say anything, but at the moment, he should be suspected by the other party.

Gaze involuntarily looked at the two men fighting in the sky, but Peng Ji's fists could not help but clenched tightly.

"Waner, waner, have you really betrayed Yuanji Palace? In this case, I will not be polite to you !!!"

Anyway, Wan'er at the moment was indeed fighting the veterans of Yuanji Palace, and as a disciple of Yuanji Palace, this act of following the crime was really disrespectful.


As soon as he looked, Elder Peng Ji was no longer hesitant. When he was in shape, he was killed against Waner.

What is the fact? After he and Gongsun Yun defeat Wanwan, let Waner make it clear. As for now, of course, he can't let Gongsun Yun and Hua Tianxing be hurt.

"Okay, Elder Peng Ji, I knew you were loyal to this palace."

Seeing that Elder Peng Ji also started to take shots, Huatian Xing suddenly looked happy, and then shouted out loud. He did not doubt the elder Peng Ji's loyalty, because he knew very well that all the charges against Waner had been fabricated by him. In this case, of course, there is no possibility of veteran Peng Ji's infidelity.

"Two veterans, this woman's nothingness is very powerful. The two veterans must be more careful and don't underestimate the enemy."

For Waner's nothingness, it is obviously necessary to remind the two of them. You must know that Waner's method that can suddenly disappear into place, even if he can't think of a crack Way to come.

"Master Gongzhu rest assured that the two of us took the shot, and she couldn't find any waves, even if the master Gongzhu went to capture the enemy."

For Huatian Xing's reminder, Gongsun Yun was very attentive. After the other party's voice fell, he responded and reminded the other party.

If he remembered correctly, Hua Tianxing had said before that their mission was to entangle Waner, and Hua Tianxing was going to capture the enemy who had cut off his arm.

Peng Ji didn't say much, but he also hoped that Hua Tian Xing would make a quick shot and win the so-called enemies as soon as possible. In this way, he would be able to sort out the right and wrong.

He only cares about Waner. As for the life and death of other people, he will not care.

"Hahaha, okay, in this case, the two veterans entangled me, and I will clean up the boy who hurt me."

Hearing the words of the two, Huatian Xing couldn't help laughing, then he no longer hesitated and flew straight to the cave below. He knew that Yuan Feng must be in the cave, and the last time he had hit such a heavy blow, he believed that the other party would have to be seriously injured even if he did not die. At this time, it was him who shot it.

"Do not!!!"

Seeing Hua Tian Xing rushing towards the cave, Waner, who was fighting with the two veterans, could not help exclaiming. The whole person was like going crazy, just to stop the other party. .

Waner also knows that today's Yuan Feng may not be injured. If she encounters Hua Tian Xing at this time, it must be a very dangerous thing. Therefore, she must not let Hua Tian Xing succeed.

"Hmm, you are still there with us !!! Brush it !!!!"

However, the veterans of the two demigods are not vegetarian. They are two to one at this moment. How can they let Waner get out of their entanglement so easily? In terms of loyalty, their loyalty to Huatian Xing may not be under her loyalty to Yuan Feng.

"Boom boom !!!!!!"

The two strong men flashed, but they sealed Wan Er's way of death. Gongsun Yun launched an offensive while yelling, and while Peng Ji veteran did not speak, he could never let Wan Just break through his block.

"Two veterans, please ask me to leave, otherwise I'll be polite to you !!!"

The way was intercepted, Waner could not help but be anxious and angry. The two powerful men in front of her are indeed intractable. Although she has nothingness, she has just been promoted to demigod, and the use of nothingness is not so smooth. She wants to break through the two. It's really not that easy to block.

However, no matter whether it is easy or not, she absolutely does not allow anyone to be bad for Yuan Feng. Even if he fights for his life, he must stop Hua Tianxing.

"Waner, listen to me, don't do anything right with Yuanji Palace. If there is any misunderstanding, I will help you explain it to Master Gongzhu."

Veteran Peng Ji also had to stand up and say something at this time. He didn't know who Wan'er was going to protect, but he could oppose the people of Yuanji Palace for others, but he would never allow it.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that Waner is really sorry for Yuanji Palace, and if everything that Hua Tianxing said is true, then he will definitely find a way to say something for Waner. Of course, the prerequisite is that Waner is no longer obsessed and can turn back soon.

"Veteran Peng Ji, the right and the wrong are straight. You will know sooner or later. Since the two are not willing to make way, then it is rude to be a junior and kill !!!!"

In any case, the two in front of her are indeed her elders, especially Elder Peng Ji, and they have a great deal of affection for her. In this case, at least she should also be a soldier before the soldiers?


A horrible momentum was suddenly released from her body. In an instant, her whole body turned into a storm. In her body, there was a forward movement, people blocked killing, God blocked. The intention of killing the gods is as if it originated from Jiuyou Hell, letting the two opponents on the opposite side take a breath.


With a tender voice, Wan'er was really desperate this time. I saw the Lingjian in her hand turned into a ghost image, but she didn't do defense at all, she was totally deadly.

Of course, after all, she is a genius with nothingness in her body. The two people on the opposite side want to hurt her, but it is not easy.

"Boom boom boom !!!"

Swords and swords swayed the sky, and Gongsun Yun and Peng Ji were all beaten back by her, while looking at the two's attacks, although every move was hit on Wan'er, the latter was like Didn't feel the general, let the attack of the two people add up, but there was no influence at all.

"What? This, this ........."

Seeing that the attack of the two of them did not have the slightest effect, both of the two powerful men were stunned, and for a moment they couldn't get back. This is the first time they have confronted the superpower of the nihilistic body. Before that, they never thought that the genius of the nihilistic body had such a terrible means.

"What a terrible means, there is such a terrible means in the world, is this, this is nothing?"

Waner ’s body of nothingness is known to everyone in Yuanji Palace, but there are not many people in the whole Yuanji Palace who have the opportunity to see the body of nothingness. They have seen Waner perform before, but Compared with the present, the previous show is really not a big deal.

Immune to all attacks, this method, no matter where it is placed, can be said to be a weeping ghost, at least, the two of them are very clear, with their strength, it is absolutely impossible to hurt Waner.

"How could it be so strong? How could it be so strong? Isn't this going to be invincible?"

The two powerful men took a look at each other for a while, but they all saw a strong shock from the bottom of each other's eyes. They had guessed that Waner, who was based on nothingness, would be strong, and they were also reminded by Hua Tianxing, but they still did not expect that Waner was so powerful that she had reached such a point.

"Can't let her pass, kill !!!!!!"

Although Waner was very fierce at this moment, the two were desperate at this moment. Between the two, they used all the means they could use, and in this case, even Wanwan The child has no matter how strong it is, but it is not possible to break through the defense of the two so quickly.

While Wan'er was entangled with the two powerful men, Hua Tian Xing had already entered the cave where Yuan Feng was located. For him, the two senior veterans helped him to get rid of Waner, but it didn't take long at all. As long as he wanted to come, it would be enough for him to win Yuan Feng.

However, when Hua Tian Xing entered the cave, the sight in front of him suddenly darkened his face.

"What about people? Why is there no one? I was here just now !!!"

In the eyes, there is an empty scene everywhere, the cave can see the head at a glance, but no matter how he looks, the cave at this moment is empty, where is the shadow of Yuan Feng?

"Damn !!! Did you hide again?"

His eyes glanced around for a while, but he didn't find Yuan Feng's trace. For this reason, his original excited face suddenly became completely dark.

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