The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1895: One word is life and death (four more)

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Chapter 1895 Chapter Life and Death (Fourth)

For Hua Tian Xing, what happened now really made him completely desperate.

His strongest means was also the body of fire he was proud of. It was so easily broken by Yuan Feng that it seemed that Yuan Feng had done nothing but simply raised his hand.

He doesn't know where the water dragons came from, but it is undeniable that these water dragons are too fierce. You must know that the flame supported by his flame body is not ordinary. The ordinary water, comparable to the flame, may not be able to extinguish his fire.

The water dragons that Ke Yuanfeng was able to mobilize are obviously not the same as ordinary water. The water in these water dragons seems to be condensed by pure energy, but it is the true higher water.

Fire meets water. Unless his flame can be stronger and stronger than the opponent's water, of course, it is only for the sake of being overcome.

"How, how can this be? My flame body was broken so easily?"

The flames had extinguished, but after the water and fire blended, a large swath of water vapor was left. At this moment, Hua Tianxing was wrapped in white energy, but it felt like a feather and a fairy.

But having said that, at this moment, he was afraid that he would soon be immortal!

"Om !!!!!!"

When Huatian Xing was wrapped in the thick mist and some were unable to return, a horrible burst of air broke down from above his head.

"No !!!! I'm dead !!! ''

Feeling the horror breath from overhead, Huatian Xing suddenly returned to God, and then he realized that at the moment, he was disoriented because the flame body was broken! !! !!

How can the two superpowers fight? At this time, it ’s a joke, that ’s just kidding your life!

"Hua Tian Xing, let's be an ordinary person in my next life !!!

When Huatian Xing suddenly looked up and wanted to avoid it, Yuan Feng's voice resounded in his heart. At this time, not only was he just extinguished the flames, but he had some strength all over his body. Lao San, started so long after Yuan Feng, of course, he, of course, can no longer escape.


The golden Jian Mang flickered and disappeared, and as the Jian Mang sank into the clouds, the entire cloud suddenly dispersed, revealing a dull figure.

"Why, how can I ...... this ... me, me ......... not willing to do it !!! ''

"Well !!! Boom !!!!!!"

Hua Tianxing's body was standing there intact, but when his mouth was interrupted by a few words, his body was split into two from the middle, and then his two The half body was exploded into a **** mist of the sky.

A demigod super strong, and a super powerful palace master, even died in Yuanfeng's Jiuqu Huanghe formation, and he was also the first half of the Jiuqu Huanghe formation. Divine Power.

"Brush !!!!"

The thick mist of blood seemed to be summoned and quickly dissipated towards the surroundings, but was finally swallowed up by the space of the mysterious array, and then fed back to the owner of the mysterious array in some way.

"Yue, so pure energy, this energy of Huatian Xing is really a tonic, it seems that after winning everyone, I can practice a lot in the big team!"

Absorbing the energy left after Huatian Xing falls into a part of the body, he can feel that such pure energy is available for him to absorb, and it won't take long for him to be fully seated in the state of infiniteness, but his power is capable Even better.

"Well, that's right, it's the first time since the debut that beheaded the Demigod Realm, this feeling is really extraordinary!"

Feeling that there is no breath of Huatian Xing around anymore, Yuan Feng's eyes can't help flashing an indescribable color. Obviously, even if the person has reached the limitless state, the strength is far beyond the ordinary demi-god, but for the He still feels very relieved to have killed a demigod.

That's a strong demigod. How many superpowers can there be in the whole world? What's more, this Huatian Xing is also the head of the Yuanji Palace. It is certainly enough to kill such a person.

Speaking of which, he can kill Hua Tianxing this time, and there is nothing to be surprised about. After all, Hua Tianxing's strength is already a little weaker than him, and this time he is in his Jiuqu Yellow River formation. He has many ways to kill each other, but Hua Tian Xing used fire in his Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, which gave him the best mobile phone conference.

If Hua Tianxing uses some other means, maybe he can stand dead with him for a while, of course, no matter how long the deadlock is, the final result will not be different.

"Yu, it's a pity that he used the means to devour others. If I hold that kind of means in my hands, he will be able to devour someone with a special constitution and let me go even further! "

Hua Tian Xing's method of harming and supplementing, even if he is very much amazed, but for the kind of harming and peaceful means, if he can actually get it, he may not really practice.

It was just a pity that he felt that he was going to lose the means.


In the time between Yuan Feng's thoughts, a light flashed suddenly, and then Waner's figure flashed from a distance and came to the front, standing beside Yuan Feng's side.

"Master, are you okay?"

Standing in shape, Waner certainly asked about Yuan Feng's situation for the first time. She only saw the battle between Yuan Feng and Hua Tian Xing. As for the final result, although she heard some faintly, it was not Dare to be too sure.

"Oh, what can I do? Everywhere, Huatian Xing is not qualified to let me do my best." Shaking his head, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile, and then continued, "Waner, your hatred, I have reported for you. From now on, there will be no Huatian Xing in this world. "

"Ah !!!!!! He, is he dead?"

Won the affirmation of Yuan Feng, Wan'er's face, can not help flashing a hint of complexity, even under his eyes can not help flashing.

Anyway, Hua Tian Xing really helped her a lot. Although her purpose was not pure, even her demi-god realm was helped by the other party to help her up. She couldn't deny it at all.

Recalling all these years, Hua Tianxing took care of her in every possible way, and tolerated and sheltered her again and again, but her eyes could not help but a faint vapor.

"Waner, that Huatian Xing is indeed a face-to-face animal. I know that he may have been good to you before, but you must remember that no matter how good he was to you before, he is nothing more than to In the end, it will devour you. Such a person is not worthy to make you sad for him. "

Yuan Feng knows Waner best. Although all these years have passed, the little girl obviously still has a soft heart. I'm afraid that this will never change in this life.

But seriously, for Hua Tian Xing Na and others, there is really no need to be sad for them.

"Well, Master, Waner knows."

Hearing Yuan Feng's consolation, Wan'er's heart was more comfortable. In fact, why didn't she understand the truth? However, the thought of Hua Tian Xing being good to her made her sad.

"Well, Huatian Xing is dead, and the next three are the next, let's say, what are you going to let me do with those three guys? Would you like all of them to stay the same?"

The relationship between Huatian Xing and them is really endless, so he must kill each other, but the rest of the guys seem to have no deep hatred with them. After all, they are nothing more than Huatian Xing It was deceived, but it did not understand the actual situation.

"Master, that new old guy is called Li Jin. This person is a guy who doesn't ask questions and is unreasonable. The master killed him. As for the other two, the elder Gongsun Yun is not a good person either. Da Ke can teach him something, but he doesn't need to take his life. As for Elder Peng Ji, he is a kind person who really treats me sincerely. Master should not embarrass him. "

Hearing Yuan Feng asked her opinion, Waner hesitated a little bit, and she expressed her thoughts one by one.

In Yuanji Palace, she also stayed for a while, at least, she was able to tell which one was good and which was bad. Of course, Huatian Xing Laomou's calculations are naturally excluded.

In addition to Hua Tian Xing, she knew that there was a person who was really good to her, and that person was Veteran Peng Ji.

During the previous battle, Veteran Peng Ji repeatedly helped her to speak, and even kept her hand when she started, she didn't mean to kill her at all, but she all looked at it.

As for Gongsun Yun, although this person didn't deal with her very much, it was nothing more than competition because of it.

The only thing she hated was the elder Li Jin. At first, she was entangled by the younger son of Elder Li Jin, and she eventually killed her. The original incident was her reasoning, but the elder Li Jin wanted to put her to death many times. She is soft-hearted, but she has never forgotten.

"Well, since Waner said so, then everything is in your mind. Let's go. You give it to me. Let's go to Li Jin and then deal with others."

Nodded, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile. Now that Waner has made a decision, this time, he will do it exactly according to Waner's wishes, which can also make the little girl happy.

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