The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1919: No objection (three)

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Chapter 1919 No Objection Again (Chapter Three)

Under the impulse of the veteran Wu Xian, he acted extremely irrationally, and apparently he was very remorseful. However, there is no regret medicine to buy in the world. He has already done it, and he regrets it now.

Seeing a group of veterans around themselves, Waner, who had just been out of trouble, was also questioning him in anger. At this moment, veteran Wu Xian really wanted to find a place to drill into.

He is very clear that this irrational behavior has left him no place in the Yuanji Palace. I am afraid that none of the people present can respect him as much as ever, even supporting him originally. I am afraid those people will gradually alienate him until they leave him.

However, all of this is his fascination, and he blame himself, but no wonder others.

"Veterans, young master, this is the old man's recklessness for a while. This is almost a disaster. It is the fault of the old veteran. I am here to express my thanks to you and the young master."

After a long while of silence, the veteran Wu Xian couldn't help sighing in his heart. Then, he suddenly made a fist, relaxed all of them, and arched to everyone around him.

A big mistake has been made, and the only thing he can do now is to apologize to everyone present, begging everyone for forgiveness, but he has no other choice at all.

The so-called knowledge can be changed, good and good, he really knows that he has done wrong, and sincerely apologize to everyone, as to whether everyone can forgive him, he himself did not dare to guarantee.

Yuanji Palace is the place where he has cultivated for many years. Of course, he doesn't want to destroy it. The reason why he used such terrible killings is actually because he wanted to keep his face, and his original heart, It's not that bad.

"Hey, veteran Wu Xian, why are you here? Everyone is from Yuanji Palace, and the young master is the young master elected before the palace master's life. The veteran Wu Xian's actions this time are really Let everyone cool down! "

Hearing veteran Wu Xian voluntarily acknowledged his mistake, veteran Meng Qi would not miss such an opportunity, and stood up for the first time, complaining to the other party.

Previously, the veteran Wu Xian used various reasons to defend himself, and now he managed to admit his mistakes. How could he miss such a good opportunity to hit the other side?

He had a task on his body. If he couldn't push Waner to the throne of the Yuanji Palace master, he didn't know what he was about to face. At that time, maybe he would be miserable than veteran Wu Xian. Times.

Therefore, he must think of all ways to seize every opportunity to combat Waner's competitors and increase Waner's influence in Yuanji Palace.

For him, hitting Elder Wu Xian now is helping Waner. Of course, there must be a degree in this, if it is too much, I am afraid it will be too late.

"Hey, Elder Meng taste, you don't blame Elder Wu Xian anymore. I think that Elder Wu Xian should also be impulsive, so I didn't control myself, but fortunately, the loss of Yuanji Palace should be small, not too small. The Lord ’s skill is invincible, and she has not suffered any damage. The veteran who wants to come to Mencius also knows that she has done wrong. I think this matter has been revealed! "

"Yes, yes, everyone is a family, and now when the crisis of Yuanji Palace is upright, I must unite as one, not only to keep Yuanji Palace, but also to avenge them for the Lord!"

"It makes sense. Everyone is their own person. Naturally, they have to work hard together. Between themselves, don't continue to fight."

Regarding veteran Wu Xian's initiative to admit his mistakes, the people present were quite satisfied. No matter what, it is a good comrade to know the mistakes and correct them. Since elder Wu Xian can admit his mistakes in front of so many people, this is his apology Sincerity.

In addition, everyone knows that senior veterans like Veteran Wu Xian, even if everyone does not forgive each other? Can they drive the other party out of Yuanji Palace? This is obviously not very realistic.

Therefore, complaining and complaining, everyone understands that in the end, they still have to forgive each other.

"Well, what the elders said was that I didn't mean to let go of one thing. Since veteran Wu Xian already knew that he had done something wrong, of course we couldn't hold on to it."

It is natural that Meng Tsang knows when to release and when to collect. At this moment, he obviously can't continue to hold on to this matter, and he also believes that after this incident, the threat of Elder Wu Xian is no longer a threat!

Speaking of this, they really want to thank Elder Wu Xian for oppressing Waner in this way. If he did not choose to fight against Waner, then this time, they may not be able to treat the veteran. Adults, let's calm down!

"Thank you veterans, Wu Xian is ashamed, ashamed !!!"

Hearing the crowd even forgive themselves, veteran Wu Xian's face could not help but slightly red, the whole person can not afford to look up, and even dare not to look at everyone.

The mistakes made this time are not small. Although everyone has forgiven him now, he still feels a little uncomfortable.

"Veteran Wu Xian, don't rush to thank us first. The most important thing you should apologize for this time is Master Waner. Everyone can understand you. However, does the master want to understand you ..."

Another usually neutral veteran stood up and reminded the veteran Wu Xian.

As he said, this time, the most sorry for the veteran Wu Xian, naturally he was Leng Jian suddenly burst out, now he has apologized to everyone, but until now, it seems that Waner has not expressed Overstatement.


Hearing someone mentioning this stubble, Elder Wu Xian scratched his head subconsciously, and then looked a bit unnaturally towards Waner, but for a moment he couldn't open his mouth.

For others, he still had the courage to face them, but for Waner, he really didn't dare to look at each other.

Wan'er tolerates him everywhere, but in the end he still kills others. If it succeeds, it will be OK, but the end result is that they are not affected at all. What this shows is naturally clear in his heart.

Obviously, his current strength is simply not as good as the other party, but the other party did not embarrass him. This kind of righteousness directly compared his selfishness.

"Hey, young master, this time, the old man can't live with the young master. I hope that the young master has a lot of adults. Don't give me general knowledge of this old bone. Here, the old man, I have paid the young master!

After brewing for a long time, the veteran Wu Xian finally gritted his teeth, took a few steps towards Waner, then bent down, and sincerely apologized to Waner.

He has understood that there is indeed a big gap between himself and Waner. Waner's nothingness can ensure that he is invincible, but it is ridiculous that he even wants to challenge such a terrorist.

Yuanji Palace is led by Wan'er. It will never be too bad in the future. Therefore, at this moment, he could not help but drop the seat of Yuanji Palace's owner, but he willingly gave up this seat to Wan. child.

"Veteran Wu Xian's words are heavy. Now that all the previous things have passed, and veteran Wu Xian realizes his previous recklessness, then this matter will let it disappear."

When the voice of the veteran Wu Xian fell, Wan'er was relieved, and then he slowly shook his head and whispered to the veteran Wu Xian.

Since Veteran Wu Xian's attitude of admitting mistakes was so sincere, of course, he certainly didn't need to continue chasing each other to question. At present, this result can be said to be the best result.

To tell the truth, Waner had no prejudice against Elder Wu Xian, but this time the other party prevented her from becoming the new palace owner of Yuanji Palace, which made her somewhat unhappy. In addition, the other party really used a killing trick to deal with her, she was a little unhappy before, so she talked a little harder.

However, at the moment, everyone has already spoken. Of course, she must also show a master of Yuanji Palace, or even the style of Yuanji Palace. What's more, as everyone thinks, is it possible that she can drive the veteran Wu Xian out?

"Thank you young master, thank you young master, the old man is really grateful !!!"

Hearing Waner also forgave herself, and veteran Wu Xian's face couldn't help but be full of joy.

Yuanji Palace required him. Similarly, he could not leave Yuanji Palace. If Waner is ordered to be expelled, his life will probably not be easy. By then, a large group of enemies will find him. He has no one to help him.

"Dear me, Wu Xian swears here today. From now on, I will wholeheartedly assist Master Waner. No, it should be Waner Gongzhu. If anyone dares to be disrespectful to Waner Gongzhu, I will be the first one Don't promise !!!!!! "

After giving the ceremony to Wan'er, the elder Wu Xian looked right away, then turned around and shouted to everyone around him.

Obviously, what he said clearly shows that he has fully recognized Waner's new position as the lord of the palace and vowed allegiance in the presence of everyone. Such an attitude can be said to be extremely firm.


When the words of veteran Wu Xian fell, all the people present were a little stunned. At this moment, they all knew that from now on, the new owner of Yuanji Palace will never have anyone. Dissent!

ps: There are always emergencies during the day in these two days, and updates can only be placed at night, everyone forgive me! !! !! The third is more, go to the fourth chapter of the yard, and ask for a few flowers to support! !! !!

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