The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1921: Supreme Lord (second more)

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Chapter 1921 The Supreme Emperor (II)

Wan'er took the seat of the Yuanji Gong Palace master, and the next time, she took all the demigods in Yuanji Palace with her to discuss the killing of Hua Tianxing, the master of Yuanji Palace. The killer came.

Waner doesn't want the people in Yuanji Palace to count the hatred of killing Hua Tianxing and others on Ziyun Palace. After all, Ziyun Palace is Yuanfeng ’s martial arts. If there is any loss, Feng is not a good thing either.

Of course, she didn't know that, in fact, Yuan Feng didn't worry about it. After all, in terms of Yuanji Palace's power, what would she like to do with Ziyun Palace?

However, it ’s okay if Yuanji Palace doesn't provoke Ziyun Palace. After all, if you shoot at Ziyun Palace, then Yuanji Palace will go up and down, for fear that it will really be unlucky.

The least fear of the Ziyun Palace is that someone finds fault, because in terms of the power of the Ziyun Palace, anyone who dares to take the initiative to come to their door is desperate. What Ziyun Palace needs is an excuse for others to take action, and once they have an excuse, they have the confidence to destroy any superpower.

Under the joint explanation of Waner and Meng Tie and the half-disabled Gongsun Yun, a group of powerful people contacted the situation before and after. In the end, everyone was still the behind-the-scenes man who killed the people of Hua Tianxing. No way to be sure.

No matter whether they are Waner or Meng Tsang, they have not seen the hands of the people of Ziyun Palace, and in their mouths, the mysterious people who shot at them are basically unable to see the appearance, even No trace of breath remained. In this way, who exactly killed Hua Tianxing and others can only become an unsolved mystery.

"Veterans, this fact is unpredictable. Everyone has been exploring it as it is now. I'm afraid I can't find any clues. I think so, you veterans return to their dojos for a while and then order their disciples I searched for clues all over the place outside Yuanji Palace. Once anything was found, everyone would share it with others. I wonder what everyone likes? "

After spending less than half a day, after many deductions, the crowd still couldn't determine the identity of the person who beheaded Hua Tianxing. In the end, Waner had to stand up and propose to everyone.

"Hey, this can only be the case for the time being. Those people's actions are so secretive. I'll wait to figure out the situation before making a decision!"

When Wan'er's voice fell, this time she stood up and spoke, but it was the veteran Wu Xian who had been convinced by Waner.

Until now, the veteran Wu Xian really wanted to help Waner, but he would no longer compete with Waner for the position of palace master.

Speaking of which, the veteran Wu Xian didn't really want to have **** with Ziyun Palace. Even at this moment, he didn't even care about revenge for Huatian Xing.

Since they can obliterate Hua Tianxing and others secretly, the strength of the other party is naturally conceivable, and even if they find out the murderer, ask how much of the strong man who has lost the power of Yuanji Palace to revenge ?

So, for him, it is far better to have no results than to have results.

"Okay, then let the disciples under the door look around to see if there are any abnormalities within the area of ​​the nearest Yuanji Palace."

As for Waner and Wu Xian's proposal, everyone naturally has no opinion, even faintly, there are already more than one or two strong men who have the same idea as Wu Xian's veteran, but they are not in a hurry to avenge any revenge. .

Living talent is the most important. They do not have to be because of a few dead people, but it is the living people who put them at risk.

"Since you don't have any opinions, let's go back for a while, but we must keep in mind that the current situation is undecided. You veterans must not walk around, it is best not to leave the scope of Yuanji Palace, and you must inform yourselves. Disciples under the door must take good precautions. "

Nodded her head, Waner finally ordered the crowd to end the rally.

Soon, the crowds dispersed and returned to their respective dojos to hide. As Waner told them, they were also worried about being calculated by unknown forces, so they hid themselves well, and would not let outsiders find out where they were.

People are like this. No matter what kind of realm they cultivate, it is an eternal thought to not want to die.

The majors have sent their disciples to investigate the situation, but they also understand in their hearts that it is basically impossible to rely on the disciples to find out the truth. However, even if they are doing something, they must have such a process, even if it is for the dead!

Before the power of Yuanji Palace was restored, it was obvious that Waner's succession would not be exposed too early. However, exposure and exposure are nothing more than a cutscene. In fact, as long as Waner Identity is supported by many demigods, and the opinions of ordinary disciples are simply not worth mentioning.

Hua Tian Xing is dead, and the palace hall left by him is naturally taken over by Waner.

Speaking of them, Wan'er has been practicing with him all the time, and she also knows the situation of the palace's main hall very well. Now, she is in charge of the entire hall, which is naturally very easy to do.

After sending away all the veterans of Yuanji Palace, Waner returned to the palace hall alone, and when she returned to the palace belonging to the palace master, she had always been somber and completely high above her. However, she immediately changed her expression, as if she suddenly changed her face.

"Master, where are you? There are no more people here !!!"

Undressed by the master of Yuanji Palace, Waner became a naive and innocent girl again, but shouted anxiously to the surroundings.

Yuan Feng disappeared after they entered the Yuanji Palace, and the other party also told them that they should be treated as if he did not exist.

However, Wan'er believed that Yuan Feng must have been by her all the time, but it was difficult for everyone to find him.

At the time of yin and yang, Yuan Feng already had a hidden ability that was hard to find even a person in the demigod, but now he has been promoted to the super-powerful of the Promise, the strength is comparable to the demigod. Who can find his hiding?


Sure enough, it was almost just before Wan'er's voice fell down that a ray of light suddenly lit up not far from her, and then a familiar figure walked deep into the space with a smile on her face. Come out.

"Hahaha, Waner, are you doing well? It seems your girl is really grown up and you don't have to worry about my young master again, hahaha !!!"

Yuan Feng's figure came out from the depths of the space, but when he first appeared, he couldn't help laughing.

As Wan'er thought, he was always guarding the other side, and almost all of Wan'er's performance from the beginning to the end.

I have to say that Wan'er has done quite well this time. For her weak and weak woman, being able to disguise herself as a powerful Yuanji Gongzhu is not a small test for her.

Of course, the most commendable thing is Waner's current strength. Prior to the battle between Wan'er and Elder Wu Xian, he naturally observed it secretly. Aside from other things, Wan's swordsmanship alone made him feel relieved.

As for the use of the nothingness, it is now in full swing, and if you want to hone it again, you can reach the peak of the extreme. At that time, I am afraid she will really be an indestructible person.

"Master !!!!"

Seeing Yuan Feng emerge from the depths of space, Waner couldn't help whispering in surprise, and speaking, she had already come to Yuan Feng's front, and she gracefully put her arms on Yuan Feng, leaning on Yuan Feng Shoulder.

This time, she was also shocked with cold sweat, and she said to herself, if it wasn't for Yuan Feng's support for her in the dark, she would never have done so well.

If Yuan Feng wasn't in the dark, at least, she was afraid she wouldn't dare to confront senior veteran Wu Xian and other senior people. Maybe she had already yielded to the other party!

Of course, no matter what, the result still made her very satisfied, and thinking that she had already taken the seat of Yuanji Palace, she could use the power of Yuanji Palace to protect Yuan Feng in the future. Under her heart, she It is full of excitement and joy.

"Okay, well, they are already the masters of Yuanji Palace. Why are they still like a child?"

He stretched out his hand and patted Waner's head, and Yuan Feng was indescribable. To be honest, Waner became the master of Yuanji Palace, which naturally made him very happy, but what made him even happier, in fact, Waner was able to grow up and survive alone in Yuanji Palace, even Survive all over the world.

He didn't want Waner, such a genius, to always rely on him to live. If that was the case, her ability would be too wasteful!

"Master, I succeeded, I am now the master of Yuanji Palace !!!"

Standing up, Waner didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her performance. No matter what height she has and what kind of identity she has, in front of Yuan Feng, she will always be the obedient little girl.

"Knowing that you are already the master of Yuanji Palace, I am pleased to see you." Seeing Wan'er happy, Yuan Feng naturally followed the other side, and Wan'er successfully won the Yuanji Palace. The Lord ’s throne, to be honest, this is truly extraordinary for him and Qingwu Palace.

"Waner, don't talk so much, walk around, I will take you to a place, you first help me to open the seal there, let me see what's going on inside."

Yuan Feng doesn't say much. He has been in Yuanji Palace for a long time. Now, it's time to use Waner's new palace master's ability.

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