The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1931: Depressed Yuan Qingyun (four more)

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Chapter 193th Depressed Yuan Qingyun (fourth)

Yuan Qingyun hasn't stopped practicing much since he came to the world of no delusion. For him, his son is much stronger than him, and his woman can be destroyed by raising his hands. For myself, this is obviously not a very pleasant thing for a big man.

Therefore, after the Qingwu Palace has stabilized, he has been retreating for a long time, during which time he hasn't delayed much time. It can be said without hesitation that the most diligent practitioner in the whole Qingwu Palace is the master of the Yuan family.

However, it is a pity that Yuan Fengyun's practice time is too late and he has never been instructed by a superior. Therefore, his foundation is really too poor.

The foundation of nihilism, coupled with poor qualifications, doomed his road to cultivation to be impossible.

This is a secret room in the central palace of Qingwu Palace, and in this secret room, the Yuan family owner Yuan Qingyun is walking in the secret room, his face is full of bitterness.

"Hey, after such a long time, my cultivation is still difficult to break through, it is really a waste of Fenger's treasures for me !!!"

Yuan Qingyun was a little bit distressed at this moment. Since he started to cultivate, he has consumed too much heaven and earth treasures. However, to this day, his cultivation is still stuck in the realm of habitats. No sign of breakthrough at all.

He has been staying in this closet for too long, too long, practicing, thinking, and meditating. In short, he regards this small space as his own. All things have never left this closet space. What it is is that it can be further improved as soon as possible, so as not to let too many children and women fall behind.

It is a pity that after such a long period of time, his cultivation has remained intact, which makes him anxious but full of frustration.

"It seems that I really don't have the talent for cultivation and can reach the present state. I should be satisfied. In the next days, I will still drink and chat with some old brothers honestly, and accompany me more Wuer and a few children, there is no need to waste time on cultivation! "

He woke up from cultivation this time, but he already thought about it. From now on, he will never spend a lot of time on cultivation. As for cultivation, what kind of realm is naturally reached, Maybe at some point, he suddenly felt something and reached the realm of Promise!

This is no wonder that no matter who he changed, the hard work at the door for a few years has basically made little progress, and I am afraid it will drain the spirit.

"Anyway, I have Fenger, a good son. In the future, shouldn't I be bullied?"

Having figured this out, Yuan Qingyun shook his head and smiled, but he really wanted to give up the idea of ​​continuing his practice.


However, when Yuan Qingyun was thinking of ending his retreat for several years, a ray of light suddenly lighted up in front of his eyes. Then, a figure that was no longer familiar with him, then Appeared in front of him.

"It turns out that Father Father has finished cultivation. I'm still worried about disturbing you. The baby has seen Father Father !!!"

Yuan Feng's figure stood in front of Yuan Qingyun, and he said hello to the other party, and saluted respectfully.

Counting the time, he has not chatted with his father for a long time. Every time he returns, he finds that the father is concentrating on cultivation. Seeing this, he is naturally not easy to disturb the other person. Today, he returned with a baby who can help each other, so he dared to come to the other's cultivation secret room.

What he didn't expect was that he came at the right time, because Yuan Qingyun at this time was obviously not practicing.

"Hahaha, Fenger, you're here, you don't need to be polite."

Seeing Yuan Feng's arrival, Yuan Qingyun could not help but laugh loudly, and the haze under his heart was also swept away. No matter when it is, as soon as you see your baby son, all his bad moods are gone.

He has been practicing in retreat all the time, but he has no idea what Yuan Feng is doing during this time. When he wants to come, Yuan Feng should always stay in the Qingwu Palace and run the entire Qingwu Palace!

"Father, it seems that the practice of Master Father is not very smooth!"

For Yuan Qingyun's face, he just looked at it, and when he saw the expression on the other side, he knew that his father's cultivation was not very smooth. \

"Hey, don't mention, the qualifications for being a father are really limited. I am afraid that I have reached the end of the current state." Hearing Yuan Feng's question, Yuan Qingyun shook his head, but couldn't help feeling.

Yuan Feng is his son, but Yuan Feng's qualifications and understanding are better than him too much. Sometimes he even thinks about how such a stupid person can give birth to such an amazing person. His son came.

"Hahaha, father, don't be discouraged, don't hide it. The baby has found a way to help his father improve his cultivation. It won't be long before the adult father's cultivation can be promoted to the limitless state."

At this time, Yuan Qingyun was obviously the time when he needed the most comfort. At this time, he told the other side such good news. It was almost like adding a barrel of oil to the small flame that was about to go out. Let the other's little flame burn again.

"What? Fenger, do you have a way to make your father reach the limit? Is this true?"

Hearing that he had a chance to advance to Promise, Yuan Qingyun was shaking with excitement. Achievement of the Promise Realm is something that he dreams of dreaming, and now, he really needs such an opportunity. It is certainly impossible to say that he is not excited.

"Is there a vacation? The baby went out a while ago, but got a lot of special spiritual treasures. This time, I estimate that at least a dozen people in the Yuan family and Qingwu Palace can achieve the state of infinity, At that time, he will also need to be instructed by his father, who should be allowed to become a powerful man without a limit. "

Obviously, there is no need to sell off with his own dad. When talking, he tells the other party that he has obtained Tianxiangguo, so that the other party can be completely relieved.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, let me just say, my son is a celestial wizard, and there is nothing you can't do. It seems that it won't be long before I, Yuan Qingyun, can become a super powerless Ah! "

Promise is like a realm for him to look up to, and at the moment, Yuan Feng told him that he could be promoted to this realm immediately, and that mood is really not what other people can imagine.

"Fenger, it ’s better to choose a day than to hit the sun. It ’s just as good as the father ’s current status. It ’s better for you to help the father now. I want to cultivate myself as soon as possible. . "

Speaking of which, he wants to advance to the realm of Promise, in fact, it is more because of Jiang Qingwu.

He was very clear in his heart that although Jiang Qingwu would not look down on him because of his cultivation, there is a huge gap that cannot be crossed between those who live in the habitat and those in the Promise, at least, the Promise of the Promise A person's life span is extremely long, but a person who can be a habitat is much too short.

If he can reach the Promise, then first of all, his life will be greatly extended, so that he can stay with Jiang Qingwu for longer and longer.

"Hey, my father is anxious. The realm of Promise is not anxious for a while. Before I am promoted for my father, my child wants the father to see a person. After the father wants to see him, , Will be very happy and very happy. "

With a mysterious smile on Yuan Qingyun, Yuan Feng's eyes were full of anticipation at the moment. He wanted to see if his father had remembered the little girl in the past after all these years.

"Oh? Let me meet someone?"

When Yuan Feng's words fell, Yuan Qingyun's eyes flashed with surprise. Speaking of which, he was really a little curious about who he was, and it was worth bringing Yuan Feng over, and it made him happy after seeing him.


He did not let him wait too long. The time spent talking, a ray of light, suddenly flashed in the closet space. Then, a woman's figure was condensed in front of Yuan Qingyun, and stared with scorching eyes. At him, there seemed to be some flashing tears under his eyes.

"What? This, this is ........."

For the first time, Yuan Qingyun's energy was completely attracted by the figure of the woman in front of him. When he saw the woman in front of him, his complexion was much more amazed than when he saw Yuan Feng. .

Back in memory, the days in Fengtian County involuntarily emerged, and during that time, there was a person who would never forget that this person was his son who had been serving him, almost Little girl who made up for many of his father's shortcomings, Waner!

"Wan ... Waner? Really, really you?"

Looking at Waner in front of me, Yuan Qingyun really couldn't believe his eyes. If it weren't for having his son beside him, he would really feel that he must have been dazzled now.

"Master, Waner is back !!!!!!"

Wan'er's figure shuddered because of excitement, and the tears under her eyes could no longer be controlled.

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