The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1942: Seclusion life (a more)

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Chapter 1942: The Seclusion Life (1)

Yuan Feng took the three women Yun Mengchen to say goodbye to the Yuan Qingyun couple, but left the space to the couple, while he took the three women and went straight to a space in the central palace of Qingwu Palace.

Today, the scale of Qingwu Palace has grown unprecedentedly. There are countless independent spaces inside it, and some super-large spaces can be as large as the small counties in the upper and lower bounds.

In the space of Qingwu Palace, which is relatively close to the central area, it has a beautiful environment and richer aura of heaven and earth than other spaces. It can be said that this small-scale space world, even if you look at the central hall of Qingwu Palace It is definitely an excellent space world.

In the whole space, there are many beautiful mountains, but in a relatively beautiful mountain, several small houses are scattered, but it looks very artistic.

These small houses are obviously made by hand, they feel very simple, but they are also very kind and natural. It is conceivable that living in such a small house should be a very comfortable thing.

Several small houses surrounded a small courtyard. The courtyard was filled with all kinds of exotic flowers and weeds, which looked very peaceful and peaceful.


At one moment, the quiet courtyard was broken by a sudden bright light. The time spent talking, one man, three women and four young people, came out slowly from the depths of space.

"Well, Brother Tianyu is really sentimental. He even arranged this place so chic, but in such a chic place, I don't know if he put all his energy on pleasure, but ignored the business. . "

Yuan Feng came here with her three daughters, and when he saw the sight here, a smile appeared on his eyes and face, and after that smile, there was some faint worry.

This is the place where his brother Chu Tianyu stayed. After taking root here, Chu Tianyu took his wife Yun Mo Xi and his sister Chu Yunchen together with Leng Yun and Ling Fei. Such a small world is built here.

In this regard, Yuan Feng has never agreed, but he has not opposed it. Although he also hopes that Chu Tianyu can be stronger, but everyone has his own will. What kind of realm Chu Tianyu can reach in the future is his own business, and he can't interfere too much.

At present, it seems that Chu Tianyu manages the living environment so quietly and peacefully, I am afraid that I may not have the mood to practice the magic!

"Yuan Feng, when you are away, we rarely come to disturb Tianyu. Counting the time, it seems that it has really not been a long time!"

Yun Mengchen hurried forward at this time and reminded Yuan Feng.

For these brothers and sisters who came out of the country of Montenegro together, she and Mu Yuner have always been very respectful. However, when Yuan Feng was not here, they did not come to visit everyone. To this day, it is not clear to them what happened to these people.

"Oh, no matter, Brother Tianyu they also like to be clean, this is very good." With a slight smile, Yuan Feng glanced at the entire peak and mountain, and the small courtyard not far away, his heart was quite satisfied.

"Waner, there are a few young friends living here. They all came out of the country of Montenegro with the young master and me. Maybe their cultivation is not worth mentioning in your eyes now, but You must treat them and protect them in the same way you treat young masters, you know? "

Yuan Feng values ​​the friendship between himself and Chu Tianyu and others, so he needs to let Waner know the weight of Chu Tianyu and others in his heart. He must not let Waner make Chu Tianyu and others unhappy. Things.

"Master, Waner knows !!!"

Waner also felt the feelings of her young master, but she was faintly remembered. Of course, she was also a little curious about what kind of person she was, so much so that this young master of her own was so concerned.

"Well, let's go in and take a look. I don't know what Brother Tianyu is doing right now!" With a smile, Yuan Feng didn't deliberately investigate. After all, he didn't know that Chu Tianyu was here It's not about doing things that you don't want people to know, at least, if the young couple is intimate together, then he must not peek casually.

With a complete look, Yuan Feng took a step directly, and led the three women to the small house in the middle. If he remembered correctly, Chu Tianyu and his wife should have lived there.

The four of them walked very lightly. They all seemed to be afraid of their arrival to disturb the host here. Moreover, the current environment was too quiet, and everyone couldn't bear to destroy it.

Entering the courtyard, the four people can feel the elegance of the environment here, and, faintly, they all have the feeling of coming to Xanadu, as if the masters living here are not the few people they know, but Secretly hidden from the world.

Not to mention, in fact, Chu Tianyu originally arranged here according to this idea. As for why there is such an atmosphere of paradise, it is not what the Yuanfeng four could guess.

A few steps came to the door of the central room, Yuan Feng and the three women looked at each other, then they looked at the door and tapped a few times.

"Brother Tianyu, I'm here to see you, brother Tianyu is inside?"

Yuan Feng did not use any power of his own at this moment, everything was done as an ordinary person, showing how deep his friendship with Chu Tianyu.

The three women are lined up behind him, each of them is holding their breath, no one wants to shame Yuan Feng.

Especially Waner, this was the first time she met Yuan Feng's friend, and she was inevitably a little bit stunned.

"Squeak !!!!!!"

Almost as soon as Yuan Feng's words fell, the door of the house squeaked open, and then a familiar laughter passed directly into the ears of Yuan Feng and others.

"Ha ha ha, brother Yuan Feng, you make my brother wait so hard !!!"

A long laugh came from inside the house, and the laughter didn't fall. Chu Tianyu's figure was the first to come out from behind, followed by his wife Yun Mo Xi, and both of them had faces on their faces. With a strong joy.

Chu Tianyu's figure entered Yuan Feng's eyes for the first time, and it has not been seen for many days. Today Chu Tianyu has not changed much, but the cultivation has improved a lot. It's hot, but it's pretty good.

Behind Chu Tianyu, Yun Mo Xi became more and more beautiful. The husband and wife sang the wife, but they really envy others.

"Brother Tianyu, I've been busy lately. I haven't had time to come and see you. It's also my brother's fault. Shame, shame!"

A few steps came closer, Yuan Feng couldn't help but had a bear hug with Chu Tianyu, and then they separated and enthusiastically spoke.

"Hahaha, where brothers are all their own brothers, why should they be so polite?" With a loud smile, Chu Tianyu couldn't help looking at Yuan Feng up and down, but he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Speaking of which, Yuan Feng thought he was lazy and didn't practice, which really really wished him so much. You know, for a long time, he never had any slack. He originally thought that he could get closer and closer to Yuan Feng, but now it seems that Yuan Feng may have pulled him a few streets!

Yuan Feng's cultivation is completely imperceptible to him. As for Yuan Feng's true strength, he can't even see clearly.

"I've seen Brother Yuanfeng !!!"

Chu Tianyu's wife Yun Mo Xi, hurried forward now, saluting Yuan Feng. Speaking of them, Yuan Feng, Chu Tianyu, and others are also considered to have worship, and Yuan Feng's cultivation is the strongest, naturally their brothers.

Yun Mo Xi has always been very grateful to Yuan Feng, so he also respects Yuan Feng from the heart.

"Well, it seems that Mo Xi's cultivation has not improved a lot, yes, yes!"

Nodded in front of Yun Mo Xi, Yuan Feng also regarded as a gift, but he really yearned for the lifestyle of Chu Tianyu and Yun Mo Xi.

The two are in a quiet and secluded cultivation practice, this kind of contentment, that is not something everyone can enjoy, at least, he really does not have such qualifications.

"Yes, Brother Tianyu, Mo Xi, let me introduce to you. This is the personal girl Wanwan I lost when I was in Fengtian County, but I didn't expect to reunite in the world of no delusion, Waner, this is me His brother Chu Tianyu, from now on, everyone is his own. "

Get out of the way, Yuan Feng introduced Waner and Chu Tianyu to each other for the first time, so that everyone can get familiar.

"Waner has seen Master Tianyu !!!"

When Yuan Feng's words came down, Wan'er hurriedly gave a gift to Chu Tianyu, but she looked at Chu Tianyu as if she were her own master exactly as Yuan Feng said.

"Brother Yuan Feng's skinny girl? This, this ......... Girl Waner, fortunately fortunately !!!"

Chu Tianyu's brow can't help but slightly raised, apparently startled by Waner's identity. At the time of Fengtian County, the girl-in-law was reunited in the realm of arrogance. What a fate is this?

"By the way, Brother Tianyu, I heard that Chen Chen's girl is retreating? Is this true?"

Yuan Feng didn't introduce Waner too much, but glanced at the situation around him, but didn't feel the existence of Chu Yunchen, so she could not help asking.

"Hey, brother Yuan Feng will also tell you if you don't ask me, this girl Chen Chen has been in retreat for a long time, but she has not been out late. I can only be anxious now, but I do not know if it is What's happening."

Hearing Yuan Feng's mention of Chu Xichen, Chu Tianyu frowned, but he sighed a little.

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