The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1944: The Change of Chu Yanchen (three)

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Chapter 1494 The Change of Chu Chen (Chapter Three)

Chu Tianyu was really taken aback by the fact that Mu Yuner said. Demigod, what an incredible state, even if he wanted to break his head, he would never think of it, Waner. Yuan Feng's little girl is going to be a super-god superpower.

The demigod strongman just makes people feel shaken when they listen to it, and it is such a super strong man who not only stood in front of him now, but also respected and respected him. It feels like the truth is not ordinary.

However, no matter what, he finally met some people in the world. Besides, there is a layer of relationship between Yuan Feng. For Wan Er's demigod state, he finally accepted it slowly, and slowly Adapted.

To be honest, the realm of Demigod Realm is too far away from him. Although he thinks his qualifications are good, he wants to be promoted to Demigod Realm.

After the shock of the beginning, Chu Tianyu finally calmed himself down completely, but he was more polite to Waner in front of him than before.

In any case, the strong man in the semi-god realm is the strong man in the semi-god realm. In the presence of such a strong man, as long as he cannot be repaired in the semi-god, it is impossible to completely let go of his hands and feet.

The next time, everyone was waiting for Yuan Feng's news in the room. Before Yuan Feng did not return, they would not act lightly, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to Yuan Feng and Chu Yichen.

While they were waiting quietly, Yuan Feng's figure had already reached the back of the mountain at this time, and was looking for Waner's retreat.

The so-called back mountain is the back of a mountain where several people are located. There is not a very wide canyon here. Almost when Yuan Feng came here, he discovered the target for the first time.

"Well? It should be here !!!"

Eyes were locked in a hole not far away, and Yuan Feng could feel it at the moment. In the hole not far away, there was a faint wave of energy. At this moment, it was constantly escaping from the inside. It was obvious Yes, at this time, he appeared here and released his breath. There is no other person except Chu Yanchen.

"Well? This energy fluctuation ......... Promise, absolutely Promise, it seems that Chen Chen's girl has really been promoted to Promise !!!!"

From the faint energy fluctuations around him, Yuan Feng can easily feel it. This is definitely an energy fluctuation of a person without a limit. However, this energy fluctuation is very vague at this time. That feeling, It's like it didn't take long to break into the Promise.

"Well, let me take a look at what this girl is doing now, and she will be able to retreat for such a long time."

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng moved his two great powers to the extreme. The whole man was completely hidden, and then he approached the hole.

With his full power of shadowless magic, no one can find his approach at all, especially when there is no precaution.

Waner's retreat is not closed too tightly, because here, the difference is not too big or not, so she simply arranged it in the cave and started the retreat. As for her safety, of course, it was all passed to Chu Tianyu and others.

It didn't take long for Yuan Feng to come to the cave where Chu Yanchen retreat, and after he entered the cave, immediately, Waner, who had not seen each other for a long time, appeared in In front of him.

"Ha, I've ignored it a bit. After all these years, the little girl was not the little girl anymore !!!"

In the eyes, Chu Yanchen was sitting on a piece of bluestone, and her hands were naturally on her knees. On her face, she had a slightly immature temperament, but now she has become Very mature.

I have to say that Chu Chenchen is indeed more feminine and more beautiful than before. However, although the other party did not open her eyes, Yuan Feng still felt that the other party had grown up.

In his memory, Chu Yichen should be a little girl who will never grow up, but now he realizes that there is no one who does not grow up. Just like Wan'er, when she left, Wan'er was nothing more than a little girl, but to this day, isn't Waner still so slim and become a big girl?

"Well? What is this girl doing? The energy around her is fluctuating ..."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng can't help but toss out those unrealistic thoughts, but patiently observes Chen Chen's cultivation at first.

Everything else is secondary. He came here to see if Chu Yichen's condition is normal, so let's figure out the situation of the other person.

"No, no, how do I feel, this girl's energy fluctuation seems to be getting weaker and weaker !!!"

Standing quietly and standing outside, Yuan Feng set aside other things for a while, but quietly observed the change of Chu Yanchen, but for a short time, he felt that the energy fluctuation of Chu Yanchen's body was somewhat change.

However, the situation he observed made him more dignified.

According to the normal situation, since Chu Yanchen is practicing, the energy fluctuations around him are naturally getting stronger and stronger. However, in his feelings, the energy fluctuations around the other side of the body, instead of not meaning to improve, but has a feeling of continuous decline.

This is obviously a big problem. Anyway, he has not heard of it. The more people practice, the weaker the energy fluctuations will be.

"No matter, let's continue to observe for a while. I'll see if this girl's cultivation is really different from ordinary people. It's better not to make any mistakes."

Just a moment and a half later, I could n’t see any results. Yuan Feng simply sent a message to Chu Tianyu and others to let everyone do their own thing for a while, but he needed to stay and wait for the situation of Chu Yichen. determine.

This process does not know how long it will last. Maybe he needs to observe for a long, long time, but no matter how long, he will not watch Chu Chuchen go astray.

Without worries, Yuan Feng put all his energy on Chu Yanchen's body, but when he didn't know when, he had already sat at the entrance of the cave, but was standing opposite Chu Yanchen.

Sitting at the entrance of the cave, Yuan Feng could feel that the outside world's aura of heaven and earth had been converging towards the cave where Chu Yongchen was located, and the convergence speed was quite considerable. However, no matter how many auras of heaven and earth converge in the cave, the energy fluctuations around Chu Yanchen's body are getting weaker and weaker.

Such a discovery really surprised Yuan Feng, but he knew that this might be Chu Yichen's unique way of practice, and such a way of practice may not be comparable and imagined by others.

There is so much time. Yuan Feng has been watching every change of Chu Yanchen so much. Even if he sees that the energy fluctuation around the other person's body is already very weak, he still hasn't participated in it casually, but still takes the initiative Power stays in Chu Yanchen's hands.

"Well, I have observed here for almost a dozen days. During these ten days, her energy fluctuations are more than twice as weak as when I first came, but how do you feel this girl It feels more and more dangerous?

It took more than ten days to sit down, but Yuan Feng hadn't left. Observing this moment, he was basically sure that Chu Yanchen must be practicing at this moment. However, what exactly is Che Ruochen practicing? However, he is really not very clear about the tactics. Naturally, he does not know that the other party's cultivation is behind him. It will be a scene of how to speak.

"Well, wait a minute, I really don't believe it, as long as I persist, I can't find out where this girl's problem is.

Yuan Feng was also inspired by his curiosity. He really wanted to see why Chu Yanchen absorbed energy, but made his cultivation weaker and weaker.

This is a long process, but Yuan Feng has nothing else, that is, he never lacks time.

I don't know how long it has passed, Yuan Feng can feel that he seems to have been here for a long time, but in the case of Chu Chen, he was still unable to grasp it.

On this day, Yuan Feng, as usual, continued to stare at Chu Yichen's cultivation, but when he stared at Waner, he didn't know when it was the head. The latter's body, the huge heaven and earth aura Like a tired bird returning to the forest, it was abruptly detached from all directions, and then it rushed towards Chu Yichen's body.

"Oh !!!!!!"

The huge aura of heaven and earth made the whole cave suddenly fly away and sand and stones, and Yuan Feng, who was deep in it, had not been able to hide quickly, I'm afraid he had already hit the move.

"What's going on? Here, there are changes !!!"

The sudden appearance of the year made Yuan Feng feel a little unsure of what was good, but almost at this moment, the center of the cave, Waner's body, the last wave of energy fluctuations finally disappeared at this moment. Come on.

"What? This ......... this girl, shouldn't it be ..."

Feeling the change at the moment of Chu Yichen, Yuan Feng suddenly felt at this moment that his heartbeat seemed to be accelerating a little, something that he had never thought of, it seemed to be slowly brewing!

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