The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1947: Yun Mengchen's proposal (three)

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Chapter 1947 Yun Mengchen's Proposal

Qingwu Palace, in Chu Tianyu's simple hut, at this time, the atmosphere in the entire room was unusually lively.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, it is indeed my younger sister, who was unknowingly promoted to demigod. It is really incredible, really incredible, hahahaha !!!"

Chu Tianyu's laughter echoed throughout the room. It can be seen that he was really excited at the moment. There was no way, no matter who he changed, he learned that his sister had been promoted to the semi-godder. At times, it is impossible to be calm and right. After all, the state of demigod is really hard to imagine.

Not long ago, he felt the change in the space he was in, but when he wanted to get closer to the source, he was stopped by Yuan Feng. Just now, Yuan Feng came to his room with Chu Yanchen, and told him that Chu Yanchen at this moment was already a superpower of the demigod.

"Hee hee, Brother Seven, I'm promoted to the level of Demigod. What does this have to do with Brother Seven's sister? It's as if I could not be promoted to Demigod."

When Chu Tianyu's words fell, Chu Yanchen was the first one to stand up and said very shamelessly.

"Uh, this ..."

Being told by his sister like this, Chu Tianyu's face couldn't help but faint, but he couldn't say anything.

Speaking of which, Chu Yichen was able to be promoted to the demigod, which is all because of his own talent, but it really has nothing to do with him. It seems that he wants to take this child's credit to himself, which is obviously Nothing makes sense.

"Hahaha, Chen Chen, can't your girl give me some shame for the seventh brother? Okay, I'm your seventh brother, too?" Langsheng smiled, and Chu Tianyu could only use this method to conceal his embarrassment, and There is really nothing he can do about Chu Yanchen.

Chu Yanchen was born with a lot of nature. Basically, I always say something when I have something, and I never think so much. He knows that the other person obviously didn't really want to ridicule him, but at this time, he said these words. He was really a little embarrassed.

"Okay, brother Tianyu, there are no outsiders here. The temper of this girl, Chen Chen, can't be understood anymore." Yuan Feng stood out with a smile at this time, which is also helping Chu Tianyu to save Save the field, "Anyway, this time Chen Yun can be promoted to the demigod realm. This is indeed a great event to celebrate. I will call my father and mother later. Let us all have a good drink together. "

Qingwu Palace added another demigod strongman, which is naturally a big happy event. Yuan Feng must assemble her relatives to announce the good news of the big one.

"Okay, okay, I haven't seen Aunt Qingwu for a long time."

Hearing Yuan Feng's celebration of the banquet, Chu Yanchen was extremely happy. She likes to be lively. She has been so bored that she would die if she had been in retreat for such a long time. If a group of people can accompany her to drink and relieve her boredom, It couldn't be better.

Then again, she didn't really take it to heart for her promotion to the demigod state. In her mind, Xiu's promotion to the realm is really not a big deal. This promotion to demigod is nothing more than the result of her seriousness.

One thing she didn't tell everyone, in her heart, she was already thinking about it. When she was in a good mood and wanted to cultivate, she would retreat for a while and try to hit a higher level.

The demi-god realm is already the strongest state in the entire world without delusion, and under the circumstances of this cataclysm, all the demi-god realms are suppressed in the demi-god As soon as the situation changed, she was thinking about when to further improve the cultivation. Such an idea was obviously the only one she dared to think about.

Of course, since she dares to think about it, it obviously means that she has such confidence. In fact, the ascension she wants is definitely not a transition from the semi-god realm, the promotion to the semi-god realm two to three turns, what she calls the ascension of the realm, but the promotion of the big realm, not just a few Times robbery.

If you let Yuan Feng know her thoughts, I don't know if she will be scared by the little girl's thoughts.

In the next time, Yuan Feng personally arranged a celebration feast for the first promotion of Demigod to the Demigod Realm. Those who are eligible to participate are undoubtedly the real high-level people in the Qingwu Palace. When Chen Chen had been promoted to demigod, everyone was naturally in shock.

But then again, the realm of the demigod is a little too far away for them, so this time the banquet, everyone just feels excited and incredible about Chu Yanchen's promotion, but there are no other ideas. .

As Chu Chenchen was promoted to demigod, the distance between them and each other naturally became more alienated. The only one that was not affected was Jiang Qingwu alone, as for the other Yuan At the top of the house, obviously, it has not reached the point where it can easily face the demigod powerhouse.

In any case, the atmosphere of this celebration feast was very warm, especially Yuan Qingyun, the owner of the Yuan family, who was even more happy.

He not only saw Chu Haochen's promotion to the demigod, but also saw Chu Haochen's dependence and obsession with his son. From beginning to end, the little girl was sitting next to Yuan Feng, even Yun Mengchen She was squeezed out of her seat. Of course, in this regard, Yun Mengchen was also very generous, and did not care about the other party snatching Yuan Feng.

A demigod who is very dependent on his son, this is a great thing for the Yuan family and for Qingwu Palace.

The banquet began in a cheerful atmosphere and ended in a happy atmosphere. Everyone did not use their skills, so everyone was drunk and drunk. Finally, Chu Yanchen was taken away by Waner, and she did n’t know. Is it to study cultivation, or gossip.

Mu Yuner was called by Jiang Qingwu and said that he hadn't chatted with the other person for a long time, so he wanted to talk to the other person alone.

After everyone left, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen were left alone. In the end, the two looked at each other and left the banquet hall together and ran to their own two-person world. went.

Obviously, for Yuan Qingyun and Jiang Qingwu's creation plans, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen have to mention the agenda, and Yuan's family will grow, so everyone's efforts are needed, they are still very Young, of course, have to give their share. Furthermore, as filial piety is more important than trivial matters, at least they must have their own children ...

Everyone has their own things to do. Of course, among these, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen have the most heavy tasks. However, if a few women in Qingwu Palace are known, they are afraid they will be very serious. Willing to help Yuan Feng share some.

In the closed space world, after a while *, Yuan Feng and Yun Mengchen are now hugging each other sweetly and enjoying the wonderful time of two people.

With a faint smile on Yun Mengchen's face, he gently pillowed Yuan Feng's arm and looked at Yuan Feng happily.

"Hey, why do you always look at me like that? Doesn't flower bloom on my face?"

Gently stroked Yun Yunmeng's hair, Yuan Feng's heart was also full of tranquility and tranquility at this time. He likes the feeling now, if he can, he really hopes to stay like this. Continue until the land is old.

"There aren't flowers, but they look better than flowers." Such a rare opportunity to be alone, Yun Mengchen also became different from usual, but started to tease Yuan Feng.

"Hahaha, even dare to tease me, it seems that I really need to clean up and clean up you." Being so thin and light by Yun Mengchen, Yuan Feng couldn't help but get up, but turned around again, turning Yunmeng Pressed under him.

It is not so easy to create a great plan, especially for powerful warriors, and it is even more difficult to breed the next generation.

Yuan Feng ’s cultivation, both in terms of qualifications and potential, can be said to be perverted. Although Yun Mengchen is a little worse, he is also an arrogant figure. They want to create the next generation, but they need to continue Hard work.

Creating people, no matter how powerful you are, it can only be carried out step by step. If you want to be anxious, you can't rush.

After some busy work, even with the physical strength of Yuan Feng, I felt a little tired.

"Yuan Feng, do you really want to turn the Yuan family into a super big family?"

Yun Mengchen had collapsed at this moment, and the whole person was slumped in Yuan Feng's arms and let Yuan Feng fiddle with it. At this time, she suddenly looked right and asked Yuan Feng.

"This ......... I really think so, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Hearing Yun Mengchen's questioning, Yuan Feng couldn't help but linger slightly, and then asked with a little suspicion.

"If you really want the Yuan family to grow and become a big family with a thriving population, then I think that you should take good care of Sister Yun'er, Wan'er, and Chen Chen."

After getting Yuan Feng's answer, Yun Mengchen couldn't help pouting his lips, it seemed that after struggling, he was facing Yuan Feng.

"They're better to sisters? How does this start? Am I not good enough to them?"

Ripped his lips, Yuan Feng was stunned by the words of the other party. In his opinion, he seemed to be good enough to Mu Yuner and others, right?

"Oh, I didn't mean that, I mean, you and you should be better to them, just like ... like it is to me now."

Yun Mengchen's eyes flashed a bit of anxiety, and then he opened his mouth openly.

"Uh ..."

When Yun Mengchen's words fell, the expression on Yuan Feng's face was frozen directly there, and he was speechless for a long while.

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