The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 195: Divine skill (four more seeking flowers)

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Chapter 195 Divine Skill

When Yuan Feng opened the scroll and watched the martial arts on this scroll, his face was already filled with astonishment, and now he finally understands why the ancient elders spent decades. Secretly hiding in the martial arts cabinet to practice this martial arts, I never went out.

"Mirror magic, is there such a martial art in the world? Is this too incredible?"

Yuan Feng really couldn't believe his eyes. He even had some doubts. The eight achievements of martial arts on this scroll were a joke that someone casually wrote on them, because such martial arts really should not exist.

No wonder he has such suspicions. He believes that even if anyone is changed, I am afraid it is absolutely difficult to believe that such martial arts exist.

"Mirroring magical power, based on oneself, reiki as a condensed body, condensed into an incarnation, the incarnation, the incarnation is the same as the true body, false can be true, one life is worth two lives, is a magical skill to capture the heavens and the earth!"

A few brief introductions explain the magic and power of this mirrored magic, but when they understood the meaning of these words, Yuan Feng was really completely stunned.

"Condensation and incarnation? This and this is simply the avatar in mythology. How can there be such a mythical martial art in this world? What kind of martial arts does this have to be? Ground order or sky order?"

This shock was a trivial matter. Although he knew that the world respected by martial arts was amazing, he could not accept the skill of condensing avatars for a while.

This is different from other martial arts. It can be said that this martial art called mirroring magic has completely departed from the scope of martial arts. As for the grade of this thing, I am afraid that it is impossible to use heaven and earth to evaluate it.

In fact, the scroll martial arts did not clearly indicate the level of martial arts of this mirrored magic.

"Brush !!!" After Wei Wei, he hurriedly re-rolled the scroll, and then didn't want to receive the space ring directly, as if he was afraid of being looked at by others.

"Oh, kid, Feng, you should have finished reading the above things, how do you feel? Is there an incredible feeling?" Seeing Yuan Feng's expression, the elders on the side couldn't help but smile and step forward, slightly stunned. tunnel.

When he first got this martial art, his performance was much more exaggerated than the current Yuan Feng. He still remembers that when he learned the effect of this mirroring power, he could spend a full half an hour, He was unable to return to God. Yuan Feng was able to resume as usual in an instant, and he had to admire him.

"Huh, elder, this and this thing will not be a prank. Why do the disciples always think that this thing is a bit incredible!" He breathed out a long breath, Yuan Feng's heart was not so calm as it seemed on the surface. Not to mention, today, the elder Gu opened a new door for him, a door to his preliminary understanding of the world.

"Prank? Oh, of course, it won't be a prank." After hearing Yuan Feng's words, the elders of the ancients froze slightly, and then couldn't help but laugh out loud. "Maple boy, this world is far more magical and complicated than you know. , You are naturally unconscious in a small place like Montenegro, but when you leave Heishan, or even out of the Tianlong dynasty, you will slowly understand. "

Although Yuan Feng has an unimaginable talent, he is still a child after all, not to mention the Tianlong Dynasty. Even the country of Heishan has not yet come out. His knowledge is naturally too shallow.

He has studied this mirroring magic for so many years. Of course, he knows that this martial art is absolutely real, but unfortunately, with his ability, the breakthrough point of the start is not smoothed anyway, so until now, there has been no trace of progress.

"Feng Feng, don't think about this martial art for the time being. When you break through the innate realm, you can simply study it, but I suggest that you still practice it carefully, but I feel that I only have to reach the higher one. In order to achieve this level of martial arts, you have to make up your own mind. "

When giving this martial art to Yuan Feng, the ancient elders didn't actually know whether it was right or wrong. He has been delayed by this martial art for decades. If Yuan Feng is also delayed by this martial art, it is obviously a sin of his kind. However, Yuan Feng was able to practice three Xuanjie intermediate martial arts in three days. Such a genius gave him no choice at all.

"Huh, disciple understands that if this martial art is real, not a joke, then it ca n’t be taken too quickly." With a breath, he can imagine that such a martial arts martial art is cultivated, I am afraid Definitely not a difficult word, even if he has the help of swallowing martial arts, I am afraid that he may not be able to practice this skill.

"I can see that you should be a smart person, I won't say more than that, you put back the three previous martial arts, and then leave!"

Although he hasn't had many contacts, in Yuan Feng's body, he has seen Yuan Feng's heart and wisdom far beyond his peers. He believes that there are some things that he doesn't need to say. Yuan Feng himself is well aware.

"That being the case, that disciple has retired." Hearing the elders ’order, Yuan Feng did not hesitate to bow to the former, gave back the three previous cheats, and then pulled on Mu Yun'er. , Leave.

Having said all that he has said, he needs to give himself some time to think about some issues, and he needs to quiet the elders for a while. I can imagine giving away the things that he has treasured for decades, to the elders, I am afraid that There will be many emotions!

"Hey, I have never seen such an evil young man. My Dan Xia Zong was able to receive such a good disciple, but it is my blessing. I really hope you can grow up and take me to the next step. New heights. "

Watching Yuan Feng leave, the elders of Gu couldn't help feeling filled with longing.

He had travelled well and knew very well that Danxiazong was very small, and the country of Montenegro was very small, regardless of the previous Danxiazong ancestors or the current Danxiazong rulers, neither turned Danxiazong into a giant. The power of hegemony is Yuan Feng, a sixteen-year-old master of the Sword Realm, and a demon genius with absolute ability to understand martial arts. Such a character is qualified to win the upper space.

"Little fellow, this mirroring skill is not mysterious martial arts, or even the first or heavenly martial arts. Whether you can cultivate this martial art successfully depends on your own fortune, but I really hope you can Practicing divine power has also allowed me to see what the so-called out-of-body incarnation looks like! "

But he clearly remembered that when he obtained this martial arts skill and activated the content of the martial arts, under the mirror magic power, the four clear big characters almost blinded his eyes.

"God-level martial arts, is there really a **** in this world? And what kind of power is the so-called god?" His eyes were narrowed, his mind could not help but drift out of the clouds. For this world, he Also more curious.

It is rumored that the extreme of martial arts can be used to communicate with gods, but what is the meaning of the so-called gods? ............

"Brother, tell your sister, what kind of martial arts did the elders give you, and how do you listen to the two of you, as if this martial arts is very powerful?"

On the mountain road, Mu Yuner was turning around Yuan Feng. On the way, Yuan Feng was turning around her. But at this moment, there was a major change, but it was magical to say.

"Sister, didn't Elder Gu say it all, this thing can't let you see or let you know. Sister shouldn't ask, OK?" With a bitter smile on his face, Yuan Feng couldn't help but feel helpless.

With the personality of a curious baby like Mu Yuner, how can she bear such a big secret this time? However, this mirroring magic is really a bit too horrifying, and it is better that few people know it. It ’s not that he does n’t believe Mu Yuner, but people have missed horses and hoofs. God knows if Mu Yuner was made aware of the existence of mirror magic, would she inadvertently say something, and if she let Others know that he has such a magical skill and it's no wonder that he doesn't bother!

"Oh, I promise I won't say it. Good brother, please tell your sister!"

Holding on to Yuan Feng's arm, Mu Yun'er shook it hard, and her two well-developed points rubbed Yuan Feng's heart for a while.

"Oh, sister, don't shake it!" Hurrying to pull his arm back, Yuan Feng's face was a little more serious. "Sister, this martial arts really can't be revealed to you now, because as long as this thing leaks a trace of wind, then brother I'm bound to die. Maybe it's not just me. I'm afraid that even the entire Danxia Sect can be destroyed. "

Of course, this is not alarmist. It is conceivable that if an outside master knows that he has such a magic skill, I am afraid that even if the entire Dan Xiazong is destroyed, I am sure that this martial art must be obtained!

"Ah, this is so serious?"

Mu Yun'er was obviously startled by Yuan Feng's words. Hearing that might bring Yuan Feng's life threatening, and even may affect the entire Dan Xiazong, she really did not dare to ask this time.

After thinking about it, in order to cultivate this martial art, the ancient elders have been hiding in the martial arts hall for decades, so it seems that Yuan Feng's words are not to scare her.

"Okay, then I won't ask!" Mu Yuner raised his eyebrows. "But, when you can tell outsiders, you must tell me first, do you know?"

"Well, well, absolutely the first to tell you sister." Finally convinced the young lady, Yuan Feng could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief, and promised.

"Okay, sister, it's getting late, let's go back and prepare for it. Tomorrow morning, we will go to the capital! Well, speaking, I have never been to the capital and I don't know the so-called capital. What a thriving scene! "

Leaving aside the participation in the selection war, Beijing's name alone has filled him with longing.

ps: It's not too far from the first, brothers, can you give me some more power? Fifth must have! !! !!

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