The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1953: Wang Zhong, who lives in New Year's Eve

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Chapter 1953 King Wang Zhong's Fate (Part One)

In Ziyun Palace, Liuhe Palace, a quiet room, Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Liuhe Palace, is sitting quietly on a futon at this moment, but at this moment, he is all over his body. Feeling weak, his face was even pale, and it looked very bad.

From time to time, his brow can't help but wrinkle, and his body will tremble involuntarily. It can be seen that at this moment, he was really hurt.

For Wang Zhong, this time is really a big test. Most of the vitality in his body has been destroyed, and his strength is also broken. If he can't recover the injury again, even if he can finally save his life, I was afraid that it would be difficult to restore the former arrogance.

Speaking of which, he did blame himself for being too careless. In the battle against Li Xiaobai, even if he lost, he would never lose so badly. However, he naively thought that the other party would fight him for a fair and honest fight, but he didn't know that the other party secretly united the great disciples of the Eight Diagrams Temple, Xuan Ming, and gave him a secret trick.

In this regard, while he is angry, he can only be full of helplessness.

At this point, he has basically confessed his fate. All the demigods can't be contacted. Without the demigods shot, it's really unknown whether this little life can be kept. .

"Brother !!!!!!"

While Wang Zhongpan was sitting on a futon, trying to condition his body, a shout that lowered his voice came from outside his back room, waking him up from the injury.

"Yoo !!!!!!"

Eyes opened slightly, Wang Zhong could not help exhaling gently, then shook his head helplessly.

"Ah, good domineering swordsmanship. It seems that no demigods have made a shot. It is difficult for me to clear these rules swordsmanship !!" He sighed, and at this moment he really gave his fate .

He didn't expect that the law and sword of the sword realm would be horrible for three days, or at least one day. He may be unable to control the outbreak of the law and sword. By then, his life, I'm afraid it's really going to be explained!

"what's up?"

Shaking his head, Wang Zhong's attitude is very calm, and he is not anxious because of the imminent death. Instead, he is more relaxed than usual.

"Brother, Brother Yuan Feng is back."

When Wang Zhong's words fell, the sound outside the door rang again, and when he heard the report from the people outside, Wang Zhong's already hopeless face flashed a bright flash.

"What? Brother Yuanfeng is back?"

Standing up suddenly from the ground, Wang Zhong at this moment was like the dying man who saw the last straw for life-saving, and the whole person was very excited.

"Drive me !!!"

Almost without thinking, he gathered his last strength, and when he raised his hand, he opened the passage of the closet space, and as the passage of the closet opened, the outside party immediately appeared in In front of his eyes, it was the young disciple of Liuhedian, Yuan Feng.

"Brother Yuan Feng, you are finally back, Kekekee !!!"

When he saw Yuan Feng outside the closet space, Wang Zhong's face was suddenly filled with excitement. However, under this excitement, it hurt the injury, and he could not help coughing loudly, even more The body was soft, and once again sat on the futon, his face paled.

"Brother !!!"

Seeing that Wang Zhong collapsed to the ground, there was blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth. Several disciples at the Liuhe Hall outside the door all changed their appearances. After speaking, they all walked into the back room and came to Wang Zhong's front.

"Brother, how are you? Does it matter?"

"Brother must not be excited. In case of injury, I am very troublesome!"

A few of the disciples of Zhuanzhuan in the Liuhe Palace shot Wang Zheng right, but their faces were filled with ashes and anxiety.

"Ahem, I'm fine, I can't die !!!"

Taking a deep breath, Wang Zhong rushed to work his strength, trying to suppress the injury, and then he looked out of the door, where Yuan Feng had come in step by step from outside, and came to his eyes in the talking room. Stand still.

"Brother Yuan Feng, you are finally back. If you don't come back, you will have to explain this little life of your brother!" Looking at Yuan Feng in front of him, Wang Zhong couldn't help showing a smile.

Yuan Feng returns, he knows that he can at least save his life, because his most serious injury now is the law of the sword in his body, and if he wants to get rid of these laws, he can only be demigod. The man forcibly shot, forcing the rule sword air out. The other method, naturally, is to shoot the same strong men in the realm of magic swords, and draw out these laws and swords.

"Brother, my brother is late, and I hope the brother will forgive him."

Yuan Feng's complexion was not very good. To the heart, he really did not expect that Wang Zhong would be injured like this. Fortunately, he came back in time, if it was later, then Wang Zhong in front of him. , I'm afraid we really have to worry about our lives!

Speaking, Yuan Feng waved his hand to signal the others to stand aside, but he took a few steps forward, came to Wang Zhong's front, and sat down in front of the other party.

"Hahaha, it's not too late, just fine !!!" Aloud a smile, but Wang Zhong was in a good mood at the moment, "Well? Brother Yuanfeng, have you been promoted to Promise?"

When Yuan Feng sat in front of himself, Wang Zhong couldn't help glancing at Yuan Feng's practice, only to find out that Yuan Feng at this moment was already a powerful man without limits!

Speaking of them, the other disciples in Liuhedian, or the three Sancai guys in the past, do not forget their memory of Yuanfeng, who has just broken into the situation of Yin and Yang. Without seriously investigating Yuan Feng's cultivation, Wang Zhong, as a master of Liuhedian, paid special attention to Yuan Feng, and was the first to see Yuan Feng's cultivation.

I don't know, under this look, his heart couldn't help getting happier.

In just a few years, Yuan Feng was promoted to the Promise, which is an unimaginable speed of cultivation. And Yuan Feng of the Promise is undoubtedly too important for the current Liuhe Hall.


Hearing Wang Zhong's words, other people also looked at Yuan Feng one after another, and they found out that before, there was only the young master in the yin and yang realm, but at this moment they have become the characters of the infinite.

Yuan Feng's body is based on the sword art conception of the realm of swords and swords. This matter is known up and down the entire Ziyun Palace, and it is more clear to everyone that once Yuan Feng is promoted to Promise, his strength will be better than ordinary The Promise is too powerful.

When I thought of it, the big disciples who were present were all smiling with excitement.

"Don't say so much, brother, calm down, I will help you recover the injury first. As for the person who hurt you, I will bring him personally and let him kneel down to pay you for the crime."

Yuan Feng didn't explain too much. Speaking, he glanced at the others and motioned for them to stand aside, so as not to disturb him to adjust the injury for Wang Zhong.

"Well, until my injury recovers, you and my brother will fight side by side, to see how Li Xiaobai is still arrogant."

Wang Zhong also knew that this time was not the time to speak. Between motions and thoughts, he stabilized his emotions and sat down cross-legged slowly, but he completely handed himself over to Yuan Feng.

"Up !!!!!!"

Yuan Feng didn't hesitate. After Wang Zhong sat down, he was a probe and pulled the other side directly to him. When he lifted with one hand, he directly reached the other side's chest. The powerful force was released from him, but it just condensed into a huge mask, which enveloped him and Wang Zhong, completely isolated from the outside world.

"His, Master Yuan Feng's cultivation is ......... What a terrifying power, how does this little master cultivate? Such terrible energy fluctuations, I am afraid that I have waited so far!"

"It's terrifying. It is worthy of being a disciple of Master ’s grace. In just a few years, he was promoted from yin and yang to Wuji, and judging from his energy fluctuations, I am afraid he has already caught up with the master Is that right? "

"Yu, I really don't know how this little master has cultivated over the past few years. It seems that chances are that there are other encounters!"

"Okay, okay, Liuhedian is the time when the super strong is lacking. The little master returned at this time, it was just sending charcoal to me in the snow."

"Through the cultivation of Little Master's Promise Realm, supplemented by the sword skills of the Realm of Magic Sword, this time, we can finally have a decent strong man. Maybe even Li Xiaobai may not be the opponent of Master Yuan Feng. "

Some of the legendary disciples in Liuhe Hall were all pushed aside by the energy shields supported by Yuan Feng, and they felt the horrible power around Yuan Feng's body. Shocked.

They never thought that Yuan Feng's cultivation had actually been promoted in such a terrible manner in just a few years.

The most tangled, of course, is Li Xian. He had a festival with Yuan Feng, and he had always been thinking about destroying Yuan Feng, so that the original thing would completely rot, but now look Here, trying to kill Yuan Feng is simply impossible!

Having said that, it seems that from the beginning, Yuan Feng has never put him in his eyes!

They briefly talked a few words, and then they stood aside honestly, waiting for Yuan Feng to adjust the injury for Wang Zhong. They believe that with Yuan Feng, a strong man in the realm of magic swords, Wang Zhong's injury is absolutely insignificant.

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