The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1959: Confrontation (three)

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Chapter 1959 Confrontation (Part Three)

Li Xiaobai never dreamed that Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Liuhedian, who had no doubt he would come to death, not only didn't whimper as he thought, but even brought someone to come to the door, and he couldn't accept it.

Sancai Temple thinks that the advantage is obvious because they feel that Wang Zhong has been destroyed, and the others are not enough to be afraid. But if Wang Zhong is still alive and living well, then what is there in Sancai Temple? What are the advantages?

The most terrible thing is that not long ago, the Sancai Temple lost three major disciples. If it really counts one by one, it looks like it may not really be an opponent!

"How can this happen? How could this happen? Who and who saved Wang Zhong? !!!"

He wanted to figure out that, in the case of Wang Zhong, if there is no demigod strong shot, no one can save the other person, but demigod strong, it is impossible to appear in Ziyun Palace at this time. Among them.

"Master Li, don't be restless, don't be restless!"

The tangled color on Li Xiaobai's face was naturally seen in Xuanming's eyes, but when he saw that Li Xiaobai was so angry, he was even a bit lost. Xuanming knew that he had to stand up and help the other person stabilize his mood. .

Frankly speaking, he couldn't believe that Wang Zhong could survive and brought someone to the door, but Li Mo couldn't lie to them, and the other party didn't need any doubt at all.

"Li Mo, you can see clearly. Are you really Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke? Also, they look now, but all of them are not injured?"

Taking a deep breath, Xuanming also calmly asked, whispering to Li Mo.

The last time I was able to wreck Wang Zhong and Xuan Ming, it took a lot of thought. If the two of them took it easy, then it would not be so easy to try to get them two.

Moreover, in view of the last conspiracy, Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke are bound to hate them. This revenge may be very fierce. After all, they really didn't think about fighting with Wang Zhongqiao Ke and others.

"Brother Xuanming, definitely Qiao Ke and Wang Zhong, no doubt. These two led the team and almost brought the disciple disciples of the five palaces headed by Liuhe Hall. The three disciples and I wanted to report back soon. However, Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke shot in person, and within a few strokes, they killed all three other students, without any injuries. "

Li Mo did not dare to neglect, and hurried to answer again. Of course, he couldn't recognize Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke. If there were anyone in the entire Ziyun Palace who could recognize these two wrongly, he would really not be worthy of being a disciple of Ziyun Palace.

"Yu, it seems true, Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke, your lives are really hard !!!"

Hearing Li Mo's commentary again, Li Xiaobai and Xuanming could only look at each other, but both saw the helplessness and unwillingness from the bottom of each other's eyes.

Can kill three named disciples of Sancaidian within a few strokes. Those who have such strength can only be characters such as Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke, but they really do n’t understand the rules of these two. How exactly was Jianqi removed?

"What, what can I do? Wang Zhong didn't die? And he recovered his injuries?"

"Broken and broken, Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke's strengths are obvious to all. At this time, both of them are safe. They killed our three great preachers. This is really going to be bad!"

"How could that be, Brother Li Xiaobai had injured them that day, how could they be safe now? Did they pretend to be injured that day?"

"Hey, no matter what the matter is, this time, we are going to have a lot of trouble. With a group of legendary disciples led by Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke, where do we have any other advantages?"

All the people present felt cold for a while. They had been waiting for Wang Zhong to fall, and then to insult Liuhe Temple as they pleased, but now it seems that such a wish is obviously to be defeated!

Not only that, but Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke were counted before, and now they are coming with hatred. In the face of such two people, in addition to Li Xiaobai and Xuanming, they can be safer. Who else is this two? Human opponent? If you meet these two people, they will really be out of luck!

When thinking of these, the people present were simply not happy.

"Hum, shut up for me. What noisy? What's the big deal, a bunch of cowards !!!"

Hearing the crowd, Li Xiaobai's complexion was a bit cold, and he suddenly scolded loudly at everyone. Just now I heard the news of Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke, and everyone was scared like this. How can they compete with the group of people in Liuhe Temple in the future?

"What are you panicking about? Isn't it Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke? This one can hit them once, then they can hit them a second time, all of them cheer me up. After all, our side is still dominant. Hardly, do you think Qiao Ke and Wang Zhong can still stand up to this seat and Brother Xuanming? "

Li Xiaobai was also shocked at the moment, but he still felt that his side had a bigger win. After all, no matter he or Xuanming, in the case of one-to-one, it should be better than Li Xiaobai and Qiao Ke. Outperform, and this is basically recognized by everyone.

"Everyone cheered me up. With me and Brother Xuanming, we went to meet Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke for a while. This time, it is difficult for them to die !!!! !!!!!! "

He said he could understand that if he wanted to make these people feel at ease now, that would be to find a way to destroy Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke, and not the two. These so-called disciple disciples are not at all May follow him with peace of mind.

"Yes, yes, Brother Li Xiaobai is invincible, there is nothing terrible for everyone !!!"

"Kill, kill this time, you must kill Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke, and let them know that Brother Li Xiaobai is amazing !!!"

A few interested people, hurriedly started to arouse everyone's emotions, but no matter how agitated, everyone is not emotional. After all, everyone knows that with the last incident, it is basically impossible to seriously hurt Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke again!

Li Xiaobai didn't care about that much. After an order, he glanced at Xuanming, and then swept away first. When he was looted outward, Xuanming almost hesitated, and then followed up.

For Xuanming, it is no longer necessary for him to hide behind the scenes and say that he is neutral. After all, with the strength of Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke, how could it not be known that he and Li Xiaobai were secretly united?

"Well !!!"

One by one, the disciples did not hesitate, but the followers flew out. No matter what, they could not turn back. Since they followed Li Xiaobai and Xuanming, whether it is right or wrong, after all You have to go on ...

Sancai Hall is about a kilometer away from the main hall of Sancai Hall. At this moment, Qiao Ke, a disciple of the Five Elements Palace, and Wang Zhong, a disciple of the Liuhe Palace, stand side by side. Behind them, the disciple of the five palaces headed by them We are all here now.

A team of dozens of people is not much in number, but these dozens of people are among the most powerful forces in the Ziyun Palace except for the demigods. These dozens of people gather together. That kind of horrible momentum is definitely not conceivable by ordinary people.

At this moment, the Five Elements Temple Joe and Liuhe Palace King Zhong are all smiling. Behind them, all of the disciples are also assured. The expression is as if they have already won the ticket. In the crowd, a young man was hiding, but looked indifferently at the palace of Sancai Temple, his eyes were very calm.

A group of people stood here like this, neither loudly nor shouting, because they all knew that it wouldn't be long before the people in the Sancai Temple would all come out.

"Om !!!!!!"

It didn't make everyone wait too long. Almost a few minutes later, a light suddenly rose above the huge palace of Sancai Palace. Then, one by one, the strong men came from Sancai Palace one after another. Channeled out.

"Brush !!!!"

Along with the bright lights, Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke and the other side, San Xiaodian Li Xiaobai, Bagua Temple Xuanming, and Sixiang Temple Dilong and others ran out of Sancai Palace's palace. One after another settled down.

The time is not long, all the people in the Sancaidian camp are all there, and in terms of numbers, the two camps are basically the same, and everyone's strength is equal, so when the two strengths confront each other, The momentum of the two sides is basically the same.

"Wang Zhong, I can't think of it. You are so fatal, and so badly injured, you haven't been able to kill you !!!"

Li Xiaobai appeared first, and as soon as he stood still, he shouted hatefully to the opposite Wang Zhong. Obviously, when he saw Wang Zhong intact, he didn't need any doubts anymore.

Wang Zhong was really alive, and he couldn't live any better. In addition to this incredible scene, he still had only one piece of annoyance and resentment.

"Hehehe, Li Xiaobai, the last time you used the scheme, you did have a little skin trauma. Do you really think that you can have my Wang Zhong's life unsuccessful because of your little Li Xiaobai?"

Wang Zhong's voice came rolling, which contained a huge momentum, and with the spread of his voice, those disciples who stood behind Li Xiaobai became more and more difficult to look. Inside, naturally Including Li Xiaobai himself.

ps: I did n’t rush back outside during the day. I came back at night to speed up the code word. The third time arrived. Continue to try the fourth chapter. Everyone can watch it tomorrow. It is estimated that it will be very late tonight! !!

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