The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1964: Kill (four more)

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Chapter 964 Killing (four more)

The Eight Diagrams Hall has already gone. Xuanming naturally chose to escape from the Ziyun Palace. Otherwise, he would definitely die if he stayed.

However, Xuan Meditation wants to escape, of course, he ca n’t escape if he wants to escape. Right now, he has to pass the level of the crowd. No matter what, now he is a traitor like Ziyun Palace. No one among them is willing to see him escape.

Wang Zhong, the great disciple of Liuhedian, and Qiao Ke, the great disciple of Wuxingdian, were the first to stand out, and there was no hesitation at all.

Although not all the people in the other major palaces came forward, they all dispersed. At this moment, everyone has faintly stood in the same camp, but all aimed at the elder brother of the Bagua Temple.

"Brother Li Xiaobai, at this time, should everyone put aside their prejudices and deal with the traitor Xuanming together?"

Qiao Ke not only stood up at the moment, but also laughed at Li Xiaobai, who was also at Sancai Temple. There is no eternal enemy. At this time, Xuanming is the incarnation of evil, and if someone does not shoot at him, it means that the other party is with Xuanming. He will have to see how Li Xiaobai will choose.

"There is no duty to kill the traitors."

Li Xiaobai didn't say much. At this time, he didn't need to think much. In any case, he couldn't stand on the side of Xuanming at this time.

Xuanming has become the target of public criticism, if he is still with the other party, it is to die for himself! !!

"Okay, it seems Brother Shi hasn't gotten home yet. In that case, let's cooperate for the time being to capture Xuan Ming and listen to the masters 'masters' hair."

Hearing Li Xiaobai's agreement to shoot Xuan Ming together, Qiao Ke couldn't help but smile. Anyway, with one more helper, Xuan Ming could be left behind.

Xuanming is not a fuel-saving lamp. This person has many means. Although the crowd has an advantage in numbers at the moment, it is really not easy to keep it.

"Li Xiaobai, do you want to shoot at me too? Did you forget who originally borrowed your sword tactics, which helped you to advance to the realm of magic swords?"

Seeing that Li Xiaobai even stood in the opponent's camp and wanted to shoot at him together, Xuanming suddenly looked cold and full of anger.

He knows Li Xiaobai's strength. If he is someone else alone, he has a great chance of escaping, but if there is one more Li Xiaobai, his chance of escaping will be much smaller.

"Xuan Ming, don't say anything else, you secretly control the disciples of other palaces. If you knew you were such a person, Li Xiaobai would have been kind to you. Today, I will do my best to save you catch."

Li Xiaobai's face became faster than flipping through the book. He was also the elder brother of Xuanming, who was short, but at this moment, he was transformed into a messenger of justice.

"Hahaha, okay, so far, there is really nothing to say."

It is not uncommon to unload and kill donkeys, and Xuanming is also very open about it. At the moment, he has no time and energy to argue with the other party.

"Come on, you guys are all together. I'm going to see how today you can get me."


The words fell, but Xuanming didn't want to, when the power was moving, all over him was shrouded by a horrible momentum, and the people present were even aware that at the moment, he seemed to be a The elixir was put in the mouth, apparently to temporarily replace its own strength.

At this time, it's time to die. Whether it's Qiao Ke or Wang Zhong, or Li Xiaobai and Yuan Feng, his heart is full of jealousy. Therefore, he must be fully prepared without any slightness. The idea.

"Xuanming, I advise you to give up the resistance and catch it, and you think that you can escape the siege of so many of us?"

At this time, Wang Zhong took the direction of one side and looked at Xuanming with a cold face, but his eyes were full of caution.

To tell the truth, his resentment against Xuanming is above Li Xiaobai. Li Xiaobai can only say that he is a real villain, but Xuanming is a hypocrite.

In the previous battle with Li Xiaobai, Xuanzhen was definitely arranged by Xuanming, and he suffered from the loss and ate on the opponent's Xuanzhen.

"No need to say it anymore, how could it be easy for me to grab it? Kill !!!!"

Xuan Ming will not continue to say anything to the other party. He now needs to focus all his energy on escape. As for other things, he doesn't need to think about it right now.


I don't know when an extra long knife was in his hand, and speaking, he cut off a knife against Wang Zhong, who surrounded him on the east side, but wanted to break out from Wang Zhong's side.

Before he wanted to come, Wang Zhong had suffered such a serious injury before. Although there is no major problem now, it should be relatively weak to think about it. Breaking from Wang Zhong's side is obviously the best.

As for Yuan Feng on the other side, seriously, he really can't see through this little master who has just joined Ziyun Palace for a long time, so if he chooses, no matter who he chooses, he won't choose Yuan Feng. of.

"Give me back !!! Brush !!!!"

Wang Zhong was not weak, and when he saw Xuanming trying to break out from his side, he didn't want to, and the sword in his hand shook, and went straight to the other side to meet him.

It's not easy to want to break out from his side.

"Boom !!!" Knife lights and sword shadows collided together. Suddenly, a storm of energy came directly to the silk, but it lifted Wang Zhong and Xuan Ming away. This matchup, the two of them were equal, but Wang Zhong did his best, and the opposite Xuanming obviously left more power.


Although Wang Zhong ’s sword did not cause much damage to Xuanming, he blocked the opponent for a while and did not let him escape directly. At this moment, Qiao Ke ’s attack has already reached Xuanming. In front of me.

With a low drink, Qiao Ke's killing moves directly under Xuan Ming's eyelids. As long as Xuan Ming is slightly inadvertent, even if he is not split by a sword, it will have to end in a serious injury.

"Floating Lights !!!"

Seeing that the killing was approaching, Li Xiaobai and Yuan Feng in the other two directions were also approaching. Xuanming suddenly flashed in shape. Then, his body suddenly split into two, two into four, and four. For eight, in the blink of an eye, eight mysteries appeared on the field!


The sudden appearance of the eight mysterious mysteries changed the face of the four powerful men, but none of them thought that Xuanming had such a trick.

Obviously, only one of the eight mysteries in front of him is his own body. As for the others, they are absolutely influential, but this method of the other party is really extraordinary, and it is really difficult to distinguish the authenticity for a time.

"Well? It's really some means. There is such a terrible mysterious array skill, great, great !!!"

Yuan Feng was also shocked by the opponent ’s method, but he was surprised only because the opponent ’s method was really new, but in fact, he did n’t shoot at all. If he tried his best, No matter what means the other party uses, it is impossible to escape from his hands.

"It seems that if I don't take a shot today, it is really difficult to keep it!"

Xuan Ming's strength is indeed too strong. So many people present can block each other. Apart from him, there are only Qiao Ke, Wang Zhong and Li Xiaobai. Xuanming died, as for Wang Zhong and Qiao Ke, these two are indeed just recovering from injuries and are not suitable for excessive force.

In this way, if he doesn't take action, then Xuanming is really going to run away!

"This is true, everything else is fake !!!"

Thinking of this, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated, talking suddenly flashed, came directly to a mysterious body, blocked it, but it did not care about the other seven.

"Well !!!"

Hearing Yuan Feng's shout, Qiao Ke and Wang Zhong didn't even hesitate. They went directly to Yuan Feng and surrounded Xuan Ming opposite Yuan Feng again.

They absolutely believe in Yuan Feng. Although they can't see which Xuan Ming is true and which Xuan Ming is Canadian, but since Yuan Feng said, they naturally have a sense of conviction.

"What? You, how can you see me?"

Xuan Ming was shocked enough at this moment. The reason why he had escaped confidently, this Xuan Zhen method can be said to be his biggest means of dependence, and such a strange method was suddenly broken by Yuan Feng. He really didn't know what to say about it.

He could see that Yuan Feng had really found him, and it was definitely not in vain, but even his master could lie to him by this trick. When he thought of it, he felt a little cold.


Distraction at this time is obviously not a wise choice. Almost in the time of Xuanming's shock, Qiao Ke's long sword has already greeted him and directly lifted him away.

It was just that Joe was such a fierce sword that he couldn't even break his skin.

"Defending Spirit Armor?"

Seeing that Xuanming suffered a bit, there was nothing, everyone knows, Xuanming's body must be wearing a spirit armor, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to resist so much.

"Hahaha, I'd like to see how you break my armor !!!!" By the strength of Qiao Ke's blow, Xuanming's figure flew a long way, and at this moment he, But there is still energy back.

"Huh, what's the use of Angela? Look at my Excalibur !!!"

However, just as Xuanming escaped the attack with the power of the Spirit Armor, Yuan Feng's hand suddenly appeared in his hands with a red-red sword. When the sword came out, he It was straight to Xuanming and beheaded, and at this moment Yuan Feng couldn't help flashing a hint of coldness.

"Brush !!!!!! Hey !!!"

Jian Mang flashed, Shicai was able to resist Li Xiaobai's defensive armor, but this time it was like a piece of paper. It was torn directly, and Yuan Feng ’s Jian Mang was undecided. Swept away from his body and eventually disappeared into the sky.

"What? This, this ........."

Jian Man flashed, Xuanming's figure was fixed directly there, and the whole person's eyes were filled with an incredible color.

ps: Although it's a bit late, but four is not less, brothers, come to support a few flowers, four days, less than twenty flowers, all tears! !! !!

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