The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1979: Suddenly shot (three)

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Chapter 179 shot suddenly

The emergence of the Chixiao Sword made Huayin and Fuxi both move to take it as their own thoughts. The two strong men shot at almost the same time, but they both took the Chixiao Sword in their own hands.

Hua Yan's shot was a bit ahead of the opponent, but Fu Xi had an advantage in distance, so after the two shot like this, they almost reached Yuan Feng at the same time.

"Sin barrier, don't give up your sword soon, bring it to me !!!"

The flames of the flames burned in the eyes of the master of Hua Di Dian. He had never been so concerned about a thing, but the Chixiao sword in front of him really made him fascinated. He could imagine that once he was given such a powerful weapon, what would he need to fear from now on?

Thinking of this, he was using all his strength and grabbing Yuan Feng.

The huge handprints are like meteorites covering the sky, and they are caught directly by Yuan Feng, and if he is caught this time, then whether it is Chixiao or Yuan Feng himself, all He was in control.

"Brother Huayu, let me do it. How can Brother Huayu do it for me? Let me do it, drive !!!"

However, just before the master ’s handprints of the Huali Palace Master were about to catch Yuan Feng, the Lord of the Fuxi Temple, which was subsequently launched, came first, and similarly condensed a huge handprint and grabbed Yuan Yuan. Go on.

Speaking of which, not only did the Lord of the Palace of Hua Di be tempted by Yuan Feng ’s Chixiao Sword, he was also bound to win the spirit soldiers in Yuan Feng ’s hands, and he also understood that when he got this Divine Sword, it would be true After tearing his face with Liuhedian, he may not be afraid of the other party. At least, he believes that Hua Yan is absolutely afraid to confront him with the Excalibur.


The two huge handprints came to the top of Yuan Feng's head almost at the same time. However, the two forces had different roots and different sources. Under the contact between the two forces, they exploded suddenly. Both of them disappeared invisible. bingo.


The demigod strong shot with all their strength, the power can be described as very horrible. After the two big fingerprints were annihilated together, a horrible wind suddenly blown in the hall, even the Yuan who stood before the hall. Feng, was blown aside by the strong wind.

"Brother Fuxi, what are you doing?"

Seeing his big fingerprints annihilated, Hua Yan's complexion changed a little, but there was a flash of anger in his eyes. This is his place, but Fuxi dared to **** the baby with him, which of course made him very upset.

"Brother Huayong, I have already said it before. This matter will be left to me to handle. You and I are both people with identity. How can we say nothing without faith? Therefore, Brother Huayong is still resting now. Well, let me take the shot to solve this kid !!! Brush !!! "

The Lord of Fuxi Palace still looked as usual, as if everything he did was deserved, and after his words fell, he stomped again, but persecuted himself towards Yuan Feng. Obviously, this time he was going to hold Yuan Feng in his own hands, not to give the Lord of the Palace of Huadian any chance.

Right now, I ca n’t control that much. Excalibur is in front of me. Let ’s hold the baby in my hands before talking about it. As for how to negotiate with Huayu after getting it, it is a follow-up matter.

"Brother Fuxi is slow. Since it is my disciple, it is more appropriate for me to take the shot myself, oh !!!!!!!!!"

Seeing that the Lord of the Fuxi Palace obviously wanted to own the weapon of the magic weapon, the Lord of the Huaxi Palace was really anxious at the moment, but he did n’t want to think about it. He just stomped his feet and the whole person almost turned into A light, however, was also swept towards Yuan Feng.

At this moment, the two of them depend on who is faster, and the faster one is able to control Yuan Feng in their own hands. From now on, they can use the magic weapon to become the Ziyun Palace. Of overlords.

The speed of the demigod strong is extremely fast, and at this moment the two are doing their best, and that speed is definitely much faster than when they were the fastest.

The faces of the two were somewhat distorted. At this moment, they were both staring closely at Yuan Feng, who stood on the opposite side of the sword. The light in his eyes almost melted Yuan Feng.

"This, this ......... there is still a fight, really treat me as a cricket with no power to fight !!!"

When the two strong players shot, Yuan Feng couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth, but felt something weird under his heart. Originally, he had already prepared for one enemy and two, but he did not expect that the two guys had to fight for himself before he could shoot at him.

"Okay, very good. This is simply God help me. The more fierce the two of them are, the more favorable it is for me. It seems that this time, it can be a little harder for them."

Seeing that the two strong players competed against each other, they didn't put him in their eyes at all. Under Yuan Feng's heart, they were almost happy.

There was a hint of panic involuntarily on his face, but in fact, he squeezed the Chixiao sword's hand, but was slightly trembling with excitement.

The two demigods did not give up to each other. Both of them talked to Yuan Feng, and when they approached, their faces were suddenly condensed, and then they were at the same time. Force, but all stayed.

"Come here !!!"

"you are mine!!!!"

The two strong players exerted their strengths at the same time, but they knew that this shot was probably a draw, so they did n’t have to catch Yuan Feng. The two of them tried to grasp the palms of their hands at the same time. , Want to **** Yuan Feng into their hands.

This time it is a test of who is stronger and who has a deeper background. The victor is the one who will receive the exquisite sword in the hands of Yuan Feng and become the invincible person who dominates Ziyun Palace.


The huge suction force caused Yuan Feng's body to fly towards the two uncontrollably, and in his face, at this moment, there was already a look of panic. However, the more terrified he was, the more excited the two strong men were, and they bothered to hold it in their own hands.

The distance between the two sides was not far away, and all the incidents were almost between electric light and flint. In the blink of an eye, Yuan Feng's figure had already reached them.

Seeing Yuan Feng close at hand, and the red-red sword in Yuan Feng's hands, both of them exerted their strength again and vowed to control Yuan Feng in their own hands. As for whether Yuan Feng will fight back, they will not even consider it.

How strong can a small, non-polar person be? Furthermore, even if the opponent really dares to fight back, it is impossible to hurt them with a great increase in strength.

"It's now!!!!"

However, just when the two strong men saw Yuan Feng, and then they were able to take the Chixiao sword as their own, Yuan Feng, who had always been frightened, suddenly flashed his eyes. A bright ray, at the same time, the red-red sword in his hand seemed to suddenly burn, and the light burst into a flash, making people unable to open their eyes.

"Two, try my trick, Optimus !!!!"

"Om !!! Brush !!!!"

Yuan Feng's power has already been working, but it is waiting for this moment to erupt. When he is only one step away from the two demigods, he finally no longer hesitates and raises his hand. , Is to cut a sword at the two.

This is a sword that condenses his ten percent strength. When this sword comes out, the entire palace is filled with a horrible atmosphere at the same time. At the same time, the hall looks like an earthquake. In general, it shook violently.

"What? No !!!!"

All of the minds of the two demigods are on each other's body. They never thought that Yuan Feng would fight back, and even more never thought that Yuan Feng had hidden strength! !! !!

Feeling that they are not weaker than their terrorist power and momentum, they know that this time, these two super powerful people, I am afraid they are caught in the calculations of others!


Almost at the same time, both of them wanted to evacuate quickly, and never dared to think about any magic weapon, because at this moment, they felt a breath of death.

"Huh, I want to run and dream at this time !!! Open it to me !!!"

Seeing that the two powerful men suddenly made a force, but they wanted to avoid their own attacks, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile coldly. When he thought about it, he suddenly made a force, but he made the power of this sword even more powerful. Incomparable.

At such a close distance, in front of a terrible superpower like Yuan Feng, no matter how strong Huayin and Fuxi are, they cannot escape at all. At the critical moment, they are both souls. Damn, regretful death.

"Well !!!!!!"

With two muffled sounds, Jianfeng cut by Yuan Feng was finally cut to the two demigods, but these two are not ordinary people. At the critical moment, they used their own. The strength of his body is actually embarrassing. He gave up his upper body, but left his legs to Yuan Feng.

"Ah !!!!!! Ah !!!!!!"

With the muffled sound, two screams of screaming and anger screamed into Yuan Feng's ears at the same time. At the same time, Yuan Feng saw with open eyes that the two strong men, the four legs, were all the victims His sword was cut down, and instantly, Yin Hong's blood was like a gushing tide, but it looked so gorgeous.

"Do not!!!!"

Legs were severed, no matter whether it was Huaying or Fuxi, obviously they couldn't believe it was true. However, at this time, they had no time to think about it. Although their legs were broken, the demigod strong was The demigods were strong. When they were in shape, they quickly distanced themselves from Yuan Feng, and then looked at Yuan Feng with an angry look, as if they were going to swallow each other.

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