The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 1989: Demigod War (two more)

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Chapter 189: The Battle of Demigods

The main body of the Eight Diagrams Hall was under the pressure of Fu Xi, and was eventually forced by the eight strong men. When he saw the Eight Great Halls, the Lord of the Eight Diagrams Hall originally had a lot to say, but until the Lord of the One Yuan Palace At the end of the split-day's remarks, all the excuses in his stomach were all ruthlessly choked back.

Speaking of it, the master of the Yuan Temple is always a relatively peaceful person. In Fuxi's heart, letting the heaven say a few words should help him.

However, what he did not expect was that the words of the Master of the Heavenly Heaven Palace were simply a verbal verbal remark against him, and he elevated himself to a level of righteousness. In short, after the words of the Heavenly Heaven were finished, he was true Have nothing to say.

When all the masters of the palace have spoken, and they want to do something with themselves, Fuxi knows that he is really going to be scrapped this time. At least, he wants to continue practicing in the Ziyun Palace as before, I am afraid it is not It's so possible!

"Ha ha ha ha, okay, okay, even the Lord of the Heavenly Temple, which was fair and just in the past, has become so unreasonable today. Today, I admit it to Fuxi."

Watching everyone around him pointing and pointing at himself, Fuxi's chest was violently undulating for a while, but in the end, he took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his chest, and then laughed loudly. Up.

Today's incident has come to an end, and he has nothing to say, because he knows that these guys ran over with enthusiasm today, just to blame him for his teacher, and any excuse is obviously impossible for several people to return.

To put it plainly, his mistake this time was to find a very reasonable excuse for everyone, and with this excuse, they would be able to hit him in a fair and straightforward manner.

"Fu Xi, if a few of us shot together, I am afraid you will feel dissatisfied. I have traveled several times on behalf of Ziyun Palace before I split the sky. I think that ’s it. You fight with me. If you win, We can let you go. From now on, everyone will go their own way. It can be said that the well water does not violate the river water, but if you lose, you must listen to everyone's disposal. You are convinced of such a decision? "

Seeing Fuxi Yangtian screaming, the Eighth Palace Lord did not have any movement. During his speech, the Lord of the One Yuan Palace cracked the sky and stood up again, facing the other side indifferently.

He had already felt the strong weakness in Fuxi's body. Although he didn't know what was going on, he was sure that Fuxi must have been injured, and that he had strength against an injured Fuxi. Isn't he the one who captures?

"Hey, do I have any choices until now? But Brother Xi, everyone knows that my Fuxi is the best at Xuan Zhen. Now that you want to fight with me, can you let me set up a Xuan Zhen? come out?"

Fuxi did not want to do anything with Shitian. Among the ten main halls of the Ziyun Palace, the strength of the master of the heavenly palace has always been one that everyone has to admire, and even him, he really did n’t know about it. How strong is Heaven's strength.

Right now, his injury hasn't recovered yet. At this time, he will fight against Split Sky, and there is basically no chance of victory!

So, if he can, he naturally hopes to add some winning chips to himself.

"Oh, Lord Fuxi, are you joking with everyone? Array? At this time, do you still have this extravagant hope? Hurry up, fight or not fight, if we don't agree, then we can be together Come on. "

"That is, you, a traitor, have sympathy with you, this gives you a chance, you don't have to go in."

Hearing Fu Xi's request for formation, the people present couldn't help sneering, but it was impossible to answer the party's request. Speaking of them, who knows how Fuxi's Xuanzhen method is very powerful, and it is impossible for the other party to set up an array.

"Brother Fuxi, your request, even if I want to agree, everyone will not agree, well, don't waste time, the environment here is good, I think we will solve it here!"

Of course, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple will not agree with the opponent to use Xuanzhen. Although he has the confidence to defeat Fuxi, he does not have the confidence to defeat Fuxi with the help of Xuanzhen.

Xuan Zhen is vast and profound, among which there are endless changes. If he is really caught in Xuan Zhen, God knows whether he will be calculated by the other party. You know, Fuxi, the master of the Eight Diagrams Palace, is well-known for his tricks.

"Hey, that's all. In that case, I'll fight this life today and deal with you." Hearing his request was rejected, Fuxi could not help but sigh, he knew that his request was indeed some After that, he just believes that if he changed the previous split sky, it is entirely possible to agree to his request. It can only be said that even today, even the Lord of the Yuan Temple, the split sky is completely complete. Changed.

In any case, one-on-one fighting alone is better than being beaten by several people on the other side. Although these people have contact on weekdays, once they are desperate, no one will treat him as himself. of. And one-on-one, at least he still has the possibility to escape.

"Everyone, please take a look around and witness this battle between the Lord of the Temple and Brother Fuxi. Also, I hope that everyone will step in. This battle will be settled on a one-to-one basis with Brother Fuxi. ! "

When Fuxi agreed, the Lord of the Heavenly Temple could not help but arched his hands at the rest of the people, but was very serious and authentic. Of course, although his words sound like meaning, but in fact, he is clearly reminding everyone that you must be careful, not to let Fuxi have the opportunity to escape from the Ziyun Palace.

"Oh, rest assured, even though the Lord of the Heavenly Temple is fighting with us, we will be on your side."

"Yes, yes, even though Brother Tiantian has let go of his fight, he has taught us this despicable fellow."

"Be careful, Brother Shitian, don't let this scheming guy hurt you."

Regarding the reminder of the Master of the Heavenly Temple, everyone was fully aware of it. During the conversation, the people dispersed, but they just surrounded a circle and surrounded the two directly. In this way, even if Fu Xi wanted Escaping is not that easy.

"It's really a must to kill !!!!"

After seeing the main halls of several halls surrounded by a circle, surrounded himself and the split sky, Fuxi's heart could not help sinking again, and his heart could not help being filled with anger.

"Brother Fuxi, everyone brother, don't say I won't give you a chance, you go ahead !!!"

In the split-day period, he didn't give the other party a chance to say more. When he raised his hand, he made a gesture of please.

"Is it a brother? This kind of nonsense, don't say it well. Speaking, it's nothing more than disgusting, let me die !!!"


The more Shi Tian said so, the more Fu Xi felt angry. If these people really took him as a brother, they would not treat him like they do now. He was so angry.

As soon as he raised his hand, a stunned lance appeared in his hand. Without a word, he shook his lance and went straight to the Lord of the Heavenly Temple to kill him.

"Well !!!!!!"

The dark spear was obviously blessed by the mysterious array. The power was almost shocking. As the spear was killed, a silver angry dragon directly tore the surrounding space, but it was the split sky in an instant. Near now.

He is not good at spiritual soldiers, and this gun is an application method of his mysterious formation. Only with this spiritual soldier can he use his mysterious formation methods more and better.

The injury was not false, but today, he must not let other people see that he was injured, otherwise, these people might really rush together. By then, I am afraid that he will not even have the chance to escape.

"Eh? Good means, it seems that I really can't look down on you, kill !!!"

The Master of the Heavenly Temple did not dare to underestimate Fuxi. Although he felt the other party was injured, even the tiger without teeth had tiger claws and tigertails, not to mention the Fuxi Temple Lord, But it is more dangerous than a tiger.


I don't know when a golden long sword was added in the hand, and in the flash of the sword light, a shocking sword mang was cut out, but it was just facing the silver dragon of Fuxi.


Jianmang and Yinlong collided together. Suddenly, a horrible wave of energy escaped suddenly. At this time, if a person with insufficient repair stood near, I'm afraid it would be lifted off at once, or She was directly killed by the shock.

"Puff puff!!!!"

"Brush !!!!"

After a fight, the two were reluctant to give up each other, almost no hesitation for half a second, the two were fighting in one place, and basically they could not see their bodies.

All the people present were very devoted. Of course, we are more optimistic about the battle of these two people. After all, the position of the Master of the Heavenly Temple in the Ziyun Palace was recognized by everyone.

"Well, this Fuxi is really not bad. The demigod has three turns, but it is really not low. However, it seems that the cultivation of the master of the split heaven palace is more than three demigods?"

"That's natural. The Master of the Heavenly Temple was originally an old demigod powerhouse. Now it is estimated that at least it must be restored to the state of four turns! There should be no suspense in this battle."

"There is no suspense of winning or losing, but it is not easy to say whether Fuxi can be killed or captured."

"Be careful, don't let this Fuxi have a chance to escape."

Everyone was afraid to take it easy at this moment. Everyone was running their own power at all times. Beware of Fuxi seizing the opportunity to escape.

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