The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2007: Research (1)

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Chapter 2007 Research (1)

For so many years in the practice of the mysterious formation, the fairy fairy thinks that her knowledge is quite broad, but at this moment, she always feels that she is well-informed, but she is really surprised by the scene in front of her. Said to be scared.

The mysterious array she just took out was just a few days of research before she rationalized it and reached the point where it could be arranged. However, at this moment, the same Xuanzhen, her disciples, arranged it in minutes, and she seemed to have seen the most incredible thing in a matter of minutes. It is difficult to return to God.

Her disciple's level of mystery is better than anyone else's, except that what is happening in front of her is obviously not fake. She really doesn't know how to understand it.

"This, how is this possible? Is there a mysterious situation in this world?"

In just one month, she couldn't think of how this disciple cultivated the Xuanzhen technique to such a state. In her thought, unless someone instilled the Xuanzhen technique into the mind of Baihua Fairy through initiation However, she has never heard of such a method.

I looked at my disciple for a while and looked at the mysterious array in front of her for a while. She really didn't know what to say at this moment, and at one point she was very clear. At this moment, her own disciple was in mysterious array. Above all, she seems to have surpassed her as a master!

It's hard to say what it's like to be surpassed by your own disciples, but it's definitely not good. There is no way. If Baixian Fairy's Xuanzhen skills are taught by her, then the other person surpasses her. It can be said that the blue is better than the blue, but the opponent's Xuanzhen skills are not her true biography.

"Master, what is the arrangement of this mysterious array of disciples?"

The Baihua Fairy didn't think so much. To be honest, she didn't really think how difficult this Master Xuan array she brought out from her Master. When she wanted to come, this should be just a very simple Xuan array!

This is the difference after going up to the realm. A super genius does not think there is anything worth showing off after taking a hundred points, but now the hundred flower fairy does not know that he has become a super genius.

"Yu, apprentice, tell me about Yuan Feng. What do you know about him? Tell me all you know and what you can tell."

With a sigh, Wanling Fairy did not evaluate the mysterious array set by her disciple, because now she has no qualifications for evaluation.

Right now, what she was most curious about was how Yuan Feng had used her disciple to cultivate Xuanzhen skills to such a terrible state within a month. Of course, if she can, she would really like to ask Yuan Feng for advice. After all, she is also very passionate about the Xuanzhen way.

"Master Yuanfeng? The disciples don't know much about him, but since Master asked him, that disciple would like to talk to Master."

She raised her eyebrows, and the fairy of the hundred flowers did not expect that her master was also interested in Yuan Feng. However, she had nothing to say about Yuan Feng, and she also hoped that Yuan Feng's talent would be more Is presented in front of everyone, so as not to be buried.

After figuring this out, she sorted it out, and then from the first time Yuan Feng strayed into Wan Ling Yuan, she explained what she knew about Yuan Feng and her views on Yuan Feng. Come out.

As a matter of fact, her understanding of Yuan Feng was completely incomplete, but in her heart, she had already deified Yuan Feng. When she wanted to come, what Yuan Feng showed was definitely not his whole .

The teacher and apprentice talked about Yuan Feng in such a curious way, and at this moment, the object they were talking about at this moment had left the scope of the Ziyun Palace and came to an inaccessible ancient dense forest. .

For Yuan Feng, everything in the Ziyun Palace can be brought to an end right now. From his various understandings, it can be seen that in the Ziyun Palace, there is currently no way to help him achieve the demigod state. Maybe, If the original shrine was not destroyed, he could study it.

And since Ziyun Palace has nothing to help him, it is obviously a waste of time to stay there. It is better to go outside to find some opportunities for breakthroughs. After the breakthrough has reached the demi-god realm, go back to the master of the Liuhe Temple Hua Hua. trouble.

Having said that, he got the blue sky crystal in the Ziyun Palace, which is a huge gain for him. After all, that thing is used to impact the demigod, but it has more energy than spar. Much more precious.

The figure descended into a precarious cave, and Yuan Feng made a slight arrangement, then sat down quietly and let himself breathe in.

"Yu, this trip to the Ziyun Palace, but it is possible to draw a period. Before there is no promotion to the semi-god realm, there is no way to go back. I just do n’t know when will I be promoted to the semi-god realm. . "

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng is really a little bit bottomless about his demigod. Although faint, he can also feel that today's delusional realm is suitable for breakthrough, but his situation is different from others, after all, demigod For him, the situation is really a difficult gulf.

"Fortunately, this time I got the blue sky dome in Ziyun Palace. With this stone, my success rate in impacting the demigod was more than a few times larger. It seems that God still cares for me of."

With a break in his mind, the octagonal spar obtained from the big-headed beast suddenly appeared in his hand, and holding the spar, a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, I don't know where I got these babies. If I can get a lot of these babies, why don't I get half-god?"

He can feel that although this blue sky dome will be very effective in impacting the demigod, the current blue sky dome seems to be a little less. If there is a sufficient amount, then he really has the confidence to impact the half Divine Realm.

"Well? Wait, I seem to ignore something !!!"

Playing with the octagonal spar in his hand, Yuan Feng suddenly realized a problem. It seems that he seems to be running out of money. Although the spar in front of him is extremely precious, it seems that the owner of this spar should provide him with this spar. More valuable!

"Ha, I forgot the big piece. Since it can get such a super spar, I must know where I want to get it. If I can find the veins of this spar, what? Isn't it possible to reach the demigod? "

At the moment, Yuan Feng finally knew what he should do now.

"It seems that the next time, it is necessary to make a good relationship with that big guy. I just don't know if it can tell me where I can get the blue sky."

He also has rich experience in dealing with Warcraft. Therefore, he is not very worried about the big man's mismatch. What he needs to care about right now is whether the blue sky is where he can touch.

"Well, this guy's recovery is quite fast. It won't take long to think about it, and he should be able to return to the state of demigod. Don't disturb him now."

The mind sank into the physical world, Yuan Feng found that the Linjia Beast was recovering its strength at this moment, but the distance was restored to the semi-god realm. I am afraid that it will take a while.

His physical world is very safe, and it is naturally the most secure for the other party to practice and recover there. He has a lot of spar energy on his body, and he is not worried that the other party will not have energy to replenish when he recovers to the demigod state. .

"It looks like there is one more thing to do right now. When I'm done with this, I can almost return to the state of demigod if I want to be big!"

Withdrawing his mind, Yuan Feng realized that he was not left with nothing to do at the moment, at least he had to liberate his devouring Wuling spirit.

I used to control a stone puppet in the Yuanyuan Hall, but he could only control it after he swallowed the sky martial spirit. Now that he has got free, he has to study it and see how to make the stone puppet completely. control.

"Come out!!!!"

As soon as my mind moved, the tall stone maggot appeared before his eyes, and the big guy at this moment was still like a stone because of the imprisonment of swallowing martial arts, and he could not see a demigod at all. Realm's fetish.

"Well, a stone 傀儡 with meridians and nerves is like a real living person. I really don't know what kind of monster the person who created this thing is."

By swallowing the martial arts spirit, he can see everything inside the stone puppet, and the more he looks at it, the more shocked his heart becomes.

In general, this stone urn basically has all the most important things of a warrior. If you give this guy a real meat sac, then this guy will really become a living person.

"It seems that it will take some time this time. Such an intricate neural network, I want to control it without the help of external forces, it is bound to be difficult."

Such a stone urn, there must be an introduction to control it. If you want to come to this introduction, it should be on the body of the cracking sky.

"Come on slowly, anyway, I have the help of the martial arts, and slowly sort out, I will be able to find a way to control it, and when I can control this thing, it is really an unimaginable Great help !!! "

With his eyes narrowed, Yuan Feng no longer hesitated. When his heart sank, he began to study the stone.

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