The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2010: Fascinated (four more)

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Chapter two thousand and ten tenths of the heart (four more)

When the three words of the beast **** world heard in his ears, Yuan Feng was also shocked, but his heart began to become active.

He did n’t hear the name of the beast **** world once or twice. As for the so-called beast **** world, he knew that it should be a world with many World of Warcraft, and there were many, many advanced World of Warcraft, otherwise Will not be named after the beast **** world.

How dare it be an ordinary world if you dare to live by God?

At this moment, the name of the beast **** world was heard from Dai Jin's mouth, which obviously had an extraordinary meaning to him.

"Daikin, are the two of us friends?"

For the time being, the shock in his heart was suppressed, but Yuan Feng suddenly took a positive look, and then asked Daikin.

"We rarely make friends with ordinary people, but you kid rescued me from the magic cave. Before, I did not hesitate to spend so much energy spar to complete my impact on the demigod. These favors are all this seat Nothing is reported, so of course you are a friend of this seat. "

Hearing Yuan Feng's question, Daikin had a complete look, but it was extremely solemn and authentic. Warcraft is not very willing to deal with human warriors. In their view, human warriors are really cunning and dealing with human warriors. Maybe they will be calculated by the other party.

However, Yuan Feng in front of her is definitely different. The other party not only saved her life, but never had any intentions about it. Such a person is naturally worthy of it.

"Well, since we are friends, then as a friend, I want to ask you, but you are from the beast **** world?"

He is really curious about the beast **** world. The world without wandering is so big. He has never heard of Warcraft everywhere. Obviously, this so-called beast **** world must be in one place. In a world that is hard to imagine, such a place may be parallel to the boundless world.

In addition, Shicai Daikin is also guessing that his Warcraft companion Dahei is likely to have gone to the beast **** world. If that is the case, then he can have a place to look for Dahei!

"Yu, boy, since I treat you as a friend, then there is really nothing to hide from some things, yes, I did come out of the beast **** world."

Exhaling lightly, Daikin knew that he really shouldn't conceal Yuanfeng any more. When he just left Ziyun Palace with Yuan Feng, he still had such a bit of jealousy and suspicion about Yuan Feng. After all, the other party put it into the physical world, which just made him have no resistance at all. Already.

Later, Yuan Feng not only helped it to return to the demigod, but also released it from the physical world very naturally. At this point, he no longer doubts Yuan Feng anymore.

"Sure enough, beast **** world, there is really such a world in this world !!!"

After getting a response from Daikin, Yuan Feng couldn't help but punch his fist, but his heart was looking forward to it. Before that, he had only heard the name of the beast **** world, but he had never really seen the World of Warcraft in the beast **** world. Right now, these words come out from Dai Jin's mouth, and it looks like there is really nothing to doubt.

Right now it can be confirmed that the beast **** world really exists, and since there is such a world, it is very likely that Dahei has gone to this world.

"Daikin, if it's convenient, I don't know if you can tell me about this beast **** world? Also, you just guessed that my Warcraft companion has gone to the beast **** world. I don't know if there is any basis for this?"

Although he is very clear that this kind of thing, I am afraid that Daikin will be very difficult, but if he is not asked to understand, he will never be willing.

"This ............... Always, it's time to do this anyway, I can't say whether I can return to the beast **** world. In this case, I'll tell you."

After hearing Yuan Feng's inquiries about these situations, Daikin could not help but shake her head. After a little hesitation, it was already decided.

"Boy, the beast **** world is nothing more than a space world. To put it plainly, it is no different from the world of no delusion, but in the beast **** world, there are basically not many human warriors. There is Warcraft everywhere, like no delusion. Dachengchi of the world, when it came to the world of beast gods, all of them turned into mountains, forests and mountains. "

Da Jin used his mouth to direct the way, but in a few words, Yuan Feng understood the existence form of the beast **** world.

It can be heard that the beast **** world and the arrogant world can be said to be nothing but a vast and boundless world. However, the human world has huge cities, but the mountains and forests inhabited by Warcraft are less. In the world of beast gods, it is estimated that there are more mountains and mountains, and human cities are hard to see.

In other words, in the world of human warriors, human beings are the masters, and World of Warcraft can only be a vassal of human beings, even human prey. In the beast **** world, such a situation is naturally the other way round.

"It turns out that, it seems that the so-called beast-god realm should be another world without delusion, except that the master of that world is not a human warrior."

Yuan Feng's mind turned fast, but he immediately understood the meaning of the animal **** world. From now on, he heard the name of the animal **** world, at least he knew what kind of world it was.

"As for what you asked, why would I say that your Warcraft companion might have gone to the Beast God Realm, naturally it also has my reasons. Speaking of them, the Beast God Realm sent a lot of strong men to walk in the Wonder Realm. , As well as the middle world and the original world under the control of the delusional realm, and the purpose of these strong men is to find that the talented Warcraft is brought back to practice, if your Warcraft partner is really strong, then probably Nine was brought back to the beast **** world. "

The strong in the beast **** world is widely distributed and has a large range of walks. Just like it, it has been to the middle world and the existence of the initial world. Unfortunately, it has not been found for so many years. A decent Warcraft, let it be brought back to the beast **** world to cultivate.

"You mean, in the world of no delusion and the middle world below, there are many strong beast gods hiding in it? And waiting for the opportunity to take away the talented Warcraft to go to the beast **** world to practice?"

Yuan Feng has figured out the situation, and for a long time, it turned out that the Beast God Realm still has this kind of business. At this moment, he was more and more aware of the fact that Da Hei was brought to the Beast God Realm. Believe it.

"It can be said that the beast **** world sent a large number of powerful men to Wulei Realm, the purpose was to bring back a lot of powerful and powerful Warcraft, and a demigod like me, I am afraid that there are too many Thousands. "

Nodded, Daikin was unusually calm.

The beast **** world did send a lot of strong people scattered, and the demigod was definitely the strongest, and in addition to the demigod, there were a lot of weaker ones, but those were not yet transformed, spiritual wisdom. It's not enough at all, many of them have forgotten that they came out from the beast **** world, but there are all kinds of situations.

In short, the beast-god realm relies on these deformed demigods of World of Warcraft. Want to come to the different talented Warcraft, only they can find them and bring them back to the beast-god realm. .

Of course, these demigods of World of Warcraft wander in the human world. They are very low-key at all times, but they will never easily disturb human warriors, and they will not easily make any big movements. In this way, the super strong among the human warriors will not find their existence.

"That's the case, it's the case, at this point, I finally understand everything."

At this moment, Yuan Feng was able to sort out the ins and outs of the matter thoroughly, and at the moment, he is becoming more and more curious and yearning for the so-called beast-god realm.

A supernatural beast like Dahei, of course, can be said to be a truly talented World of Warcraft. At the time, Daheixiu was a breakthrough. He believed that the other party must have been taken away by the beast gods. Otherwise, it should not be He couldn't find any clues.

"Daikin, if I didn't guess wrong, my Warcraft companion Dahei, I'm afraid it was really brought back to the beast **** world by your beast **** world of warcraft !!!"

Looking at the opposite Jin, Yun Feng could not help exhaling, and then whispered softly.

"It's not impossible, but if your Warcraft companion really entered the beast **** world, then this is not only its blessing, but also the blessing of the entire beast **** world. You won't understand that a talented supernatural super What kind of meaning does the divine beast have for the vain world? "

Of course, he also hoped that the friend of Warcraft that Yuan Feng said was taken away by the beast **** world. In that case, the beast **** world would have an extra super beast, and once such a super beast can grow up, it is definitely not an ordinary person. Conceivable.

The beast **** world does not lack demigods like them, but once they transcend their demigods, it will be very rare. Therefore, a Warcraft with an extra divine realm is absolutely absolute. Super big event.

"Is blessing? Yu, maybe it is, but such blessings are not necessary to say."

Shaking his head, Yuan Feng did not feel that Dahei had any blessings. Speaking of which, he would rather have been in harmony with Dahei, but he did not want Dahei to be brought to any beast-god realm. At least, if Dahei did not voluntarily go to the beast **** world with those guys, he would make the beast **** world guys who had **** each other pay a price.

"Daikin, I'm going to the beast **** world. Can you think of a way for me?"

When his face was positive, Yuan Feng suddenly said to Dai Jin. In the beast **** world, he has to take a trip. Perhaps, there should be the place where he and Daheijiu will never meet again, maybe it will be the place where he achieved the demigod.

"Uh, this ........."

However, when he heard Yuan Feng's words, Daikin's face was a little embarrassed, but for a while he didn't know how to answer Yuan Feng.

ps: Brothers and sisters, looking at the middle of the month, Xiaoyan did not fall into this set this month? Work during the day and code at night, begging everyone for their support, thank you! !! !!

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