The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2015: Sorrowful love? (One more)

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Chapter 2015: Enduring Love? (One more)

Yuan Feng didn't forget to make a joke about Dai Jin, but he used money to measure the value of Xiao Ba, and in this regard, the other Da Jin, apart from fiercely pulling the corners of his mouth, was speechless at all.

If the existence of Xiao Jin is to make Dai Jin want to bring him back to the beast **** world anyway, then it is really a little confused about the existence of Xiao Ba.

Obviously, the value of Xiaoba cannot be compared with Xiaojin. The transcendent existence of wireless production of World of Warcraft is absolutely frightening no matter where it is placed, especially it can be seen that Xiao The eight-year-old Warcraft is only one grade weaker than its own repair. What this means is clearer in its heart.

The current little eight is the power of the infinite state, which is a World of Warcraft that can produce yin and yang indefinitely. If Xiao eight is promoted to the semi-god realm, wouldn't it be possible to infinitely produce the infinite world of warcraft? Imagine giving it eight or more years and giving it enough energy supply, then it can produce a group of brave and fearless troops.

It may be that the thousands of Promise World of Warcraft are difficult to pose a great threat to the demigod Warcraft, but if there are millions and millions of Promise World of Warcraft, even the strongest demigod power can only be It was piled alive.

Therefore, Xiao Ba's ability is truly incomparable, whether it is placed in the human world or the beast **** world, it can make people scared.

"How about, Daikin, what do you think of Xiao Ba's ability? Is he qualified to enter your animal and **** world to practice?"

Seeing that Daikin's complexion changed, the whole person's body had a kind of unstable atmosphere, Yuan Feng couldn't help but smile a little, and said to Joking like a joke.

He is very clear that Da Jin's ability has absolutely shocked Da Jin, but he can also see that Da Jin, the opposite Da Jin, is obviously very frightened, but he doesn't know what the other party is thinking about. !!

"Yu, boy, I have to say that you are the most terrifying human warrior I have ever seen. Aside from nothing else, just your one of Warcraft companions will make you the dreaded animal kingdom. Object. "

Taking a deep breath, Daikin made himself try to calm down, but the thought of Xiao Ba's magical power made it difficult for him to completely calm down.

"Ha, Xiaoba and I are very ordinary beings. If you want to jealous the whole animal **** world, it seems to be a bit exaggerated, right?"

Hearing Daikin's words, Yuan Feng could not help raising an eyebrow, but he could hear the meaning of the other party's words. If you think about it, Xiao Ba can produce Warcraft indefinitely. The prerequisite is only to have enough energy. If it is really provided with enough energy, it can almost affect a big world by itself.

If Xiao Ba had been promoted to the semi-god realm and produced hundreds of millions of Promise World of Warcraft by then, even a force like Ziyun Palace could basically be razed to the ground in minutes.

You know, these eight World of Warcraft produced by Xiaoba are all unconditionally obeying the will of Xiaoba. As long as Xiaoba orders, they will directly explode, and hundreds of millions of Promise World of Warcraft will explode and destroy. A few middle worlds are just as easy.

Therefore, he was very agreeable with Daikin's statement.

"Exaggeration is not exaggerated. I want to come to your heart if you want to come. In my heart, your treasure hunting beast companion, I am wholeheartedly trying to bring it back to the animal **** world to practice. I dare not take it back. "

A small World of Warcraft, once it grows into a demigod Warcraft, it is difficult for any group to suppress. Therefore, if it is brought back to the beast **** world, the impact on the beast **** world is really inestimable. If the turbulence of the beast **** world really occurs because of the joining of Xiaoba, then it will become a sinner in the beast **** world.

Not only does it not take Xiaoba back, even if other Warcraft want to take Xiaoba to the Beast God Realm, it will never agree. After all, as a member of the Beast God Realm, it really does not want the Beast God The world has changed too much.


When Dai Jin's voice dropped, Yuan Feng shook his head and understood Da Jin's meaning. However, when he heard that the other party didn't dare to take Xiao Ba back, he felt a sense of overwhelming.

He originally thought that after the other party saw Xiao Ya, he would definitely try his best to bring him back to the beast **** world. After a long time of trouble, Xiao Ya's level seemed to be a little overdone, but he had reached the point where he was afraid to take it back. .

"Hey, it's nothing. It seems that Xiao Ba's ability is really a little too bad, but I said Daikin, you dare not take Xiao Ba back, it's just that you don't want to take responsibility for yourself. In fact, , After Xiao Ba has been promoted to the semi-god realm, it is estimated that it will definitely go there.

At this moment, Yuan Feng has become a bit indifferent. Now that I know the existence of the Beast God Realm, and I have heard news about Beast God Mountain from Daikin, then one day, he and Xiao Ba will surely Entering the beast **** world.

Of course, these are only the worst plans. In fact, of course, there are other ways that he can find the place of the beast **** world without too much effort.

"Hey, boy, you do n’t need to provoke me, no matter what you say, I wo n’t bring it to the beast **** world yourself, but if it goes by itself, then follow me It doesn't matter. "

Daikin is not fooled. In any case, it will never have too much intersection with Xiaoba. Otherwise, it may really become a sinner in the beast **** world in the future.

"Boy, I'm optimistic about your treasure hunter friend, let's talk, how can you let it go with me? As long as you let it go back to the beast **** world, what are the conditions, you can just mention it."

It is still an inevitable attitude towards the Jinmao, but it would rather pay some price for it.

"This one………………"

Hearing that Dai Jin mentioned Xiao Jin again, Yuan Feng's brows frowned again, and her face was full of thought.

"Also, as you said, if I want to be good for Xiao Jin, then I should let it develop better. In that case, I will give it to you and let you take it back to the beast **** world. "

After thinking for a long time, Yuan Feng finally agreed to give Xiao Jin to the other party. As for the reason for this, of course, only he knew it.

"Really? You, do you really agree to give me the little guy?"

Hearing that Yuan Feng really agreed, Da Jin's face was full of excitement, but he could not wait to hold Xiao Jin in his hand and put it into his own body world.

"Don't be too happy first, you will bring Xiaojin back. I can agree with this, but there are two conditions, you must agree to me, otherwise I will not let Xiaojin bring you back."

He waved his hand, Yuan Feng motioned to the other side to be a little calm, but he didn't mention the conditions!

"What conditions? You say, as long as I can do it, I will do my best !!!"

As long as Yuan Feng is willing to give Xiao Jin to him, then no matter what the conditions, it can promise to Yuan Feng. Of course, the premise is that he can do the master himself, and hopefully.

"It's very simple. First, if you take Xiaojin to the Beast God Realm, then you must guarantee it the opportunity to impact the semi-god realm. I believe that in your Beast God Realm, there must be a way to enhance the qualifications and potential of Warcraft I just hope that you can find a way to provide it with such an opportunity. As for it can be promoted to demigod, this does not require your guarantee. "

Xiao Jin is his Warcraft companion. Of course, he really hopes that the other party will grow to a stronger state. If this little guy can be promoted to demigod, then its value is really hard to imagine.

Of course, if he is allowed to help Xiaojin to advance to the demigod, his confidence is really not enough. After all, even his demigod state has no clue until now!

"Okay, I can promise you this, I will fight for a chance to impact the demigod, and it is definitely a rare opportunity. As for whether it can be successfully promoted, I really cannot guarantee this, nor can I make this guarantee. . "

Yuan Feng's condition doesn't sound excessive, and even if Yuan Feng doesn't say it, he will find a way for Xiao Jin to find a chance to impact the demigod. After all, only the treasure hunter who has reached the demigod In order to maximize the ability of treasure hunting, and the return at that time is simply incalculable.

"Very well, your promise, I believe, as for this second condition, it feels a bit ashamed to say it. I hope you will help me collect some blue sky crystals after returning to Xiaojin with Xiaojin, of course. This matter can be done within our means. If there is no way to do it, then I will have said nothing. "

The blue sky dome is the best choice he can understand to impact the demigod. The point that Daikin gave him is obviously not enough. If he can, he certainly hopes to get more blue sky domes. .

"This ......... boy, Blue Sky Dome is very precious in the beast **** world. Frankly speaking, I have no confidence in getting Blue Sky Dome, but since you say so, I will think of a way to You pay attention. "

It also readily accepted Yuan Feng's condition, not to mention that Yuan Feng only said so, and did not regard it as a task that must be completed. Therefore, under this condition, it could not say a little bit about the problem.

"Okay, so, from now on, I'm going to bother you to help look after Xiaojin!" After finishing the conditions, Yuan Feng nodded, and when he raised his hand, he called the Jin Mao rat over "Little guy, from now on, you follow him. What it lets you do, you just do well."

The words fell, but he no longer hesitated, and between shaking his hands, he threw Xiao Jin into Dai Jin's hands.

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