The Domination of Martial Spirit

Chapter 2017: Like a shadow (three more)

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Chapter 2017 Like A Shadow Follows The Third Part

This is a reckless and ancient jungle. It can be seen that it should be a place with few traces, and the harsh environment is indeed not suitable for the survival of human warriors or Warcraft.

At one moment, in a space above the jungle, dark cracks suddenly appeared, and then a figure of a middle-aged man flew out of the cracks in the space.

"Yu, almost, I have been flying continuously for more than ten days. At this moment, I was far away from what Ziyun Palace, but the kid who wanted to come should not follow me. Come here? "

His body flickered out of the cracks in the space. At this moment, Dai Jin couldn't help but have a pale pale face.

After separating from Yuan Feng, he kept on the road non-stop, and for a whole dozen days, he didn't even have a break.

The reason why this is so hard is because one wants to return to the beast **** world sooner. Second, naturally, he is worried that Yuan Feng will catch up.

Yuan Feng really wants to go to the beast **** world. This is clearer than anyone else, so he must ensure that Yuan Feng does not follow it. And for so many years of rushing, it believes that even if Yuan Feng has the ability to pass through the sky, it is absolutely impossible to keep up with it without notice.

The perception of Warcraft is not comparable to that of a human warrior. It believes that as long as Yuan Feng can observe it, then it must be able to observe Yuan Feng, and since this time, it has not felt a trace of Yuan Feng's breath. , Then Yuan Feng should really not keep up.

"It seems that I'm too careful. Speaking of it, even if he really went to the Beast God Mountain with me, he wouldn't be able to get into it, let alone get the entry card into the Beast God world, so even if it is Taking a step back ten thousand, he can't even enter the beast **** world. "

Looking around, it finally shook his head and couldn't help but seem to be feeling that he had done too much trivial.

A human warrior who wants to enter the beast **** realm is not that easy. First of all, the other party must find the connection point between the delusion world and the beast **** realm, the beast **** mountain, and then find a way to mix into the beast **** hill without being The beast **** strongman in the beast **** mountain found that in the end, to enter the beast **** world through the channel of the beast **** hill, it is necessary to enter the boundary card unique to the beast **** world. As long as one of these conditions does not meet, it is impossible to enter. Beast God Realm.

Therefore, even if Yuan Feng really followed him, he was just busy.

"Almost, from today, I will officially go to the Beast God Mountain. I have n’t returned to the Beast God world for so many years, and I do n’t know how my group is going now. Will a new demigod be born? , Will there be members falling? "

He shook his head, but his heart, however, has crossed the endless space and returned to its ethnic group.


Thinking of his own ethnic group, he never hesitated anymore. When he moved, he went straight to the direction of the Beast God Mountain, and this time, it really started to rush.

The Beast God Mountain is not very close to where the Ziyun Palace is located. These days, it is going in the direction of the cheap Beast God Mountain. From here to the Beast God Mountain, I am afraid that it really takes a year and a half to fly. Row. Of course, for a year and a half, such a period of time is not very long for it, and it is completely acceptable.

You know, it has been held in Ziyun Palace for so many years. Compared with that period of time, one year is almost fleeting.

The body flew, and Daikin didn't want to delay even one minute and one second, but this time in a real sense of speed, it was a few points faster than before. It seems that it is iron. I will rush back to the beast **** world soon.

However, no matter how savvy Daikin is, it is impossible to think of it. When it was hurrying, it was a distant place far away from hundreds of millions of miles away. All its movements were held by someone Stay in control!

Here is a quiet mountain forest. Between the mountains, a stream flows slowly, and on a piece of bluestone beside the stream, a young man is sitting there with his knees crossed, his eyes narrowed and his eyes closed.


At one moment, the young man's eyes opened suddenly, but there was a faint smile in his eyes.

"Well, have you finally started to go to your destination? It really persisted for half a month, terrific, terrific !!!"

Yuan Feng's eyes were full of smiles, and Dajin was more and more admired.

In the past half month, he has been watching Daikin ’s actions through Xiaojin. According to the news from Xiaojin, Daikin ’s trajectory is a straight line, which has never changed, but this will However, he felt that the other party had changed direction. Obviously, the other party completely thought that he had lost him, so he started to go to the real destination.

"This guy is full of vigilance, I thought it was that kind of thick line! But unfortunately, such vigilance really has no effect on me !!!"

Daikin's approach admired him, but it also made him understand a lot of truth, that is, no matter how much you believe in a person, you must be prepared.

This process can be tiring, but it is really necessary. Take him as an example. Daikin believes in him, and he also believes in each other, but in fact, shouldn't they still have to fight with each other?

"Orientation to the southeast, okay, if you are taking a detour, then I will go straight. In this way, I can save some time. I just don't know what your destination is. ! "

Daikin took a circle, and he obviously didn't need that. Right now, he just needs to determine the direction the other party wants to go, and then straighten it out. At that time, maybe he can take the other party first and wait for the other party Too!


Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated, and when he was in motion, he flew away in one direction. Speaking of which, Daikin's speed is really good, but if he really wants to compare with him, it is more than a star and a half. The other party's journey is one year. Maybe he can use it in eight or nine months. almost.

He tried to find a way to go to the beast **** world, and he also thought about it in these days.

What is certain is that Dahei is probably in the beast **** realm. In addition, the beast **** realm will help him to impact the blue sky dome of the demigod. These two points are enough to make He went on a trip to the beast **** world.

Anyway, there are two big demigods on the side of Qingwu Palace, plus his avatar sits in town, and there is a super mysterious guardian, not to mention one two demigods, even if there are ten eight, they are also It is impossible to cause much damage to Qingwu Palace, so there is no need for him to worry about it.

In this way, he can be said to have a great reason to go to the beast **** world, without having any worries about what to do, but no need to think about it anymore.

Having said that, he also knows the difficulty of wanting to enter the beast-god realm. It is not difficult to hear from Daikin's words. If he wants to go to the beast-god realm, he seems to have to go to a place called beast-god mountain first, and according to his guess, The so-called beast **** mountain should be the connection channel to the beast **** world, but it is not a channel that everyone can use.

In addition, the so-called entry card in Dai Jin's mouth should also be indispensable. Otherwise, if it is feared, it will be characterized as forcibly breaking into the beast **** realm, and then it may be immediately forced by the beast **** realm. The person found out.

He doesn't have any good solutions to these problems now, but he knows more urgently that he must first reach the so-called beast-god mountain. As for how to enter the beast-god world, maybe there will be a solution there!

Furthermore, even if he could not find a way to enter the beast **** realm, he could first determine the position of the beast **** mountain, and then wait for a while, maybe, after Xiao Jin entered the beast **** realm, he could let Xiao Jin Help out.

In the following time, one person and one beast rushed according to their own plans, but their routes did not intersect at all, so it was impossible for Daikin to know the existence of Yuan Feng.

Yuan Feng has Xiaojin's locator, but he will never release his mind to observe Daikin. Although his mental strength should be a lot stronger than Daikin, the sensing ability of Warcraft still makes him dare not take risks easily.

For Yuan Feng, how did he get the insurance? After all, the initiative is in his hands, and he can play with the other party slowly.

As time goes by, one person and one beast will have a rest time in the next time, especially Daikin. Its power has not recovered, and the high-intensity rush for several days has gradually made him physically weak. Now, if it doesn't rest, it won't know if it can get back to the beast **** world.

When Daikin is resting, Yuan Feng will also take a rest selectively, but he will not rest too long. No matter what, he hopes that he can reach the destination at the same time with the other party, or even arrive at the destination one step before the other party. In this way, the other party will not doubt him more and more.

Day by day quietly slipped away, after Daikin was resting, his speed became more vigorous, and Yuan Feng was full of endurance, but he didn't worry about staying behind, according to his calculations, he and Daikin , Will never get together, but he will lean on each other tightly until he can determine the target position.

A game unfolds between the two strong players, but who can laugh at the end? At the moment, it seems that it is really not easy to determine.

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